Czech Republik : Antifenix, interview with anarchist from Czech+fanzine ¨Fenix didn´t rise from ashes¨ [ENG]


Operation Fenix, police infiltration and possibly fabricated case

In April 2015, Police of the Czech Republic commenced an operation against the anarchist, anti-authoritarian and animal liberation movement. This operation is known and called Operation Fenix (Phoenix). During the initial stage many individuals have been questioned and interrogated, some arrested and several places raided. Police confiscated servers, computers, flash drives, cameras, mobile phones and other digital devices or data carriers. So far we do not know to what extend the operation goes and how many people are being monitored and what the intentions of the police are. On a number of occasions the police fabricated or purposely concealed important facts in order to obtain permission to search different properties and arrest people. Read more here.

The closest media attention has so far focused on the affair of “far left terrorism.” From the original 11 detainees, three individuals remain in custody where they await trial. Petr and Martin are accused of “conspiracy to plan a terrorist attack” and Ales with the offense for illegal arms possession.

Today we know that the entire “action” to attack the train, which the police claimed to prevent by arresting Petr, Martin and two other people (currently investigated without detention), was scheduled and co-planned by (at least) two undercover operatives. Specifically trained undercover police officers infiltrated a group of people and gained their trust to obtain information. After a while, when surveillance of their new “friends” was established, they began to talk more about the necessity of actions more militant in nature and they actively participated in the preparation of such a plan

FENIX DIDN´T RISE FROM ASHES FANZINE : sazba_fenix_EN-no-cover-imposed

interview from A-radio, August 2016 :

¨In the context of the International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners (23.-30th of August 2016), we had the opportunity of talking to a comrade from Anarchist Black Cross (ABC) in Czech Republic. The interview gives a short summary of the repression that started in 2015 and explains the singular cases and their current development, but deals also with the problems the movement had in the beginning to show solidarity. Last but not least, you get very good advice on the topic of solidarity and what to do yourselves.¨

more informations :

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Italia, Génova : Tatto Circus: En beneficio de la CNA y en solidaridad con lxs arrestadxs en la “Operación Scripta Manent” [ES]

genova afiche-1

22/23 Octubre [Dos días de tatuajes, música, comida]

Sábado 22 de Octubre
Desde las 10.00hrs hasta las 24.00hrs

Dj Set + Concierto
RUV: Funky/Rock

Domingo 23 de Octubre
Desde las 12.00hrs hasta las 24.00hrs

Dj Set + Concierto

En apoyo a la caja de solidaridad de la CNA
En solidaridad con lxs arrestadxs en la “Operación Scripta Manent”

Para más información llamar: +39 351 09 48 347

Toda la info estará visible desde las 10.00hrs del sábado 22 en:

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Poland, Warsaw: Kurdish soiree at Cafe Kryzys [PL] [ENG]

pol wwawieczorek-kurdyjski1

ACK Warszawa i Kolektyw Syrena zapraszają na spotkanie z członkiem jednego z anarchistycznych kolektywów w Stambule.

Na spotkaniu zostanie nakreślona historia konfliktu w Kurdystanie (głównie tureckim). Porozmawiamy też o sytuacji politycznej w Anatolii po zamachu stanu z 15 lipca 2016r.

Spotkanie odbędzie się w środę 19 października o 18.30 w Kafe Kryzys na Syrenie (Wilcza 30).


ABC Warsaw and Kollective Syrena invite for meeting with the member of one of anarchistic collectives in Istambul. During the meeting we will hear history of conflict in Kurdistan (meanly turkish), we will talk about political situation in Anatola after coup from 15th of july 2016.

Meeting will take place on Wednesday, 19th of October at 18:30 in Kafe Kryzys on Syrena squat (Warszawa, Wilcza 30).

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fanzine : on the out, about life after prison [ENG]

Fanzine from ABC Bristol about life after prison.

¨You’re holding in your hand what we hope to be the first edition of “On The Out”, a new pamphlet published by Bristol Anarchist Black Cross. This zine is a collection of writings by ex-prisoners and their supporters on life after prison. We hope that it will go some of the way to filling the gap in prisoner support literature for information on post-prison life.¨


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[Fanzine]: How to cultivate EM ? [EN-PL]

WHAT ARE Effective Microorganisms (EM)?
Effective microorganisms (EM) were developed in the early 1980s at the University of the Ryukyus in Okinawa, Japan by Professor Teruo Higa. He reported that a combination of approximately eighty different species of microorganisms are capable of positively influencing the decomposition of organic matter to the point at which it reverts to a ’life promoting’ process. These Effective Microorganisms consist of beneficial and non-pathogenic microorganisms such as Lactic Acid Bacteria, Yeast, and Phototrophic Bacteria, which are found in the natural environment.

fanzine czytalny także w języku polskim.

How to cultivate EM

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Netherlands: Another area-ban for Hague anarchist [ENG]

Yesterday, an antifascist and anarchist from The Hague received another area-ban imposed upon them, five days after the expiration of the previous area-ban for several Hague anarchists.

This time, the area-ban applies to the center of The Hague and the Haagse Hout neighborhood during the coming Pegida demonstrations, and is accompanied by the requirement to report to the police station.

The police showed up yesterday at the house of an anarchist in The Hague to issue another area-ban. This time in the context of actions that were taken against the extreme-right wing group Pegida, which has announced that it will demonstrate every month in the Hague from now on. The area-ban is in force during the coming three Pegida demonstrations in The Hague and applies to The Hague city center and the Haagse Hout neighborhood. On three dates, October 9th, November 13th, and December 11th, the anarchist and antifascist may not come into this area and they must report to the police station twice a day.

The previous area-ban was issued in the name of the mayor and aimed against resistance against police brutality in the Schilderswijk. This time, it is the Public Prosecutor’s office issuing the area ban, with the intention of breaking resistance against fascism. This is the latest step in a series of repressive measures against anarchists and anti-fascists in The Hague. Several Hague anarchists previously wrote about this in the article ‘The area-ban against anarchists in a broader context of repression in The Hague’*.

The Public Prosecutor, the police and the mayor of The Hague are committed to crushing the anarchist struggle and resistance against fascism. But if they think that we will let repression hold us back, then they’ve got another thing coming. The struggle against fascism and for a better world does not need to be legitimized by the state which is saturated with racism and discrimination. The struggle against fascism is always legitimate; then, now, and in the future.

Stop repression against anarchists and antifascists.

More info about the case

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France, Calais: massive jungle eviction confirmed for 17 October [ENG]

fr calais freedom-of-movement

There is further confirmation that the mass eviction of over 10,000 people living in the “jungle” shantytown in Calais will begin in one week’s time, on Monday 17 October. We repost below a rough translation from a French corporate TV station (via watchtheborders). The word is that 19 companies of CRS riot cops (there are a total of 60 companies) plus 15 companies of Gendarmes Mobiles (riot cops of the Gendarmerie militarised police) have been ordered to Calais from all over France. As is common practice, the state has clearly been leaking information about its eviction plan in order to scare people into leaving the area in advance.

MIGRANTS – Reportedly, a thousand CRS has received the order to be ready from Monday, October 17 in the Calais region to start operations to evacuate the camp of migrants.

Seven thousand migrants to evacuate. The police have just received their orders for the evacuation of the “jungle” of Calais. In a telegram sent by the Place Beauvau to all zonal CRS commands, the fixed Interior police forces will take ten days to regain possession. According to this document, the mission entitled “operation Calais dismantlement” will last from Monday October 17 to Thursday October 27th. In all, 19 companies of CRS will be used throughout this period.

Prevent the resettlement of migrants

According to our information, 15 units of mobile gendarmes forces (UFM) are also provided for this major operation. Part of the CRS will be assigned to the same operation of the dismantling of the camp. Others will filter the access of people to the camps during operations. Moreover, another hundred CRS will have the operation of securing sites where migrants will be taken. Finally, the remaining forces – more than half of the CRS – will be used to prevent the resettlement of migrants in the Calais area.

A thousand men mobilized

As well as the presence of CRS, nearly 150 local policemen will be involved, including officers of the (plainclothes) BAC anti-crime brigade of the departmental security. It also asked the police to ensure the safety of goods outside of the evacuation operation, including “impermeability of the port area”, the free movement on the ring road and the motorway as well as in city.

Contacted by LCI, the Interior Ministry declined to comment, confirm or deny this information.

Some further information and a call from Watch The Borders:

Many people in France, UK and other countries are mobilizing and they want to help.

Come preferably before the 15th October, as from that date the police will probably start closing the access roads to the jungle, letting in only selected volunteers from associations who have chosen to collaborate with the eviction. The authorities are very happy to see people out the camp, but they do not want them to resettle anywhere in the Calais territory. If you want to do something you better do it earlier than the eviction date. We are NOT calling for people to come and stay in the jungle because it is too dangerous and scarcely useful. But for days before the eviction the roads will be still open. Ideally supporters should come forward NOW to protest the eviction, help monitor the situation, link with the camp residents, and keep in touch with them via mobile phone. There is limited internet access in the jungle, bring more mobile phones, many cheap ones but also some smart phones, 3G English is the best and a top up is only 20 pounds for 1 month unlimited internet access. So when the blockade begins we can still stay in touch. Some of us will stay in the jungle to monitor and protect people for what we can – but we do not want people to join because it is really dangerous: police are using very nasty CS gas (Nobel Securitè again) it makes you go down and it makes you really ill; they are firing tear gas and rubber bullets directly at people, causing huge numbers of appalling injures; they have new guns with laser lights and they are pointing them at people, they pointed at a journalist and they have shot also activists and volunteers during incidents on the motorway AND at the protest last Saturday, 1st October:  a local anti racist had a rubber bullet flying few inches from his head. The press reported 5 cops lightly injured, but nobody knows how many people in the camp – I hope none in serious condition, nobody went to hospital as far as I know but they did fire in the crowd.

All the French government has to offer in reality is a program of mass dispersal and mass deportations. Most of the accommodation places promised are yet to be found. No plans for minors, women and their children, families and vulnerable people. There are many more than 10.000 people in the jungle, many more.

Most of all we would like to hear for plans to delay the eviction, at least until the new accommodation places are found; at least until there are solutions for the minors, the women, the families with young kids. 

Many people do not want to go to the new accommodation places (CAOs)  because they want to go to UK not stay in France. People who have finger prints in other European countries do not want to go because mostly they get deported back there directly from the CAOs.


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Polska, Krakow : Solidarnie z Ameerem! [PL] [ENG]

(english below)

Solidarnie z Ameerem! Dosc panstwa policyjnego! Dosc rasizmu i deportacji!

W ubiegly poniedzialek Ameer Alkhawlany – doktorant biologi na krakowskim UJ, pochodzenia kurdyjskiego, wzial udzial w “Czarnym marszu”, podczas ktorego zatrzymali go funkcjonariusze Strazy Granicznej. Sad blyskawicznie wydal nakaz zatrzymania go w strzezonym osrodku dla cudzoziemcow w Przemyslu. Podczas kilkunastominutowego procesu, podczas ktorego nie mial dostepu do obroncy, zasadzona zostala jego deportacja. Jednoczesnie nie przedstawiono mu zadnych zarzutow.

Z dostepnych informacji wynika, ze to Agencja Bezpieczenstwa Wewnetrznego wnioskuje o zobowiazanie Ameera do natychmiastowego opuszczenia polski. Podstawa decyzji ABW byla obawa ucieczki oraz rzekome zachowanie cudzoziemca, ktore mialby stanowic zagrozenie dla bezpieczenstwa RP. Nikt nie mowi jednak o tym, jakie mialoby to byc zagrozenie – wszelkie informacje zostaly utojniane, nawet dla obroncy Ameera.

Ameer od kilku lat mieszka, studiuje i pracuje w Krakowie. Uzyskal stypendium polskiego rzadu i nie bylo zadnego powodu, dla ktorego mialby zostac zatrzymany. Niedawno Wojewoda Malopolski przeduzyl mu prawo pobytu do 2017 roku (ale, tak naprawde – jakie to ma znaczenie?). Jak widac, wystarczy iracki paszport i determinacja ABW, aby doprowadzic do deportacji. Wszystko dzieki nowej ustawie anty-terrorystycznej, ktora daje tej instytucji niekontrolowana wladze.

To nie pierwszy przypadek, kiedy ABW w niejasnych okolicznosciach usiluje zmusic cudzoziemcow do opuszczenia polski. W sierpniu tego roku ich ofiara omal nie padla inna osoba, z warszawy – francuskiego pochodzenia, o ciemniejszym kolorze skory. Funkcjonariusze ABW “zaprosili” ja na rozmowe do swojej siedziby, podczas ktorej dali do podpisania dokument napisany po polsku. Do dzisiaj nie wiemy co stalo sie z tym dokumentem ani co zawieral, poniewaz zaginal po interwencji prawnika. Wersja ABW byla taka sama – probowalo zmusic te osobe do opuszczenia polski w ciagu miesiaca, z uwagi na podejrzenie o zagrozeniu dla bezpieczenstwa polski. Jakiego zagrozenia? Nigdy sie nie dowiedzielismy. W tym przypadu natychmiastowa reakcja i solidarnosc pozwolily na powstrzymanie zakusow Agencji.

Tak samo musimy wstawic sie za Ameerem!

Stop represjom na tle rasistowskim! Solidarnosc z Ameerem!

Przyjdz na demonstracje – niedziela 9 pazdziernika, 15:00, Sad Okregowy w Krakowie

Napisz list (nie mozna wysylac paczek zywnosciowych):

Ameer Alkhawlany

Bieszczadzki Oddzial Strazy Granicznej ul. Mickiewicza 34 37 – 700 Przemysl

UWAGA! Ameer nie mowi po polsku, prosimy o pisanie w jezyku angielskim.

Solidarnosc nasza bronia!


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Poland: Tens of thousands of people took to the streets of Poland to protest a near-total ban on abortion [ENG] [ES]

On Black Monday, as it was called, huge protests against the new legislation swept through 90 Polish cities. The Warsaw mayor’s office said 24,000 Poles took to the streets of the capital, waving black flags to draw international attention to the proposed restrictions. On the event’s Facebook page, organizers said the protest drew up to 116,000 participants nationwide. In every bigger city in Poland (Kraków, Poznań, Wrocław, Bydgoszcz, Lublin) the number of demonstrates was counted in thousands, demonstrations took place even in smaller cities, nobody was expecting that huge number of participants. The protests have won the approval of numerous Polish employers, including restaurant owners, museum and gallery directors, the deans of several universities and mayors of a couple of large cities, all of whom allowed their female workers to take a day off. No way to find official information about numbers of demonstrates and  protests in polish public media, few months ago all public media became controlled by the government. Yesterday mostly of public tv news forgot to talk about massive movement of polish society ! Black Monday was the high point of protests that began two weeks ago. On social media, tens of thousands of Poles have posted pictures of themselves wearing black and staging demonstrations. The solidarity protests were also staged in other countries, including Iceland, Finland, Spain, France, Germany, USA, Sweden, Norway, United Kingdom, Hungary, Czech Republic, Croatia, China, Australia, Canada, Denmark, Austria and Ireland.


Foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski dismissed the protesters, saying, “Let them have their fun.” “There is no such problem as a threat to women’s rights,” he said in an interview with a private radio station, RMF-FM. “If someone thinks that there are no greater concerns in Poland at the moment, let them be.”

Poland’s existing abortion law is already one of the most restrictive in Europe. Abortion is permitted in only three cases: a severe fetal anomaly, a threat to the mother’s health and life, or a pregnancy from rape or sexual abuse.

Under the proposed legislation, written by an organization called Stop Abortion, all abortions would be criminalized. Women, doctors and anyone who assisted with the procedure could face up to five years in prison.  Poland introduced a restrictive abortion law, known as the “abortion compromise” and championed by the Roman Catholic Church, in 1993 after the collapse of Communism.

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Poland: Thousands of prople rally against proposed near-total abortion ban [ENG]

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Thousands of Poles took part in demonstrations over the weekend, as momentum built ahead of the mass action when women in several other European countries are expected to protest in solidarity with the strikers.  Female workers across the country will withdraw their labour in an effort to bring the economy to a standstill and highlight attempts to tighten already restricted abortion laws even further.

“A lot of women and girls in this country have felt that they don’t have any power, that they are not equal, that they don’t have the right to an opinion,” Magda Staroszczyk, a strike co-ordinator. This is a chance for us to be seen, and to be heard.”

Terminations are currently permitted in Poland, where 87 per cent of the population identify as Catholic, only when the life of the foetus is under threat, when there is a grave threat to the health of the mother, or when the pregnancy resulted from rape or incest.

If the proposed ban were enacted, all terminations would be criminalised and women who had abortions could be sent to prison for up to five years. Doctors found to have assisted with a termination would also be liable for prosecution and a prison sentence.

Critics say the new law could mean woman suffering miscarriages would be suspected and investigated, and doctors might be put off conducting even routine procedures on pregnant women for fear of being accused of facilitating an abortion.

A government committee is currently considering the proposal, which was initiated by a hardline conservative advocacy group and submitted by the Stop Abortion coalition as a “citizens’ initiative” – a petition considered by parliament once it has received more than 100,000 signatures.

Official strikes, part of what has been called the “black protest”, will be taking place in over 60 different Polish cities on Monday. In an act of solidarity, a number of businesses and corporations have reportedly pledged to shut their doors as part of the strike. Protesters are being encouraged to wear black and post photos on social media of them participating in the action.

Police estimate around 5,000 people rallied outside Parliament in Warsaw on Saturday, many dressed in black to signify that they were mourning the loss of reproductive rights women could suffer if the law passes. Speakers said a total ban on abortion, including for victims of rape or women whose lives are endangered by a pregnancy, would be “barbaric.”

poland Cs-E99jWYAAIycRCampaigners added that they wanted as few abortions as possible in Poland, but this goal should be achieved with better sex education in schools and easier access to birth control.

According to official figures, around 1,000 legal abortions are performed in Poland every year. However, it is estimated a considerably higher number also take place illegally, with up to 150,000 women each year performing abortions on themselves, often with pills bought online.

In June of last year, activists used drones to fly abortion pills into Poland in a show of solidarity with local women.

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Martin was released from remand! WELCOME HOME!!!

The supreme court denied the confidential file written by former criminal police chief about his sister as an anarchist organizer and criminal element whom the court deciding about Martin awaiting trial outside of remand should not trust. Therefore the court had to decide to “free” Martin. The struggle is not over at all. In contrary it is in its beginning and Fenix 5 (people being charged of a conspiracy of preparation a terrorist attack against the train with military equipment – prepared by two under-covered/infiltrated state agents) will face another series of court hearings on October 3rd to 6th.



Martine vítej doma!!!

Pro pětici, která byla po operaci Fénix obžalovaná z podílení se na přípravě “teroristického útoku”, kterou naplánovali agenti policie ČR, tahanice se soudem rozhodně neskončila. Naopak, soudní líčení se v létě teprve rozjelo, a tak Martin a ostatní mají ještě náročný boj před sebou. Přístí státní se konají od 3. do 6. října. Vyzíváme k solidárním akcím a podpoře obžalovaných anarchistů a anarchistek.

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FANZINE: Fenix nie powstał z popiołów [PL]

fenix nie powstal z popiolowpic

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ANTIFENIX poster [ENG] [FR] [DEU] [CZ] [RU]

Here is the newly updated poster. In this poster we bring news about appeal/higher court with Igor Shevcov and the first two days of the court hearing with the “Fenix five”. Besides that you can find information about the case, police tactics, tips for how to support and donate and many more.

Please print it in A2 format, so the letters don’t get too small. Spread it around your favorite radical places and streets.


ENG   FR   RU   DEU   CZ

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Chile: Afiche solidario con Juan, Enrique y Nataly [ES]



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UK , LONDON -Warsaw 3: London banner drop and solidarity events coming up [ENG]


Free the Warsaw 3: London Banner drop and upcoming solidarity events !!

Last weekend, individuals handed out zines and dropped a banner at TRESPASS ( DIY Punk show ) to raise awareness and support for the Warsaw 3; three anarchists arrested and charged under new anti-terror laws. Donations were also collected to go towards their legal costs.


On the 7th October 8pm, come along to the solidarity SQUAT gig & party with London based bands and musicians to help raise funds for the Warsaw 3 !


Free the Warsaw 3 and all hostages of the State !

Links for events:

Info Night :

Gig :

more info :



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Turkey / Kurdistan: Interview with the DAF (Revolutionary Anarchist Action) [ENG]


Libertarian perspectives for the Middle East

The interview that we share here was produced during August 2016, just two weeks after the coup attempt of the 16th of July. This also happened a month before the beginning of the big Turkish manoeuvre on the orographic right side of the Euphrates in the Syrian territory to counteract the presence of the SDF militia that had taken that region from ISIS, strategical for the supply lines of the Caliphate.

The following interview is the product of a meeting of several hours with a spokesperson of the Turko-Kurdish anarchist organization DAF (Revolutionary Anarchist Action) and it isn’t summarized. The precise interview has been added with fragments from the rest of the meeting.

It is a very urgent piece on our current events, hence why we also recommend reading the article translated by Meydan, the newspaper of the DAF, published on 26 edition year 96 of Umanità Nova (Fight for power, Fight against power). We consider the following interview a necessity to understand the Turko-Kurdish situation and the actions of our comrades in those areas.

D: How has the situation developed in Turkey during these last weeks? Is Erdogan’s power stronger after the coup attempt? How was the meeting between the AKP and Hizmet?

R: As you know, the organization of Gülen and Hizmet was active before the start of the governments of the AKP. When the AKP became a government group they formed a coalition, as Gülen’s movement was very noticeable from within the state apparatuses, police, military and legal courts. Hizmet has several schools, controls part of the education system, universities, the schools for preparation of university entrance tests, high schools, along with the media and healthcare. They all hold immense power. The AKP and Gülen have made a coalition and cooperated, especially in the justice system, thanks to the presence of Gülen’s members among all of the judges and lawyers.  They have proceeded with the arrests and impeachment of many members of the armed forces, members of Kemalist groups and senior officers and top advisers of the general staff.

After this they replaced the arrested members with their own men and have further strengthened themselves, both the AKP and Hizmet, not only in the ranks of the military but also in all the other state apparatuses that were purged, like the police, intelligence services and bureaucracy.

However, during this time disagreements started emerging from these two groups and Erdogan launched a campaign aimed towards expelling Hizmet from the state. However the Gülenists intervened: their members in the justice system started investigating members of the AKP and carried out trials against many government ministers, their families and even towards Erdogan’s own son, accusing him of corruption and embezzlement of public funds.

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Italy: Account open for the comrades arrested in operation “Scripta Manent” [ENG]

serveimageCroce Nera Anarchica  is collecting money for comrades that got arrested during ¨Scripta Manent” operation, which recently  had place in Italy.

N° Carta PostePay: 4023 6009 1934 2891
addressed to: Omar Nioi

Being an emergency the money will be used to support the comrades in prison, but also for legal costs.

For any informations, here is the address of Croce Nera Anarchica:



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Italy ,Rome – Communique from Anarchist Comrade Daniele from Regina Coeli prison [ENG]

Rome, Italy: Communique from Daniele from Regina Coeli prison

“Between these four increasingly narrow walls,

I cultivate my hatred of the system. “

If you are an anarchist get it into your head, if you have not done so already, that it could be your turn to end up in prison sooner or later, and that the paths that could lead you there are many.

If you are an anarchist, first, you have to be careful about what you keep at home: simple things, trivial or almost, become components of devices or explosives in the cops’ reports, a story we have also seen recently in Bologna with a comrade ending up in AS2 in Ferrara. Even books, pamphlets and leaflets, so-called “paperwork”, become proof of affiliation with terrorist organizations.

And then there are the classic conspiracy charges, usually 270a, that allow the guards to throw you inside without even bothering to provide “concrete evidence”.

In short, the roads are many, but the reason is one: being irreducibly aligned against power.

If I say this it is certainly not to complain about the iniquity of democratic justice, but to point out how easy it is for an anarchist to end up in prison, no matter how careful one is. Awareness of this risk should not scare us, just keep us ready.
So “Scripta Manent” was not at all unexpected but is a repressive attack whose only uncertainty was “when”, not “if.” An attack by the democratic regime against those who, within it, still refuse to submit to the values and morals of dominion by getting into in a conciliatory perspective of dialogue and compromise, but remain in open confrontation with power.

“The State is not thinkable without lordship and servitude … For the State it is indispensable that nobody have an own will; if one had, the State would have to exclude this one; if all had, they would do away with the State.”

After all, whether you end up there or not, prison is still in the path of an anarchist. Because it is a spectre that hangs over you, because it has taken friends or loved ones, or just because it is the foundation of this society that we hate (“repression is civilization”).

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Fight the extradition of Lauri Love [ENG]

On the 16th of September 2016 at Westminster Magistrates Court the extradition proceedings of Lauri Love (a computer scientist accused of hacking) were approved with leave to appeal. Lauri is being extradited to face charges of hacking to government websites and stealing data from three states in the U.S He faces a sentence of up to 99 years according to his U.S. lawyer Tor Eckland.

A group of his supporters, as well as the media, were present outside the court. At 2pm, the public gallery was full, people were even sitting on the stairs hoping for a positive outcome for Lauri . District Judge Nina Tempa arrived and within two minutes recommended that Lauri Love be extradited to the U.S. The three extradition requests were granted with appeal.

Outside the courts after the hearing Lauri made a statement, ‘If you have come here for justice then you have missed it’

Lauri’s case will now go to Amber Rudd home secretary for another decision on his extradition on November 16th2016. He then has the option to appeal.

The case of Lauri Love is a sad one. On the 15th of July 2015 Love was arrested on behalf of the US government. He participated in an online protest hacking into U.S government websites and stealing data as part of #OpLastResort. #OpLastResort was an online protest spurred by the suicide of Aron Swartz who was facing a 30 year prison sentence in the U.S.

What makes this case so sad is that Lauri has threatened suicide over the fact of the harsh treatment in U.S prisons and not being able to cope with his mental and physical health issues, Asperger’s, depression and asthma, in a foreign country without his carers. He is fighting for a fair trial in the U.K. He declared,“ The only way they will take me to the U.S is in a body bag”.

The district Judge Nina Tempa has dismissed these concerns stating “….but I have found that the U.S prison estate, on arrival and ensuring any sentence if he is convicted will comprehensively be met by the U.S authorities.”

Lauri Love is a computer scientist who can serve the public by making the internet a safe place instead of serving an unjust sentence in inhumane conditions in the USA, risking suicide. His potential sentence is grossly unfair, 99 years is far more than the maximum sentence for murder or rape. Moreover, such a sentence should not exist for political protest and political activists should not have to face the same end as the very thing they were protesting against. The case of Lauri Love is unfair and he needs your support.

You can help either with a donation or writing a letter to your M.P. Further information can be found at: In support of Lauri Love: The courage Foundation.


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Ireland, Dublin: Solidarity against the Terrorist Narco-State of Mexico [ENG]


On Saturday, 24 September, LASC and the Mexico-Ireland Solidarity Collective organised a vigil at the Mexican embassy to remember and to call for justice for the 43 missing students of Ayotzinapa and the thousands more like them who have been disappeared in Mexico.

Over a year ago, on the night of 26 September 2014, a group of student teachers in the Mexican state of Guerrero were ambushed by municipal police as they traveled in a convoy of buses through the city of Iguala. Five people, including two students, were killed when the officers opened fire on the buses, and another student was later found dead, his body showing signs of horrific torture. Forty-three other students simply disappeared without trace. The students’ disappearance unleashed a wave of public outrage fuelled equally by the attack itself and by the narco-corruption which has enabled drug gangs to infiltrate local governments and police forces across Mexico.


To mark the two year anniversary of the disappearances, protests were held across Mexico and the world to support the parents and relatives of the disappeared of Ayotzinapa.

The Zapatista National Liberation Army denounced the behavior of the Mexican government of Enrique Peña Nieto for “rewarding” people strongly suspected of perpetuating impunity in the case of the 43 forcibly disappeared students from the Ayotzinapa teachers college. “(The) cynicism and perversion of the political class (…) not only continues to pretend to search for the missing comrades, but instead, with the growing evidence showing the guilt of the terrorist narco-state, rewards those responsible for lying and trying to distort the truth even more,” read the statement by the EZLN, referring to Tomas Zeron, a state investigator who resigned for tampering with evidence and was subsequently promoted.

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