Oddolna hierarchia wśród anarchistów – wywiad z ex-członkinią Kolektywu „Odzysk” [PL]

Wstęp redakcji GwO: Zapewne każdy w środowisku anarchistycznym słyszał o konflikcie między skłotersami z Odzysku a Federacją Anarchistyczną – Poznań. Dotyczył on oddania skłotu Odzysk w ręce prywatnego właściciela w zamian za sumę, którą ten miał wpłacić na ruch lokatorski. Jedni tego chcieli, inni się na to nie zgadzali. O co w ogóle chodziło?

Chociaż od całej sprawy minęło już trochę czasu, uderzające pozostaje jak szybko została ona zamieciona pod dywan, a wszelkie rozmowy na jej temat – mimo, że wywołała wiele kontrowersji – odbywały i nadal odbywają się wyłącznie w prywatnych, towarzyskich kuluarach.

Mimo oburzenia wielu osób, tylko jeden z ex-odzyskowiczów odważył się złamać tabu powszechnego milczenia, publikując tekst „Odzysk nie na sprzedaż – Nie znaczy nie!„, gdzie między innymi tak wyjaśnił motywy jego napisania: „Po pierwsze by przełamać status quo. To co działo i wciąż dzieje się w Poznaniu uważam jedynie za jaskrawy przejaw choroby która toczy cały polski tzw “Ruch”. To choroba autorytaryzmu, braku solidarności i przemieszania konfliktów personalnych z ideowymi.”

Bardziej krytyczny od niejednego anarchisty okazał się także – o zgrozo – jeden z dziennikarzy poznańskiej Gazety Wyborczej, który w swoim felietonie skrytykował machinacje poznańskiej FA, jako nie licujące z buntowniczym etosem robienie interesów.

Nas jednak interesuje przede wszystkim to co dzieje się w środowisku anarchistycznym. Głos jednej osoby to wciąż za mało, a podejrzane status quo ciążyć będzie nad środowiskiem, dopóki nie będzie ono gotowe do otwartej dyskusji. Nie po to by komuś złośliwie dokopywać, ale by lepiej zrozumieć co się stało, przeanalizować i wyciągnąć wnioski na przyszłość.

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France, Gaillac : Day of solidarity with prisoners in struggle in Mexico [ENG]


” Liberty in flight “ – Vernissage of the exhibition – Projections / exchanges – Solidarity Meals

Les Trois Passants and Le Chinabulle invite you to a full day of SOLIDARITY WITH THE PRISONERS IN STRUGGLE IN MEXICO

Saturday, February 4, 2017 At the Chinabulle counter, 47 rue du Château du Roi, 81600 Gaillac

Come  to support our comrades in struggle who are resisting and fighting from inside the Mexican jails, against the penitentiary system, isolation, contempt and being forgotten!

At 4:00 pm: Vernissage of the exhibition: «Liberté en fuite»

Exhibition of paintings and sculptures / Sale of posters, printed canvases and maps of the exhibition in solidarity with the comrades-prisoners in struggle: Fernando Barcenas Castillo, Miguel Ángel Peralta Betanzos, Abraham Cortés Ávila, Luis Fernando Sotelo Zambrano, Álvaro Sebastián Ramírez and Natacha Lopvet Mrikhi.


via:: liberonsles.

Translated by Act for freedom now!

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Broszura: Alfredo Bonanno – “Od zamieszek do insurekcji” (PDF) [PL]

Czarna Teoria, comrades of black anarchy in Poland have translated the important and visionary title From Riot to Insurrection by Alfredo M. Bonanno into Polish.

Check it out here:


(via http://325.nostate.net/)

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Austria, Vienna: Anarchist Black Cross Solidarity Festival – 20-23 April [ENG]

4th ABC solidarity festival from 20th- 23rd of April in Vienna at the Ernst-Kirchweger-Haus (EKH).

First bands announced:



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Spain, Zaragoza : Solidarity with the fighters of Hambach forest [ENG]


From Zaragoza we want to show our support to the comrades recently arrested in Hambach forest (Germany) for the struggle that is happening to save the forests, against an open-pit mine.

More specifically, we send warm greetings to the two comrades from the Spanish State who are incarcerated in Cologne’s prison (Germany), accused of possessing explosives and attacking authority.

We don’t care if they are innocent or guilty; all we want is their freedom and their conviction of being fighters against the destructive machine of progress.


(via: https://en-contrainfo.espiv.net)

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A prison-solidarity-tour through Germany and Switzerland [ENG]

1plakat-544x769In November and December of 2016, we – a group of anarchist street musicians – played concerts in front of prisons in Switzerland and Germany. We wanted to let at least some prisoners feel that they’re not forgotten. We wanted to bring down the isolation for some moments and send our messages beyond those barbed fire fences and iron bars.

After all, we played 15 shows in front of 14 different prisons accompanied by benefit gigs at various places. The reactions we got from inside were – if existing at all – quite different. Sometimes, our songs were immediately answered with cheers and e.g. antifa chants while at 9 shows, we didn’t receive any direct response from the other side so we couldn’t be sure if people could hear us.

  • 2biel-544x4084biel3-544x4085stammheim-544x4083biel2-544x408

But for two of these concerts, we later heard about reports from prisoners who were actually able to hear us, the acoustic of the prisons just didn’t allow reactions to find their way to the outside (one of them described the reaction from the inside as a “little uprising” as the majority of the prisoners were shouting, making noises with bars etc, leaving the wardens pretty unsettled).

Always when we noticed or heard about any of these reactions, this left us quite touched and gave us some sort of confidence that what we were doing was something important and made perfect sense. It is something that can mean a lot to people and that takes only a low amount of effort. We hope this idea will spread as a form of solidarity and inspire more people to fill prisons with live music (or other noisy things) in the future – not only on New Year’s Eve.

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Chile,Santiago : Sale el número 19 del boletín “La Bomba” (Diciembre 2016) [ES]


A nuestrxs queridxs lectorxs, afines y anónimxs en el mundo.
A nuestrxs presxs que resisten día a día al Poder.
A aquellxs prófugxs que burlan a las nefastas policías.
Por todxs lxs caídxs, en especial a la memoria combativa del Pelao Angry.

Sale para todxs ustedes: ¡El último boletín del año!

En esta nueva edición, la memoria combativa se toma las calles. Esta memoria combativa a la cual nos referimos, es una constante y creemos que es sumamente importante en el desarrollo político de cada individuo rebelde que asume su vida en lucha contra el Estado/Capital.

Es importante porque quien asume esa lucha, tiene que asumir también sus consecuencias; y en el desarrollo práctico, histórico de la misma, son múltiples los episodios de los cuales hay que instruirse para avanzar. En ese sentido la muerte como consecuencia en la lucha es una situación ni querida ni buscada, pero altamente posible, por ende, la memoria combativa recupera -experiencias- para aprender de ellas y deja claro las consecuencias a asumir. Junto a los altos valores de respeto, hermandad, honor y dignidad del camino rebelde de quien luchó hasta el final.

Así avanzamos, retroalimentándonos, conociendo experiencias duras, como también hermosas, dejando claro que la lucha no es un juego y que más allá de todo, continúa. Así lo demuestra este mínimo aporte propagandístico, pasa y pasa el tiempo y los grupos de acción siguen dando lucha, aquí dejaremos plasmadas sus ideas, para que jamás pasen desapercibidas.

“La Bomba”, Por la expansión del Caos y la Anarquía.
Individualidades Anárquicas.
Diciembre 2016, Chile.


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Germany, Hambach : Coordinated arson attacks against energy multinational RWE [ENG]


In the late hours of 25-11-16, we carried out coordinated arson attacks against the German energy multinational RWE in the vicinity of the Hambach opencast lignite mine. We have delayed this communique until now (11-1-17) for strategic purposes.

After a scout of the area, we split up and set fire to six pumping stations, two electrical transformers, one digger and a substation of the electrical grid.
Pumping stations are key pieces of the mines infrastructure used to lower the water table and prevent the flooding of the mine. They most often resemble a section of exposed pipe and an electrical box surrounded by construction fence. We prised open the electrical boxes using a crowbar and placed simple timed incendiary devices and a bundle of bicycle inner tubes inside to ensure the flames caught nicely.

The incendiary devices were composed of a candle secured to a firelighter cube with a strong rubber band. The candles burnt down slowly, then ignited the firelighters once we were safely away from the area. After smashing a window to gain access, we used the same devices to burn out the cab of the digger.


For the transformers and the substation we burnt car tires filled with gasoline soaked rags. We placed these beneath exposed insulated cabling on the substation and inside the transformers. Within several minutes these targets were engulfed in flames and as we departed the substation exploded, sending arcing electricity and purple flames ten metres into the night sky. Although this caused a blackout two kilometres wide, the local media-scum failed to mention it in any of their press, downplaying it to the burning of the two transformers alone.

As the techno-industrial megamachine grinds on every day, destroying and polluting all that is still wild and beautiful in this world, we feel that actions like this are a necessary measure to stay sane and remind ourselves that we are still alive amidst all of the destruction and misery of modern society.

After all, the only way one can enjoy the industrial landscape at all is by crawling around in the tall grasses and nettles with the other animals and finding a good vantage point from which to observe pillars of black smoke rising from the scorched machinery and infrastructure of civilization.

We wish to send a wink of complicity to the captive anarchists accused of bank robberies in Aachen and to Chilean prisoner of war Kevin Garrido, held for explosive attacks in the city of Santiago.

For the multiplication of attacks against RWE!

For anarchy and wildness!

Death to civilization!

– Scoundrels In The Night


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Ethnic anarchists in Belarus: Myth Debunking [ENG]

Groups that combine anti-authoritarian and nationalist ideas are nothing new. Though they are new for Belarus, where anarchists have always been anti-nationalist and viewed themselves as part of a global movement for freedom. These groups would not deserve your attention if they weren’t trying to disguise themselves as anarchists and make connections to the left-wing and anarchist movement in the West in order to get access to different resources: financial, informational etc.

What follows is a list of facts proving that one cannot be an anarchist believing that patriotism is a vital feature in the anti-state struggle. This text is an attempt to warn our comrades from possible contacts with these groups and give information about what they really are.

For now there are two groups in Belarus that call themselves ethnic anarchists – Poshug (“Flash”) and Khaurus (“Fellowship, Cahoot”). Judging by their pages in social networks (vk.com/psh_soc, http://vk.com/union8x9) both groups appeared in 2013.

Looks like Poshug’s adherents have their roots in a patriotic (sic!) wing of antifascist football hooligans of ‘Partyzan’, former MTZRIPO (vk.com/nasasprava). The background determined what they were fighting for – veganism, straight edge, animal liberation, ecology, anti-imperialism.

Supposedly, Khaurus was conceived by other people – at least one of them, an alleged leader is a former member of a right-wing conservative organization “Youth Front” (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Young_Front). This group is mostly busy with translating different authors (including anarchist) into Belarusian, attracting attention to special dates of Belarusian history, which they believe where liberating Belarusian people from Tsarist or Bolshevik rule.

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Koper (Slovenia): Solidarity with INDE Platforma Squat, under threat of eviction [ENG-SLO-ITA]

Autonomous spaces under attack, support the struggle!

Call for solidarity actions for INDE squat in Koper, Slovenia


In the last few years we have seen new autonomous spaces emerging in Slovenia, joining the struggles of older squats all over the country. Along the Slovenian coast, two enormous buildings were occupied until recently. The occupations brought radical politics and different social relations to their environment. Both squats were always open to a variety of projects and initiatives, but had strong anarchist presence and activities as well. The spaces used to be factories, which were destroyed by the brutal privatization.

Right after New Years, ARGO squat in Izola was forcefully evicted. Eviction was preceded by a series of harassments from police and security company, that in some cases resulted in serious bodily injuries and fines for comrades there. The second coastal squat, called INDE, got an eviction notice just a few days ago. We are supposed to leave the premises on January 30 2017.

Both squats are currently owned by so-called Bad Bank. This is a state institution under the management of the Ministry of Finance, created to resolve debt by big failed speculative financial investment that crashed during the economic crisis. In other words: they are there to sell buildings cheap and open them to further financial speculations, by which the rich will once again profit, while all of us will lose. The eviction of INDE is going to happen under a pretense of cleaning up dangerous material at the site. ARGO was also declared a dangerous zone by authorities, but the only thing they are trying to clean out of it are comrades who are bringing life into these spaces.

This is another blow in a hard year for the squatting movement in Slovenia, since all of the spaces are facing attacks, either by Nazis or/and police, private security, and state institutions. We understand this kind of pressure as a part of increased repression that the so-called migrant crisis has justified. More is at stake than just our building. We are a hope of a different world, where solidarity, mutual aid, anti-authoritarianism, and non-hierarchical relations are still possible. Just few months ago we prevented the eviction of Rog squat in Ljubljana. We know we can do that again.

We call for comrades all around the world to show us solidarity. We will welcome you here, but will be happy if you fight where you stand. Send us a letter of support, or raise a banner! Or squat something yourself! They can never hold us back if we stand together strong. Everything you do will keep our spirits up.

If we go down, we are going down in style. Join our struggle!

Local Group Alternativa Obstaja, Koper (part of FAO-IFA)

BAD BANK: http://www.dutb.eu/en/default.aspx email: info [at] dutb [dot] eu
Security Company that is in charge of eviction: http://www.galekom.si/ email: info [at] galekom [dot] si
Inde Plataforma: http://www.indeplatforma.org/ email: inde [dot] platforma [at] riseup [dot] net

Below Manifesto, Original Slovenian text, and Italian Translation

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Galliners (Cataluña): Comunicado post-juicio Kan Bici [CAT-CAS-ENG]

Kan Bici resisteix! bn[CAT]
(Galliners): Comunicat post-judici Kan Bici

Dijous passat 19 Gener 2017 va tenir lloc el judici-farsa contra Kan Bici que va
durar amb prou feines 10 minuts, en el qual el jutge va estimar espectativamente
a la demana del propietari per al desallotjament de la kasa. Aquesta farsa completa
va ser acompanyada d’irregularitats juridicas, com demostra per exemple el
rebuig de les nostres proves, testimonis i la petició d’un perit judicial per
valorar les obres/arranjaments realitzades en els més de 4 anys de l’okupació
de la kasa, i la no-contestació d’un recurs el nostre contra aquesta decisió
presentat el passat 30 de Desembre.

Per part de la propietad solament va haver-hi un intent (minuts abans del espec-
taculo) d’evitar el judici (+ posterior recurs 🙂 “oferint” 3 mesos per a l’abandó
pacific voluntari de Kan Bici “fins a Maig” el que logicament rechazem perquè
no ens conformem amb les seves engrunes.
Aparti que el propietari Jose de Puig va demostrar de nou la seva actitud re-
chazante diciendo: “No tenim gens que parlar…ja em habeis fotut bé!”

No entenem perquè no vol reflexionar sobre els seus passos a aquesta situació.
En comptes de reconèixer les seves fallades de la seva no-comunicació prèvia a la
denúncia i els seus intents de demandar diners per “arribar a un acord”, va presentar
el seu hermà com a testimoni al jucio qui es va queixar de l’actuació dels mossos fa
més de 4 anys quan la kasa estava recentment okupada i ell va posar una denuncia
per usurpació (poc després arxivada) mentre la seva mare era la propietaria (la que
mai va voler posar una altra denúncia i a més estava d’acord amb l’okupació “mentre
no hi hagi problemes”).

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Galliners (Cataluña): Kan Bici Resisteix ! [CAT-CAS-ENG]

kan bici es queda[CAT]

[CAS] más abajo
[ENG] below

(Pla de l’Estany)

Després de 50 mesos d’okupació aquests dias van arribar notícies des del palau de
la injustícia: La data del jucio civil (desnonament precari) van fixar pel proper Dijous
19 de Gener 2017, a les 10.00h del matí en el jutjat de Girona! (Sala 07, Planta 3, Avgda.
Ramon Folch, Jutgat de Girona)

La modificació de la llei d’enjuciamiento civil, concretament de l’articulo 440, permet als
propietaris de kases okupades aconseguir més rapid (entre 3 i 6 mesos) el desallotja-
ment/desnonament dels seus immobles. En comptes de respectar les situacions fotudes
(precàries) de moltes persones, l’estat accelera les seves mesures repressives ignorant
la seva pròpia Constitució i les decisiones del Tribunal Europeu de Strasburgo, donant
així més poder a la cega defensa de la propietat privada i l’especulació immobiliària.

La Generalitat de Catalunya, mitjançant la seva Comissió d’assistència juridica gratuïta,
denega a les persones sense recursos economicos, l’assignació gratuita d’advoqueu@
i procurador/a, perquè no estan empadronades o no poden demostrar la seva situació
precària, encara que siguin jutjades justament per aquesta raó, com en el cas de Kan Bici.
1600 famílies desnonades al llarg de l’any 2016 a Catalunya demostren de sobres que la
lluita contra la pobresa de l’estat és la lluita contra les personas sense recursos econo-
micos i la modificació de lleis per fer-los encara més vulnerables davant els atacs de la
màfia immobiliària.

Aqui al poble ningú pot entendre perquè el propietari de Kan Bici reclama la kasa per via
judicial després de tant temps d’okupació i sense buscar la comunicació prèvia. Tampoc
demostra cap intenció d’arreglar la kasa o d’un ús alternatiu. Després de diversos intents
des de la nostra part d’arribar a un acord amb el propietari, solament rebem demandes de
“recompensaciones” economicas injustificades (entre 4.800 i 6.000€), la ignorància de les
nostres propostes (comentar-ho amb les paraules “que hagan una propuesta decente”) i
insults per part de la seva advocada.

No se sap com interpretarà el jutjat aquestes actituds “generoses” i especialment el fet
que la finca que inclou Kan Bici i Mas Viader la té llogada a la fabrica de pinsos de Galliners
i cobra per ella 9.000€ al any…! Dubtem que una persona a la qual pertanyen tantes propie-
tades (40 masias + terres) realment té la necessitat de tirar algú de kasa qui cuida la seva
kasa i una part de la seva finca, encara que no té recursos economicos suficients per fer-se
càrrec per a grans inversions o obres, i menys pagar una renda habitual.

Però llavors, que és el problema? Pot ser que “algú” li ha pressionat o li ha fet una proposta
lucrativa per a l’ús de la kasa? Cuales són els motius per actuar d’aquesta manera?
Està implicat l’ajuntament o altres entitats poderoses/ institutionals?

Doncs anem a veure que passa en el jucio i si les parts implicades s’atreveixen co- ficar el
crim covard de desallotjar Kan Bici.

Resistir fins a la fi!
Kan Bici es queda en Galliners!
No als desnonaments i desallotjaments!
Stop impunitat especulativa!
Un desallotjament altra okupació!

Galliners, 15 de Desembre 2016

PD: El ultim cambi stratetic del propitari és reclamar la kasa com
“necesitat propia” i “arreglar-la kasa”…
Ës un espectacle public on tot el mon pot entrar qui és interessat i/o
sent afinitat. Benvinguts tots gests de solidaritat!
Algunes paraules més sobre la història de Kan Bici…

Després de 6 mesos d’okupació de Kan Pons en St. Marçal de Quarantella (Vildemuls) la kasa
va ser desallotjada per almenys 7 furgonetes antidisturbis dels Mossos a l’octubre del 2012.

A la fi del mateix mes s’okupó Kan Bici en Galliners, una kasa que estava almenys 6 anys aban-
donada i en un estat fatal. L@s vecin@s del poble es mostraron en aquest moment content@s
amb l’okupació de la kasa. Van passar 4 anys i derrepente el propietari Jose de Puig va interposar
una demanda judicial ^desnonament precari”sense cap intent previ de comunicació. A més cobra
per la finca en la qual es troben els habitatges Kan Bici i Més Viader un lloguer de 9.000€ al any de
la fabrica de pinsos de Galliners. . .

Després del coneixement de la demanda des de la kasa okupada va haver-hi diversos intents i una
proposta concreta per solucionar el conflicte i arribar a un acord amb el propietari. Ëste va respondre
conformi però amb la condició d’un pagament previ d’al voltant 5.000€ que el faria postoriormente un
contracte de lloguer. Ësta condició no es pot acceptar, ja que es vaig haver de fer reformes per fer la
kasa habitable, la qual cosa va costar en treballs i materials uns 10.000€.A més en aquests 4 anys de
l’okupació de la kasa, a cap moment el propietari va mostrar interès ni es va posar en contacte.

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Solidarity With Trans Prisoners: upcoming Noise Demo at HMP Doncaster [ENG]


January 22nd is International Day of Solidarity With Trans Prisoners, a day to highlight the struggles of our siblings behind bars and fight for a world without prisons.

Following the tragic and preventable death of Jenny Swift last month we will be demonstrating outside HMP Doncaster at 4pm after visiting hours. Wrap up warm, bring torches, glow sticks, sparklers, bright things, and things to make noise – we want to be loud enough for the people held inside to hear and let them know they’re not forgotten. Sound systems, loudhalers, drums, pots and pans, anything you can think of!

HMP Doncaster is 22 mins walk from Doncaster train station, well connected by rail. Manchester No Prisons are organising minibuses from Manchester and will be able to shuttle people from the station to the prison and back on the day, Leeds Action for Trans Health are coming from Leeds, Sheffield Action for Trans Health and Queer Agenda Sheffield – QAShare organising lifts from Sheffield. We’ll update with more information about lifts as it becomes available – comment on the event if you’re driving and have spaces going.

Love and rage,

Action for Trans Health

via : http://rabble.org.uk/

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The Swedish Kings of Cyberwar [ENG]

First published:  22.12.2016

On April 24, 2013, just weeks before Edward Snowden went public with his leaks about mass surveillance by the National Security Agency, General Keith B. Alexander, then the head of the NSA, welcomed a group of Swedish intelligence officials to a secret three-day meeting at NSA headquarters in Fort Meade, Maryland. In the delegation were Ingvar Åkesson, the longtime director of Sweden’s National Defense Radio Establishment (known as the FRA, for Försvarets radioanstalt), a shadowy Swedish government intelligence agency, and five members of Åkesson’s senior staff. One of the aims of the meeting was to discuss Sweden’s growing importance to the NSA.


In a 2008 law, the FRA had been given expansive powers by the Swedish government to vacuum up all communications traveling over fiber optic networks into and out of Sweden—including e-mails, text messages, and telephone calls. This was of great interest to the NSA, not least because a large percentage of Russian communications traveled through Sweden. In 2011, the Swedes began sharing their surveillance data with the NSA, which included—as NSA officials described it at the time of the meeting—a “unique collection [of communications data] on high-priority Russian targets such as leadership, internal politics, and energy.”


Noting the Swedish spy agency’s unusual technical abilities and reputation for secrecy, NSA officials also viewed it as an ideal collaborator on its hacking and cyberwarfare project, called Quantum. One of the Quantum programs was an ambitious operation called WINTERLIGHT, which aimed at secretly hacking into high-value foreign computers and computer networks to obtain not only communications data but also any information stored on the hard drives or servers in question. Possible targets might be the administrators of foreign computer networks, government ministries, oil, defense, and other major corporations, as well as suspected terrorist groups or other designated individuals. Similar Quantum operations have targeted OPEC headquarters in Vienna, as well as Belgacom, a Belgian telecom company whose clients include the European Commission and the European Parliament.


According to NSA documents, WINTERLIGHT was using a complex attack strategy to secretly implant a malware program on the targeted computer or network. The NSA’s malware would then divert any signals between those computers and the Internet through “rogue” high-speed surveillance servers, called “FoxAcid” servers, allowing the NSA to access in stealth almost any of the user’s personal data—and even to tamper with data traveling from one user to another. The implications for both spying and offensive cyber operations were far-reaching. Wired has described how the attack on the Belgian telecom was able to [map] out the digital footprints of chosen workers, identifying the IP [internet protocol] addresses of work and personal computers as well as Skype, Gmail and social networking accounts such as Facebook and LinkedIn. Then they set up rogue pages, hosted on FoxAcid servers, to impersonate, for example, an employee’s legitimate LinkedIn profile page.

Significantly, while WINTERLIGHT was a joint effort between the NSA, the Swedish FRA, and the British GCHQ, the hacking attacks on computers and computer networks seem to have been initiated by the Swedes. The FRA was setting up the implants on targeted computers—known in NSA parlance as “tipping”—to redirect their signals to the surveillance servers, thus allowing the GCHQ and the NSA to access their data, in what are called “shots.” At the time of the April 2013 meeting, the NSA reported that “last month, we received a message from our Swedish partner that GCHQ received FRA QUANTUM tips that led to 100 shots.”

Since the extraordinary revelations that the Russian government sought to influence the 2016 US presidential election with information hacked from the computers of the Democratic National Committee and top Democratic officials, cybersecurity has become an urgent national priority. As US officials point out, the DNC hacking is only the latest in an accelerating series of Russia-linked cyberattacks aimed at political and other institutions in the West, including the Estonian government and media in 2007, the German Bundestag in 2015, Ukraine’s power grid in 2015, and the Swedish media in March 2016. Far less noted, however, has been the extent to which the US itself has coordinated with Sweden and other allies to develop hacking and surveillance tools that are far more advanced than the e-mail “phishing” strategies used in the recent Russian attacks. A major target of this technology is Russia itself.

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Serbia : Walls and fences [ENG] [SR]


Walls, walls …. fences, fences

This is the wall that is being constructed in this moment, in order to have a „Belgrade Waterfront“ advertisement hiding the view on the squatted warehouses.

serbia 2

These walls on the people who got evicted from the parks and found themselves a shelter in these buildings behind the train station, this is where they are living self-organized.
For months now about 800 people live in these occupied houses. There are people who are excluded from traveling officially,  delegalized by the system they constantly have to fear police raids. The other threat is the bulldozers of “Waterfront“ that can appear in any moment and demolish the squats. This threat is the same for the house of the Timotijević-family.
This is the “frontline“ of a neoliberal attack called gentrification. The attack is lead by the Waterfront-investors and its obedient local politicians.
The conditions to live inside these squatted houses are tough. There is a lack of everything. People are coming (back) or are being deported (from Hungary or Croatia) with serious injuries from police-beatings and despite all there is the everyday struggle with the cold.

serbia 3

The media – quoting employees of the commissariat against refugees and representatives of the serbian authorities – are spreading interesting news: they are saying that apparently migrants are manipulated by some „unusual activists who do not communicate with other organizations“ and who are persuading them to to stay in the parks instead of going to the camps „where they are being treated in the most possible human, most possible polite way“. Interesting. Of course these journalists do not ask people on the move themselves if they have ever been talked into anything or for what reason someone doesn’t want to go to a camp.
In addition to all that, there is more and more stories from people who got deported from the -so called secure place – camp, to Macedonia.
People decide for themselves to live under extreme conditions. They prefer to live in community with the autonomy to decide, more freedom to move instead of living under the pressure of a institution where people are often humiliated and locked up. The alternative offered by the authorities is Preševo – a closed camp, where from the only exit is deportation back to Macedonia. So, between coldness and incarceration – what would you choose?

We also don´t forget Gaza and Palestine and all militarized walls and fences (there are more than 30 of them) and the state violence they are serving.

via : https://noborderserbia.wordpress.com/


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Turkey: Meydan anarchists – ‘we are being cornered’ [ENG]


Late last month the editor of Meydan anarchist newspaper in Istanbul was sentenced to a year and three months in prison for “supporting terror,” the latest in a string of attempts by the Turkish State to shut down dissenting voices against Erdogan’s government. Today we are proud to publish a translation of Meydan’s uncompromising response, from their latest edition. 

We are being cornered

With the fear and shock that constantly oppresses our lives, with the agendas that change by the day, by the hour, with the constant repetition we see in news articles, debates, newspapers and radios, with the shares and retweets, the media that takes us for idiots and is fed by manipulation, with the gentrification and demolition policies that erase our past, our identity and our memory, with the “illusion of democracy” that weakens and imprisons our freedom, and with the reality that becomes more and more incomprehensible everyday, we are being cornered.

We are being cornered because the rulers require it in order to declare their authority and assert their dominance over our stolen willpower. We are being cornered because the rulers require it to keep their power and to create new objects to use in their own wars. We are being cornered because this is the only way the government is able to create space for itself and exist.

We are being cornered by misery 

The days that have to keep going through the exhaustion, the bodies that fall powerless, the minds that become unhappy as they weaken…

The rulers submerge the streets that we use to walk to school in the mornings, to go to work and to catch a bus in darkness. They comer us with unhappiness by squeezing us into minibuses and metrobuses that are full to the brim and sending us to work at the crack of dawn. As the government comers us with unhappiness, they drag us towards hopelessness and despair.

We must resist the government that decides when we may sleep and when we must wake, that snatches our morning sun and pushes us towards darkness and despair in order to win back our bodies and minds. We must find the courage to defy those who would turn us into blind and deaf, unknowing and unfeeling individuals and break out of this complacency and cornered-ness.

We are being cornered by panic 

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Reclaim the Fields: Program for European Assembly 2017 [EN-FR-DE-SP-PL-PT-RO]

This post is also available in: French, German, Spanish, Polish, Portuguese (Portugal), Romanian

Update 06.01.2016

In two weeks we will see each other in Freiburg! We have for you some informations about content proposals and logistics. Please read this mail carefully because we want to prepare everything according to your needs and interests.

Content proposals

We prepared a list of topics which we can discuss during the meeting. Some of them are proposals from Carrots and some are proposals sent through the registration form. We would like to know before the assembly what do you think about it and witch topics are the most interesting for you so please take some time to think about it and give us feedback. Of course we will talk about it during assembly as well but the more information we will have before the better we will prepare it.

Remember it’s not a fixed program. There are only proposals we still need to discuss.

Proposals around Reclaim the Fields network:

– RtF history
– evaluation of last year
– regional groups meeting time
– discussion about bulletin
– discussion about finances
– presentation of the webtools (crabgrass, rtf website)
– RtF Camp and next assembly
– presentation of the stars

Proposals for discussions:

– GMO struggle in Switzerland and rest of Europe
– Sustainable collective farms: exchange of experiences
– Ways to support each other and repression in our struggle
– Presentation of Bure, Wentland, Hambacher Forst
– Agriculture and migration
– Gender issue in agriculture
– G20 in Hamburg: bringing agriculture questions; (and COP23 and 24)
– Access to land
– How to build a network among engaged rural communities
– Independent seeds bank network

Other activities:

– Visit of CSA projects in Freiburg
– Party (solidarity party with comrades from Poland)
– Workshop: mushroom DIY production (CONFIRMED)
– Workshop: how to cultivate Effective Microorganisms
– Seed swap
– Workshop on basic internet security (the 17th of january, CONFIRMED, see the end of this page)

We are waiting for your feedback and we invite you to support the facilitation of the meeting.


– When we start?

We expect to start the meeting on 18th of January after lunch. The social center that hosts us it is booked from 17th to 22nd of January, so it would be good if you can arrive on 17th or the latest on 18th before lunch. Information about KTS and how to find the place you will find in the invitation text: http://reclaimthefields.noflag.org.uk/?page_id=1385

– What to bring with you?

The accommodation is planned in few spaces. Most of us will stay in KTS but there will be also place in house projects. Remember to take with you sleeping mats and sleeping bags.

You are welcome to come with seeds to share as well as any kind of flyers, zines and other materials.

– Transport

If you are coming by car and have some free seats or you are looking for transport, we invite you to contribute or check the pad about car-sharing: https://mensuel.framapad.org/p/orga_repas

– Special needs

If you have any special needs about food, accommodation, language etc. please contact us by mail: contactrtf@riseup.net
Update 20.12.2016

In one month the European Assembly will start in Freiburg. It’s the moment to start thinking about content and plan your travel. You can check the invitation on the website and there you can also find the Registration Form (very important to fill asap), where we encourage you to make proposals for the content. It is really importat to have this information early so that we prepare the agenda according to your interests and needs.

We expect to start the meeting on 18th of January after lunch. The social center that hosts us it is booked from 17th to 22nd of January, so it would be good if you can arrive on 17th or the latest on 18th before lunch.

We would like to invite you to take part in the facilitation of some sessions. If you are interested you can join the facilitation meeting which will take place on the 18th at 10:00am.

Workshop on basic internet security

It will be a practical workshop on internet security and other online tool, with some views on security culture. It will last about 4-5 hours. Please bring your devices if you have (laptop-smartphone-USB-ecc). It’s directed to beginners, but all levels are welcome! you will learn how to use some of the tool that allows secure comunication (TOR, GPG, ecc) in very easy way (no geek) but it will also possible to install linux on your computer (if it’s the case please bring it empty), or answer to other informatic related questions. If you have specific questions or if you want to do something specific on your device, please send it to the email below, so we can organize it. The workshop will take place on 17th of January. It will start at 14:00 or after lunch and will continue untill 20:00 or dinner.
It’s _necessary_ to register, so if you are interested in joining, please send an email to this temporary address: pohskrow [at] riseup [dot] net, so we’ll know how many people will come.
TAGS: tor, gpg, tails, pidgin, xmpp, enigmail, icedove, private comunication, secure chat, privacy.

More info very soon!

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Reclaim The Fields: Invitation to the European Assembly 2017 [EN-FR-DE-CAS-PL-IT-PT-RO]

via : http://reclaimthefields.noflag.org.uk/?page_id=1385

(The post is available in: French, German, Spanish, Polish, Italian, Portuguese (Portugal), Romanian )


Dear Stars,

You are invited to join the European assembly of Reclaim the Fields 2017, which will take place in Freiburg-im-Breisgau, Germany, between 18th and 22nd of January 2017. The meeting will be hosted by the community-supported agriculture project Gartencoop and will take place in the autonomous center “KTS”.



***About the assembly***

The  assemblies happen every year during winter. Generally they bring together people active in RTF constellation, but everybody is welcome. 

The goals of the assembly are:

  • meet and exchange information amongst the stars and local groups since last year;
  • exchange and debate on themes that matters to us across Europe and beyond;
  • to see where we are at with our European Reclaim the Fields constellation: what was decided last year, for what results, what we need to do to continue, and what future plans we have;
  • to have fun and build relationships between us!

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Squat: Against Apolitical Squatting! [ENG]

Source: https://en.squat.net/2015/11/14/london-against-apolitical-squatting/

Coming to Terms

In Camden, an eight-month squat is evicted by pigs and three are arrested under Section 144, the 2012 ban on residential squatting. A man in a SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL SQUAT t-shirt waits for NELSN to forward a text. Two arrive from a council-estate squat further north. Builders begin to secure the building. Against Section 144, against increasing precarity and repression, broken self-identity and fractured organisation, London squatting seems to have begun a coming-to-terms.

Attempts to surround the fragility of the squat scene with nostalgia have come thick and fast: Remember the Squatters’ Union; remember unrestricted residential squatting; remember squatters’ rights. As ever this nostalgia is a thinly disguised dose of forgetfulness: Squatting has always meant struggle; and no mourning for a golden age can deny the permanence of our struggles and the permanent need to politicise them.

In the blur of this permanence, however, squatting has been increasingly forced into the temporary. Court papers are served quicker and quicker, evictions become fortnightly rituals, and the looming ban on commercial squatting places squatters before an ever shortening horizon. The loss caused by the 2012 ban is a collective memory permanently recalled by the imminence of the next.

For those who do not find comfort in a false unity of the past – and whose future seems to have heard its end already – we must come to terms with our present.

The Sacrificial Squatter

Moving when evicted, served when moved, evicted when served. Contemporary squatting is a series of defensive and reactive acts. Ritualistic and cyclical, squatting is determined by forces always separate from squatters themselves.

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Barcelona: Crida a la solidaritat amb les companyes anarquistes empresonades a Alemanya sota l’acusació d’haver expropiat una entitat bancària en Aachen [CAT]

Benvolgudes companyes,

Ens adrecem a vosaltres per fer-vos arribar la crida a la solidaritat amb
les companyes anarquistes de Barcelona actualment empresonades a Alemanya
sota l’acusació d’haver expropiat una entitat bancària de la ciutat
d’Aachen l’any 2014.

El proper dia 23 de gener comença el judici oral durant el qual el Tribunal
d’Aachen sotmetrà a prova les acusacions de la fiscalia, per les quals
corren el risc de ser condemnades a elevades penes de presó. El judici
probablement es prolongarà fins la primavera.

Des del grup de suport a les encausades volem que les nostres companyes
afrontin l’inici del judici conscients de que tenen tot el nostre suport, i
és per això que us animem a participar de la dinàmica de mobilitzacions que
estem posant en marxa.

Dissabte 21 de gener hi ha convocada una manifestació a Barcelona, a la que
us convidem a assistir, i en la que mostrarem al carrer el nostre
recolzament a les dues militants de Barcelona que dos dies després seran
portats davant el Tribunal. A banda de participar en aquesta mobilitzacio
concreta, us animem a:

– Visibilitzar als vostres barris, pobles, centres d’ensenyament i de
treball, la situació de les companyes preses i l’exigència de la seva
llibertat. assenyalar els actors que estan al darrera d’aquest cop
repressiu: Les policies europees amb els seus dispositius de control
social, L’església catòlica,i el capital financer.

– Fotografiar mostres de suport i enviarnos-les o directament compartir-les
als vostres canals de difusió, de cara a fer que aquestes arribin
directament a les companyes i reforcin la seva moral

– Convocar mobilitzacions al vostre poble o ciutat.

– Recollir fons monetaris per al suport material de les companyes.

– Escriure a les preses per que s’adonin que no estan soles davant els

Aquests dies iniciarem una ronda de contactes en la que intentarem passar
per alguns espais, col·lectius i organitzacions de cara a compartir
iniciatives i material. En qualsevol cas, per qualsevol dubte o proposta
estem a la vostra disposició a través d’aquesta adreça de correu.

Rebeu una forta abraçada.

Solidariat Rebel

– Crida a la solidaritat:


– Cartell digital de la manifestació del dia 21/1 a Barcelona:


– Informació general i resumida sobre el cas:


– Seguiu-nos a twitter:


Posted in Campaña, Carcel, Catalá, Llamamiento, Manifestación, Solidaridad | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Barcelona: Crida a la solidaritat amb les companyes anarquistes empresonades a Alemanya sota l’acusació d’haver expropiat una entitat bancària en Aachen [CAT]