Polonia : Libertad para los tres anarquistas de Varsovia [ES, ENG]

Tres anarquistas fueron detenidos por la policía en Varsovia, Polonia, el 23 de mayo del 2016. Las acusaciones son: tenencia de explosivos con la intención de utilizarlos en un coche policial para su incendio. Se les llama terroristas por la policía y los medios de comunicación, a pesar que el incendio provocado no se llevara acabo estas acusaciones son bastantes serias, se enfrentan desde 6 meses hasta 8 años de prisión. Las primeras audiencias de los compañeros tuvieron lugar el 24 de mayo, en la Oficina Fiscal de Distrito, donde se podían observar marcas de torturas en sus cuerpos. El 25 de mayo, durante la sesión de acusación en el tribunal de distrito, se decidió mantenerlos en prisión preventiva durante tres meses (que podría prolongarse de forma automática). Desde entonces, cada uno se encuentran en régimen de aislamiento, se les niega el derecho a comunicarse con sus familiares y durante la primera semana de su detención ninguno de ellos tenía acceso a un abogado.

Los medios de comunicación al servicio del Estado solo reproducen la propaganda de las autoridades. La caza de brujas comenzó, creando la histeria de las masas y la imagen del país amenazado por el terrorismo. De esta manera, las autoridades y sus colaboradores están tratando de justificar la aplicación de la nueva Ley Antiterrorista.
Significativamente, justo antes de la entrada en vigor de la ley, el 10 de mayo, 23 de mayo y 30 de mayo en varias ciudades polacas existieron una serie de falsas alarmas de bomba, lo que conlleva a la evacuación de sitios tales como la redacción de la prensa y la televisión, centros comerciales y bancos.

La ola de represión contra lxs anarquistas va en aumento. El 23 de mayo la policía ha realizado seguimientos a lxs compañerxs de un colectivo de Varsovia implicados en la lucha contra la promoción de la alimentación autoritaria. Desde entonces, el colectivo está constantemente acosado por estos “visitantes” uniformados. En Cracovia, registraron el departamento de una persona, ya que supuestamente administraba un sitio en las redes sociales donde ridiculizaban el accionar de la policía. De acuerdo a la información, en Varsovia se ha multiplicado el hostigamiento a las personas relacionadas con el movimiento anarquista e intentar vigilar los distintos espacios antiautoritarios.

Casi al mismo tiempo, la policía asesina a un hombre llamado Igor Stachowiak en Breslavia. Vano buscar aquí una reacción inmediata de indignación por parte de la multitud de políticos, periodistas, policías y expertos del terrorismo. Pocos periosdistas dan alguna señal, cuando la policía matan a un hombre. Sin embargo, los homicidios policiales son sólo la punta del iceberg. Extorsión, golpizas, la protección ilegal de los intereses de las personas influyentes – todos los años existen 16.000 quejas contra la policía, las autoridades reconocen sólo el 5 por ciento. Como resultado de años de selectividad y omisiones de los medios de comunicación, la policía se siente impune.

La atmósfera de la caza de brujas como campaña contra el movimiento anarquista es una amplia construcción de represión y vigilancia hacia los entornos de esta orientación, que están luchando contra los grupos de interés más influyentes en este país. El movimiento anarquista ha sido activa, entre otros, en lxs grupos de trabajadorxs, inquilinxs, ecologistas, antirracistas y la lucha contra el acaparamiento de tierras. Funciona sin concesiones a favor de la justicia social, contra la opresión de las élites empresariales y políticas. La falta de control social sobre la policía, durante años les permitió utilizar la violencia incontrolada contra las personas que luchan en diversos campos contra el sistema violento.

Lo que necesitamos en este momento es la firme solidaridad ante los próximos ataques contra los detenidos de parte del Estado! El 2 de julio, en Varsovia, se llevará a cabo piquetes en solidaridad con los detenidos. Contamos con acciones solidarias en otras ciudades. También pueden ayudar en la recaudación de fondos para pagar los abogados y apoyar financieramente a los detenidos.

Nosotrxs no seremos intimidadxs!

Libertad para los tres Varsovia y todos los rehenes del Estado!


Free the Warsaw Anarchist Three!

Three anarchists were arrested by police in Warsaw, Poland, 23rd may 2016. The accusations are: possession of explosives and intending to use them by setting police car on fire. They are called terrorists by police and media, despite the fact, that the arson didn’t actually take place This accusations are quite serious- they face from 6 months to 8 years of jail. First hearings of the accused took place at District Prosecutor’s Office on 24th may. Marks of tortures were visible on their bodies. On 25th may, during prosecution session at district court, prosecution decided to hold them in custody for three months (that might be automatically prolonged). Since then, each of the three is detained in isolation, denied the right to communicate with relatives, during the first week of detention none of them had access to a lawyer.

Mass media in the service of the state reproduce authorities propaganda. Witch-hunt begun, creating mass hysteria and the image of the country threaten by terrorism. By doing this, the authorities and their collaborators are trying to justify the implementation of the new Anti-Terror Law. Significantly, just before the entry into force of the Act on 10th May, 23rd May and 30th May in several Polish cities a series of false bomb alarms took place, leading to evacuation of sites such as the editorial office of the press and television, shopping centers, and banks.

The wave of repression against the anarchist environment is rising. Also on May 23rd the police four times haunted one of Warsaw’s collectives involved in combating the developer and the struggle for the food sovereignty. Since then, the collective is constantly harassed by uniformed visitors. In Krakow, they searched the apartment and questioned a person who have set up a social media site ridiculing inflated police accusations. In Warsaw information multiply about police bothering people associated with the movement, and attempting surveillance of places that are important for the environment.

Almost at the same time a police murder of Igor from Wroclaw took place No way to find there an immediate response and outrage of the multitude of politicians, journalists, police officers and terrorism experts. Almost no journalist will even sigh, when cops kill a man. Yet police killings are only the tip of the iceberg. Extortion, beatings, unlawful protection of the interests of influential people – every year among the 16,000 complaints against the police, authorities recognize only 5 percent. As a result of years of media selectivity and omissions, the police feels impunity.

The witch-hunt atmosphere of the campaign against the broad anarchist movement is building consent for repression and surveillance targeting environments, that are fighting the most influential interest groups in this country. The anarchist movement has been active, among other, in workers, tenants, ecological, anti-racist groups and the fight against land-grabbing. It acts without compromise, for social justice, against the repression from business and political elites. Lack of social control over the police, for years allowed them to use uncontrolled violence against people combating the system of violence in various fields.

What we need at this moment is the firm stance of solidarity with the arrested and against upcoming attacks from the state! Already on July 2, in Warsaw, picket of solidarity with the arrested will be held. We also count on your solidarity actions in other cities. You can also help in the collection of funds to pay the lawyers and to financially support detainees.

We will not be intimidated! Free the Warsaw Three and all hostages of the state!

+ chronology:

Below current chronology of events related to the arrest of three anarchists, and in italics accompanying events that are shaping the media hysteria, helping with the introduction of new anti-terrorism law.

May 23, 2016

According to the police version 3.30, Warsaw, Poland, Włochy district: police arrest of three anarchists. They are accused of possession of explosives and attempting to use them – arson of a police car.

4.20, Warsaw, ROD: 6 undercover cops break into the area of the Radical Allotment Gardens (pl.: ROD), searching the area without a court order, questioning residents, give conflicting reasons for intrusion.

8.00, Warsaw, ROD: 2 uniformed officers demands admission into the ROD, withdraw when asked for a court order

9.20, Warsaw, ROD: 15 uniformed officers gets into the ROD because of one of the neighbors, write down those who are in the ROD, asking questions, they give conflicting reasons for intrusion.

around 12:00, Warsaw: Police searches home of one of the detainees (they comes with him). Our comrade has no visible injuries.

15.00, Warsaw, ROD: 5 police officers interviewing ROD residents, do not give reasons for intrusion.

around 15:00, Warsaw: Police searches the house of next detaine

15.00, Warsaw, Plac Europejski 6: The headquarters of Frontex, the EU border control agency is evacuated due to bomb alarm. At the same time a demo commemorating police murdered of Maxwell Itoya, in 2010, was planned. The demonstration is canceled and the alarm turns out to be false.

around 17:00, Warsaw: Police comes again to the house where they were at 12:00, this time without our comrade.

May 24, 2016

Warsaw, Prosecutor’s office: the first interrogation of detainees in the District Prosecutor’s Office. Marks of beatings and torture are visible on their bodies. The lawyer is at place but he has no possibility of private talk with detainees.

May 25, 2016

Warsaw, District Court: during prosecution session at the District Court, prosecution decided to hold detainees in custody for three months.

15.00, Warsaw: Press conference of the police, the first press articles that quote the words of a police spokesman that such actions “are not far from it, to call them acts of terror.” In the press pictures detained, who has visible marks of beating on his face, is shown only from behind.

18.00, Warsaw, in front of Police Headquarters: press conference and statement of Warsaw anarchist collectives

May 26, 2016

Warsaw: Statement of the Warsaw Anarchist Federation www.facebook.com/fawarszawa/posts/57375…

May 27, 2016
Poznań: Anarchist Federation sec. Poznań issued a statement on police brutality and arrest activists of the anarchist movement

The whole Poland: Open Letter regarding arrest of three anarchists in Warsaw http://syrena.tk/list-otwarty-w-zwiazku-z-aresztowaniem-trzech-anarchistow-w-warszawie/

Olsztyn, Warsaw: false bomb alarms at the premises of TVP (national TV) and Radio Olsztyn, the editorial office of “Fakt” and “Przegląd Sportowy” newspapers, the seat of the Stock Exchange, the National Council for Radio and Television, TVP Wrocław.

May 28, 2016

9.30, Krakow: 4 police officers house search member of Anarchist Federation section Krakow and activist of the of the Workers’ Initiative Trade Union, who created a facebook event called „Strzeżcie się. Mamy po 2 butelki i karton.” (“Beware. We have 2 bottles and a cardboard”) referring to the arrest of three anarchists in Warsaw. Police claims that he promoted terrorism. Despite the absence of a warrant, police searched a house and took his mobile phone and computer.

May 30, 2016

Warsaw, Gdańsk, Toruń, Opole, Wrocław, Katowice and Kraków: a series of false bomb alarms, among others Katowice: Silesia City Center, customs, treasury Chamber, the Institute of National Remembrance, Prosecutor’s Office, the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection and the Katowice branch of the General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways, offices at Korfantego Street, the seat of TVP Katowice; Krakow: offices on Szczepanski Square, Galeria Kazimierz mall, Tesco at Kapelanka; Gdańsk – District Prosecutor’s Office in Pruszcz Gdanski and a nearby clinic, shopping center “Madison” Shopping Center “Cliff”; Wroclaw: TVP Karkonoska av., tax chamber at Powstańców Śląskich, customs chamber at Herzena; Warsaw: hotels and offices, including the OCCP.

June 2, 2016

Warsaw, ROD policeman at the ROD, with a list of people noted on May 23, interrogating residents. Asked for the cause and the legal basis of intrusion he answers that he will come every week to check if everything is okay.

June 4, 2016

Warsaw: commentary of several anarchists to recent events in Warsaw


June 8, 2016

18.00, Wroclaw: picket- against the police state!

June, 14, 2016

Warsaw, First interrogation after change the Prosecutor Office. From now National Prosecutor – Department of the organized crime and the corruption is dealing with the matter

June 18, 2016

Warsaw, Syrena: 2 undercover cops gets into the Syrena squat, they withdraw unmasked by residents

June 20, 2016

Poznań: Stop police violence! Picket at the court

July 2, 2016

Warsaw: Soli-picket with the arrested in front of the prison

July 4, 2016

Three arrested had been moved to the prison in Radom (other city in Poland). It means that they will have problems with the visits. Everyone had a plan to meet with family this week. Now family needs to apply for the visit again.

source: wawa3.noblogs.org

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