Naples, Italy: September carrion – Operation “Scripta Manent” [ENG-ITA]

italy ita


At about 5.00 this morning, September 6, almost like an anniversary or the tax on garbage due, a pack of guard dogs materialized outside my door.

They were not begging for nuggets, biscuits or bones but weapons, explosives, claims, Croce Nera Anarchica, Pagine in Rivolta and KNO3 …

With the arrogance typical of watchdogs, they pushed into the house and started rummaging, not before having delivered me the formal invitation signed, not by me of course, but a certain Roberto M. Sparagna who works as inquisitor on behalf of the Prosecutor of Turin.

Apart from a few “Cobra” firecrackers and a smoke bomb they did not find anything else “dangerous” and gave vent their hunger on newspapers, pamphlets and posters, especially from Greece and Mexico, the above Italian anarchist publications and others, posters with FAI / FRI symbols as well as a good amount of correspondence even from decades ago.

After turning my room upside down and visiting those of my roommates, they asked me to accompany them to the police station to list the sum total of the raid and receive a receipt of confiscation.

Once again, with Septembrian surgical precision, they have unleashed raids and issued notifications of impending investigations; but above all some comrades have been kidnapped, 8 to be precise…

This time, in order to gain a place on the State payroll for a few years, the prosecutor R. M. Sparagna had to fish in troubled waters, going back to events that happened in 2003 (who knows if the next inquisitor will accuse and arrest us for the “Matese uprising” or the “revolt of Piombino “…

Those that the “wig” on duty is turning to, and has summed up under “270bis”, are attacks carried out from 2003 onwards with the signature FAI / FRI, not knowing that back in 2004 someone from Rome had tried with “Operation Cervantes” and a couple of years later with the operation against the comrades of the then Croce Nera Anarchica [Anarchist Black Cross].

The arrest of our comrades will not succeed in making us beat a retreat, so arm yourselves with “holy inquisitorial” patience because you will have to wake us up at dawn for a long time…if you can find us still in our beds…Alfredo, Nicola, Anna, Marco, Alessandro, Daniele, Danilo and Valentina will not be left alone even for a second.

Our thoughts will be with them every moment of their sequestered lives, in their every breath, in each one of our steps along the paths of the dark woods.

I, myself and me

Naples, 6 September 2016

(source Act For Freedom Now!,


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Italy: 30 searches and 5 arrests for the attacks of Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI) [ENG-ITA]

italy fai

In the early hours of September 6, an operation coordinated by the Digos [political police] of Turin led the searches of 30 homes in various Italian regions (Piedmont, Liguria, Lazio, Umbria, Lombardy,Abruzzo, Campania, Sardinia and Emilia Romagna) and the arrest of five anarchist comrades accused of subversive association with terrorist intent: Anna, Marco, Sandrone, Danilo and Valentina; in addition, a notification in prison for Nicola and Alfredo.

The operation, called “Scripta Manent” [from Latin proverb “verba volant, scripta manent” — spoken words fly away, written words remain], tries to attribute to a single direction a series of direct actions claimed by the Informal Anarchist Federation, reproducing in this way the same repressive strategies of some previous operations, such as Servantes and Boldness (“Ardire”), and trying to impose an associative and vertical structure on the expressions of anarchist conflictuality.

In particular, the attacks inserted in this investigation include the parcel-bombs sent to the CPT’s [detention centres for immigrants] director in Modena in May 2005, to the traffic-cops barracks in Torino-San Salvario and to the chief-police of Lecce (claimed by FAI/Narodnaja Volja), the explosive device against the RIS barracks [carabinieri forensics] in Parma (October 24, 2005, claimed by FAI/Cooperativa Artigiana Fuoco e Affini-occasionalmente spettacolare), the parcel-bomb sent to the Mayor of Bologna Sergio Cofferati (November 2, 2005, claimed by FAI/Cooperativa Artigiana Fuoco e Affini-occasionalmente spettacolare), the devices against the carabinieri cadets’ barracks in Fossano (June 2, 2006, claimed by FAI/RAT-Rivolta Anonima e Tremenda), the devices placed in the Turin neighbourhood, Crocetta (March 7, 2007, claimed by FAI/RAT); among the other actions also the wounding of Adinolfi (May 7, 2012), despite the fact that two comrades have already been convicted and have publicly claimed this attack, to corroborate the crime of association.

It seems that the investigators, felt the need to structure their clues, used even linguistic and graphology experts, in addition to electronic and computer surveillance, and tailing.

Probably, the male comrades will be transferred to the prison of AS [high surveillance] in Ferrara, and the female comrades to Rebibbia in Rome, but we prefer to await confirmation before publishing the addresses.

(source Act For Freedom Now!,

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Italy, Torino: 7 anarchists arrested and accused of being members of FAI-FRI [ENG]

italy 7th september fai

On Tuesday, September 6th, seven comrades were arrested and accused of being members of the Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI). The arrests were made by the DIGOS (Division of General Investigations and Special Operations) headed by prosecutor Roberto Sparagna. The charge against our comrades is ‘subversive association with intent to commit terrorist acts’, coordinated by the prosecutor of Turin who has accused them of placing 3 bombs. One in the Crocetta neighborhood of Turin on March 5, 2007, and two in the police training center in Fossano on June 2, 2006.

In addition to the arrests of these individuals 8 other comrades have been placed under investigation. Raids were carried out on 29 homes located in Piemonte, Liguria, Lazio, Emilia Romagna, Lombardia, Sardegna, Abruzzo, Campania and Umbria.

The arrested anarchists are Anna Beniamino (46), Marco Biseti (33), Emiliano Danilo Cremonese (40), Alsessandro Mercogliano (43) and Valentina Spaziale. The identities of the other two comrades are unknown but it is believed to be two women linked to the attack by ‘Olga Cell’ FAI-FRI against nuclear power company executive Robert0 Adinolfi in Genoa, May 2012. Anarchist comrades Nicola Gai and Alfredo Cospito were sentenced for this action to 9 years, 4 months and 10 years, 8 months respectively.

More updates soon.


(via Instinto Salvaje, translated by Insurrection News)

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Italy: Text from anarchist prisoner Alfredo Cospito in solidarity with the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire [ENG]

Genova - processo ai due anarchici accusati del ferimento del manager Ansaldo, Adinolfi

Genova – processo ai due anarchici accusati del ferimento del manager Ansaldo, Adinolfi

On the 30th of August Alfredo damaged the glass partition windows of the interview room in the high surveillance section of Ferrara prison in solidarity with the prisoners of the CCF who were recently sentenced to more than a hundred years in prison for an attempted escape.

Today August 30 almost 4 years since my arrest I wanted to celebrate the anniversary with the destruction of the interview room window panels. This action is my contribution of revolutionary solidarity with my brothers and sister of the CCF-FAI-FRI who were condemned by yet another judicial process and sentenced to 110 years each for a failed escape attempt. The anarchist prisoner is not a flag, nor must we build a monument around them, sometimes they are a piece of our heart, sometimes not…nevertheless they continue to struggle, to live…not to be remembered, but wanting revenge, freedom, but ultimately they may also be alone because by nature they do not belong to any flock…

Long live FAI-FRI

Long live CCF

(via Croce Nera Anarchica, translated by Insurrection News)

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Poland, Kraków: Banner in solidarity with the Warsaw Anarchists 3 [ENG] [PL]

krakow soli


In the end of August 2016 we hung out a banner in solidarity with – the Warsaw 3 anarchists arrested on suspicion of trying to set fire to a police car. This was a minimum gesture as part of the International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners.

The democratic regime holds them in isolation within the prison, treating them as dangerous criminals, trying to break their souls and destroy their will to resist. Despite the feeling that we are separated by thick walls surrounded by barbed wire and surveillance cameras, we know that it depends on us whether they succeed. Our passivity reinforces the superiority of the state and weakens the position of those arrested, disarming the environment of the will to act and quietly learning to accept unwritten compromise with the system – until it leans on you, you can enjoy relative security and vegetate on the margins of society.

krakow soli

Apparently we are free and they are trapped. However, there is an invisible prison, erected in our minds by the system, fulfilling its role as effectively as a real prison of concrete barriers and metal bars. Our consciences are guarded by the police stations where the police officers are our own thoughts, preventing uncontrolled development of rebellion. It is only when the overthrow of these invisible prisons begins that the anarchist revolution will be here with a smoldering spark of flame that explodes in disobedience.

We therefore call on all anarchists to show solidarity with the guys – write to them, do actions for them that break the isolation of the walls and the system!

Let us show that we do not sit with folded hands, let us remember our comrades and continue their struggle. Lets break through the walls of fear!

We dedicate this excerpt from the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire to our comrades:

“Prison is a shadow apart in the transparent galley of democracy. Here, time is uncountable and days push slowly against each other, melancholically, indifferent, mechanical. Here, the seasons of the year die within a calendar hung on the wall, and nostalgia takes its revenge, disinterring memories, emotions, loved ones, sceneries and thoughts that never materialized into praxis.

But the wolf that exists within us stays awake and hungry. All these days, all these months, all these years we feed it with thoughts, desires, concerns, plans, rage, and it swallows the bars, the barbed wire, and the locks to run free again some unknown day.”

Several anarchists


Nadesłane do redakcji:

„W drugiej połowie sierpnia 2016 wywiesiliśmy transparent solidarnościowy z  trójką warszawskich anarchistów aresztowanych pod zarzutem próby podpalenia policyjnego radiowozu. Tym skromnym gestem przyłączamy się do trwającego na całym świecie Międzynarodowego Tygodnia Solidarności z Uwięzionymi Anarchistami.

Demokratyczny reżim przetrzymuje ich teraz w więziennych izolatkach traktując jak niebezpiecznych przestępców, próbując złamać ich dusze i zniszczyć wolę oporu. Mimo poczucia, że dzielą nas grube mury otoczone drutem kolczastym i kamerami monitoringu wiemy, że to również od nas zależy czy mu się to uda. Nasza bierność umacnia przewagę państwa i osłabia pozycję aresztowanych, rozbraja środowisko z woli działania i uczy cicho akceptować niepisany kompromis z systemem – dopóki się nie wychylasz możesz cieszyć się względnym bezpieczeństwem i wegetować na społecznym marginesie.

Podobno jesteśmy wolni, a oni uwięzieni. Istnieją jednak niewidzialne więzienia, wzniesione w naszych umysłach przez system, spełniające swoją rolę równie skutecznie jak  prawdziwe ściany betonowych barier i metalowych krat. Nasze sumienia są strzeżone przez komisariaty, na których jesteśmy policjantami własnych pragnień, zapobiegając rozwojowi  niekontrolowanego buntu. To właśnie od obalenia tych niewidzialnych więzień zaczyna się anarchistyczna rewolucja, to tutaj tli się iskra od której wybucha płomień nieposłuszeństwa.

Dlatego wzywamy wszystkich anarchistów do akcji solidarnościowych z chłopakami – piszcie do nich, róbcie akcje, przełamujcie mur izolacji oraz atakujcie system. Pokazujmy, że nie siedzimy z założonymi rękami, pamiętajmy o naszych towarzyszach i kontynuujemy ich walkę. Niech runą mury strachu!

Dedykujemy naszym towarzyszom fragment tekstu Konspiracyjnych Komórek Ognia:

„Więzienie jest cienistą luką w przejrzystej galerze demokracji. Czas staje się tutaj niepoliczalny, a dni powoli przelewają się, melancholijnie, monotonnie, mechanicznie. Pory roku giną w kalendarzu na ścianie i górę bierze nostalgia, odgrzebując wspomnienia, emocje, ukochane osoby, miejsca i myśli, które nigdy nie stały się czynami.

Jednak wilk wewnątrz nas pozostaje czujny i głodny. Przez wszystkie te dni, miesiące i lata karmimy go myślami, pragnieniami, troskami, zamiarami, gniewem, a on pożera kraty, drut kolczasty i zamki, by pewnego dnia znów wybiec na wolność.”

Kilkoro anarchistów

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Stop Protesting and Become A Revolutionary: How to Join the FAI [ENG]


As the United States totters ever closer towards total collapse and WW3 looms on the horizon, one question burns with increasing intensity in the minds of Anarchists everywhere: what can I do to help destroy things?

Not since the heyday’s of the early 1900’s has the moral and social fabric of America the Brutal been so close to the tipping point, the minds of an entire populace so close to boiling over. We live in a unique age, a transitory position; Radicals of every stripe are quickly abandoning the long dead tactics of the Protest Left in favor of militant activity, going so far as to form armed squads. The State not only knows this but expects it, which says something quite dire about what lies ahead of us consideringthe massive build-up of military units for such an occurrence. Things are bad, real bad, and people everywhere feel the need to do something. The fact is violence DOES work and people are starting to realize that.

Radicalism has long been clubbed by the idiotic beliefs perpetuated by the Democratic party. With Bernie’s betrayal people are starting to look for alternatives. There is an itch on the arm of Leftists everywhere, a sullen pimple begging to be popped. There is talk of “real revolution” and what that might entail. It’s a question whose time has come. The religious belief in nonviolence that we’ve all had passive-aggressively shoved down our throats states that an individual must allow an entity in opposition to see the evil in his or her own ways and voluntarily change because apparently people switch out belief systems like vape liquids. This, as if by magic, will somehow spread across society and create lasting change. Of course it’s all a lie. This foolish notion places an extraordinary amount of faith in the human conscience and assumes people are rationally deciding the course of their actions and has proven it’s bankruptcy. If the dogma of “conscious choice” were true the entire field of advertising wouldn’t exist. If an individual had a working conscience in the first place would they actually engage in activities with threaten and destroy various forms of life on this planet, support a state that exports war and death to millions across the globe? The entire system depends upon people NOT acting rationally and not ethically reflecting on those same actions. I can assure you cops and soldiers sleep like babies.


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Santiago, Chile: Anti-prison march in solidarity with imprisoned comrades, 25.08.16 [ENG]

The prisons are centers for extermination of the poor and those who fight against this system!

Today there are more than 40 political and social fighters imprisoned by the state of Chile and more than 80 social fighters have been killed since democracy.
The real criminals are directing states and companies and they are the ones who rape, torture and murder in police stations and prisons and kill civilians daily in their wars.

We do not forget Luis Alvial, murdered by the guards at the prison in Chillán on August 17, 2016; and the 81 who were murdered in San Miguel prison on December 8, 2010.

All the fighters who fell in the struggle against this system, PRESENT!!
Freedom to all revolutionaries worldwide imprisoned by the state terrorists!!

(via Contra Info)

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Chile: Investigation period extended against anarchist comrades Juan, Nataly and Enrique [ENG]


During the last days of August, the courts accepted the request from the defense for the comrades Juan Flores, Nataly Casanova and Enrique Guzmán who were seeking to re-open the investigation into the charges under the anti-terrorism law against the comrades. The intention of the defense is to gain access to a video that police claimed was key to their investigation, a video that neither the prosecution nor the police want to hand over.

The investigation period has been extended for another 30 days.

The prosecutors, faithful to their dishonesty declared: “The office of the prosecution has worked very seriously and very meticulously. The evidence in the investigation folder has been in the possession of all the participants from the beginning.”

Solidarity with Juan, Nataly and Enrique!

(via Publicacion Refractario, translated by Insurrection News)

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Czech Republik: Operación Fenix [ES] [ENG]

Represión policial, anarquistas acusados de preparación de actos terroristas“¡Ninguna represión puede parar el anhelo por la libertad!”Con la ‘Operación Fénix’ tuvo lugar la mayor oleada represiva policial contra anarquistas y el movimiento radical de izquierdas de la historia reciente checa.

Detención de gente en las horas de la madrugada, acusaciones de preparación de actos terroristas y confiscación de un servidor, el cual mantiene varias páginas de activistas, todo esto ocurrió con la ‘Operación Fénix’ la cual comenzó el martes 28 de Abril. La policía anti-extremistas está activamente intentando asustar a los anarquistas y la escena de la izquierda anti-autoritaria y recopilando información durante la pesca.

Esta es nuestra llamada de auxilio a la solidaridad internacional. La policía estableció un embargo informativo durante la operación, aunque algunos detalles han sido filtrados a los medios.

Hoy, jueves 7 de Mayo, todavía hay 3 personas bajo custodia policial. Tres más han sido acusadas de planear actos terroristas y otros delitos graves.

Las tácticas policiales no tendrán éxito. No nos vamos a dejar asustar, continuaremos con nuestra práctica política.

Si deseas ayudarnos, estaremos muy agradecidos con cualquier solidaridad política o económica.

¿Cómo ayudar?
En momentos en los que toda la escena anarquista/izquierda radical está enfrentándose a la represión sistemática en muchas fronteras, cualquier ayuda para suavizar el golpe es más que bienvenida. No queremos organizar una campaña de solidaridad centralizada, sabemos por la experiencia en otros países que las campañas con más éxito fueron descentralizadas, creativas y diversas. Esperamos construir una campaña que sobrepase las fronteras y venga de todas las direcciones.

Aquí dejamos algunas sugerencias, pero por supuesto, hay un sinfí de posibilidades y agradecemos y animamos a la creatividad.

Información y la prensa:
Difunde información sobre la operación Fénix, comparte articulos con nueva información en tu cuenta de redes sociales, informa sobre la situación en tu blog… Pedimos usar #antifenix como una manera de unir la campaña.

Solidaridad política:
Esperamos usar un espectro diverso de presión politica hacia el gobierno checo para frenar la persecución a la escena anarquista/izquierda radical y conseguir la libertad de todos los presos políticos. Planeamos organizar un día de manifestaciones solidarias por los detenidos en la operación Fénix. Más información en breve.

Solidaridad económica:
Los abogados y la ayuda legal son un gran gasto, agradecemos cualquier evento benéfico que podais organizar o cualquier apoyo económico.

IBAN CZ98 0100 0000 0087 6019 0237

mas en castellano:


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Egypt – In prison solidarity is a weapon [ENG]


Some prisoners of the al-Qanater women’s prison will begin a hunger strike in solidarity with a comrade who is being denied her right to receive visits from her children. This is just the latest episode in a long list of abuses being inflicted on prisoners in Egyptian prisons every day.

Many human rights organizations report on torture inflicted in 42 prisons and 282 detention units (another 16 prisons have been built or are under construction), as well as in secret prisons and intelligence services headquarters.

A member of the parliamentary commission for Human Rights has recently revealed official figures from the prison authority, which put the number of prisoners at 100,000, with 10% political prisoners.

Recent data on the regime’s repression are appalling and explain what has been going on in the country since the military took power (we are only reporting a few figures which you can find here):

– Tens of thousands of prisoners including 3,200 children under the age of 18;

– 42 journalists arrested in 2015 alone;

– 464 forced disappearances in 2015 alone;

– 915 confirmed cases of torture;

– 554 prohibitions from leaving the country since 2013;

– 59 civilians on trial in military courts, 38 death penalties.

Here follows communiqué 1 from the prisoners on hunger strike in the women’s prison of al-Qanater.

#Sostieni-sciopero-Qanater #ادعم_اضراب_القناطر

The Egyptian prison system is based on the assertion that ‘prison alone is not sufficient to take revenge on the Egyptian opposition’. In fact, the time spent in prison, forced disappearances and arrests are not sufficient to challenge the movements that are opposing the system, hence the humiliation of prisoners who are being denied basic human rights are set to continue. Sleep deprivation and lack of decent food are just a few examples of the revenge and harassment occurring in Egyptian prisons, which ooze injustice and obscurity. From the prison of AlAqrab to that of AlAzouly, and in all the police detention units, the ‘doctrine’ is the same, especially after the State plans for the construction of more youth prisons instead of houses.

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Italy, Ventimiglia: hundreds overrun cops and breach the border [ENG]


Update from No Borders Ventimiglia on the events of 4-5th August, translated by Rabble.

Note from Rabble: Hundreds of refugees at any one time have been stuck near the Italian coastal town of Ventimiglia since France introduced border controls with Italy just over a year ago. As in Calais, there is an official, state-sanctioned ‘container camp’ – run by the Red Cross – and a more populous, autonomous camp nearby.

On the night of 4th August 2016, around 300 migrants left the Italian Red Cross Centre in the direction of the French border. The sans-papiers stopped at Balzi Rossi, 50m from the border where there had been the No Border camp last year. Their aim was to leave the Red Cross Centre, demand the opening of the border, and call for the release of a Sudanese man who had been arrested and deported to the Brindisi detention centre.

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Greece: 14 year old refugee girl attempts suicide at Elliniko Immigrant Detention Center [ENG]


A 14 year old refugee girl from Afghanistan was transferred to Evangelismos hospital following a suicide attempt on the 2nd of August. F. has been living in squalid conditions inside the Elliniko Immigrant Detention Center where she has been jailed for the past two months. This state run concentration camp is not only used to confine adult immigrant women, but also children who are sometimes unaccompanied. This inhumane practice of the police is seen as a necessary evil by the Syriza ”rights advocates” due to the complete lack of accommodation for immigrant and refugee children.

These are the same ”rights advocates” who repressed and destroyed occupied buildings providing shelter and support to immigrant/refugee men and women who face hardship in Greece.

Thankfully, F. is doing well now. But there are difficult days ahead of her in the Elliniko ”accommodation” camp where the tents are under the boiling sun among dirt and squalor.

People in solidarity from the South

source:  Athens Indymedia, translated by BlackCat

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USA: Poster for September 9 Nationwide Prisoner Strike against Prison Slavery [ENG]


Text from the poster:

“We are not beasts and we do not intend to be beaten or driven as such… What has happened here is but the sound before the fury of those who are oppressed.”
L. D. Barkley, participant in Attica rebellion

On September 9, 1971, the inmates of Attica Correctional Facility in upstate New York seized control of the prison. The Attica uprising, which lasted for five days, was not the first and certainly not the last prison rebellion. And yet its importance is indelibly marked within the history of the struggle against white supremacy and the prison society we still inhabit today.

In the forty years since Attica, prisons have swelled to bursting with the tragedies of disrupted lives, fractured families, and broken communities. In the last decade, resistance movements have steadily grown behind the prison walls. From the statewide work stoppage in Georgia prisons of 2010 to the hunger strike that spread throughout the California prison system in 2013; from fires lit in I.C.E. detention centers in Texas to riots and prison takeovers in Nebraska and Alabama, prisoners across the country are wide awake and on the move.

This September, prisoners, their families, and supporters on the outside are coordinating a nationwide prisoner strike to take place on the 45th anniversary of the Attica rebellion. This historic effort holds within it the potential to expand and embolden the movement against the horrific conditions of confinement, the prisons themselves and the society that creates them.

Towards the destruction of all prisons and the creation of a free and genuine human community!

Download Poster  Grayscale Version

source:  325

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Greece: We Will Defend Housing Squats [ENG]



The evacuation of squats in Thessaloniki by police, the mass arrests of comrades, the demolition of the Orfanotrofeio (orphanage) building, as well as the organized smear campaign against solidarity to refugees, leave no doubt that: the Tsipras government is a star pupil in the subject of power. The combination of brutality, cynicism, and lies, is the fundamental condition for governance as we know it. The close links with church business is but the theocratic icing on the cake of wretchedness.

The campaign initiated by mayor Kaminis (aided by New Democracy, the media, and minister of police Toskas) shows that Thessaloniki was not an isolated incident, but the beginning of a large scale repressive stack against the movement of solidarity of refugees. Through crass lies (of the variety used on such occasions), an attempt is being made to turn white into black, and to pave the way for repression.

Refugee housing squats are a nuisance to the state apparatus and to networks of power. First of all, because they demonstrate a different approach to social organization and to the individual stand of everyone. Against the dominant “everyone for themselves”,these self organized initiatives make tangible “all for one and one for all”. Against racist segregation and self interest, we propose the unity of the oppressed, offering a helping hand, and selflessness.

Refugee housing squats are even more of a nuisance because they are the successful implementation of a different approach. It is clear that the state plan for providing housing to refugees in camps outside the urban grid has completely and utterly failed. Wretchedness and violence is constantly being created – there have already been four refugee deaths in Elliniko alone… At the same time, the squats prove that refugees can be housed inside the urban grid, under dignified conditions. Where the state failed, self organization has succeeded! The most unequivocal proof of that is the fact that refugees leave the camps and come to live in the squats.

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Greece, Chios: VIAL Refugee Detention Center – “No food, no water” for three days [ENG]


Overall, there are 3000 immigrants and refugees stranded on the island of Chios. In VIAL, which is an ”open prison” for more than 1300 people, complaints regarding the squalid conditions of detention, the bad quality of food and the discriminatory treatment by the police have been recorded since the first day of its operation.

Things became significantly worse after July 28th, when refugees refused to eat any food in protest against the bad quality of the meals provided in the detention centre. A few days later, following the incidents that erupted during the protests and the injury of a police officer from a stone that was thrown, the operators of the detention centre stopped handing out meals.

On the 7th of August refugees contacted volunteers and human rights groups to complain about the situation. The refugees, including hundreds of children, were only being given bread and water. On the 8th of August, the same thing repeated. The refugees wrote messages on the surfaces of containers in a desperate need to communicate and bring their issue to the public eye: “No food, no water”. Complaints among refugees have increasingly become more common.


The first ”normal” meal was provided after three days, on the 9th of August: a mixture of lentils and rice which most people couldn’t eat.

This prompts serious questions: Why was no food given to refugees for three days? Who called for this and who followed those orders? Who is going to be held accountable?

Other complaints concern the discrimination of the police against refugees, mostly those from Northern Africa and this is something members of human rights organizations who have access inside the detention centre have discussed off the record. There were also complaints about the arbitrary actions of the police with the aim to target black people. According to a refugee, forced removals to Souda camp were attempted by the police:

“Υesterday a police come in our room saying we have to get out off that room and go to Souda and we told him no and never. Are black we need to go Souda because blacks are there and we say we don’t want to go nowhere, only Athens that’s all”

This 5-month detention on the island has brought people to their wit’s end.

VIAL has turned into a black hole: nobody knows what goes on inside, volunteers are not allowed to enter the campsite, there is no way to hold the police accountable, other authorities prefer to turn a blind eye and local media are not bothered about the situation. But it is unacceptable to tolerate the existence of a dumping ground for humans. The only solution is to respect the refugees’ demand for freedom.

(via Chios Refugees InfoPoint, translated by BlackCat)


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Poland: CALL OUT FOR SOLIDARITY with ROD gardens (Reclaim The Fields PL) in Warsaw! [ENG] [FR] [DEU] [PL]

CALL OUT FOR SOLIDARITY with ROD (Radical Allotment Gardens), open letter from gardeners:

We do not agree with the destruction of the ROD gardens!

Warsaw, August 10th 2016

ROD is the name of a community garden project located in Warsaw city, Poland. It is cared for by a collective linked to the European network Reclaim the Fields. RTF opposes itself to land-grabbing in Europe and to the global food market. On the area of abandoned allotment gardens, the collective garden allows for the production of high-quality food, independent energy sources and technologies alternative to those having a destructive impact on our environment. ROD is a horizontaly-organized open space in which knowledge and skills are transferred freely and in an accessible way.

The gardens at ROD are now under threat of destruction by the construction company Dom Development. Dom Development has announced that within 10 days a large part of the area, including all buildings and a wind turbine will be completely demolished. The wind turbine provides clean energy to the project and was built by an international group of artists. The wind turbine has been the subject of workshops on renewable energy at ROD.

Demolition of the tower and turbine has been ordered by PINB (Construction Supervision Authority). However Dom Development has decided itself to cut all trees, destroy all buildings and level the gardens in order to make the area unuseable.

In Warsaw there is a lack of places which distribute information on the global food market and its impact. The existence of groups such as ROD, which promote the idea of food and energy sovereignty as well as local self-government, is very valuable. The ROD collective works hard to freely share their knowledge on a variety of subjects (eg. construction of wind turbines, the production of non-GM seeds, gardening, using recycled materials).

Urbanisation and building development (such as in Warsaws Mokotow district where ROD collective works) may present themselves as progressive; providing living space for the city’s growing population. However office and business spaces take priority over homes and the city expands into the last areas of healthy land.

Urbanisation is not progress!

We do not agree with the mindless destruction of these gardens!

We appeal to leave the ROD area intact!

FB: Reclaim the Fields Polska

Email: radicalallotmentgardens(at)

+48 535678796

ROD Collective

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Czech Republik: Imprisoned vegan anarchist comrade Martin Ignačák birthday – 10 Aug [ENG]

On August 10th Martin will celebrate his already 2nd Birthday behind the bars. You can greet him by making noise behind the wall, sending a letter or any other way you like. Below, there is Martin’s address and bank connection.

In these uneasy times we wish him all the best and sending solidarity

Martinova adresa / Martin’s address:
Martin Ignačák 10.8.1986
V.V. Praha – Pankrác
P.O.BOX – 5
Praha 4
140 57

Bankovní kontakt pro ČR (pouze):
Číslo bankovního účtu: 6015-30929881
Kód banky: 0710
Variabilní symbol: 378100886
Specifický symbol: 5296220101
Ve zprávě pro příjemce nutno uvést: Martin Ignačák 10.8.1986

Bank address of Anarchist Black Cross:
IBAN CZ98 0100 0000 0087 6019 0237


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Kurdistan Region in Turkey: KJA Report – Assaults on Women by the Turkish State in Kurdistan [ENG]

pdf:  KJA-Report-Assaults-on-Women-by-the-Turkish-State-in-Kurdistan

Dear friend,

We are writing to you as the Free Women’s Congress (KJA), the largest umbrella organization for the women in Kurdistan Region in Turkey. KJA brings together the women from political parties, local governments, civil society organisations, unions, media, academy, and local people’s assemblies and communes. Consisting of 501 women delegates, KJA represents women from diverse identity groups, ethnic, faith and cultural backgrounds.

Please find attached the reports prepared by KJA about the assaults on women by the Turkısh State in Kurdistan

Kind regards,

*Kongreya Jinên Azad, Komîsyon a Dîplomasî*
Free Women’s Congress, Diplomacy Commission
Özgür Kadın Kongresi, Diplomasi Komisyonu

Address: Diclekent Mah. 250 Sok. No:21,
Phone: +90 412 237 77 75
* *

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Switzerland: House searches in Zürich and St. Gallen, july 2016 [ENG] [DEU] [IT]

Received August 4th 2016:

Ding Dong – It’s the State

On Sunday July 10th 2016, it came for another time to house searches in Zürich and St. Gallen. This time it was 3 of these raids. The reason stated on the search warrant that had been authorized through Zürich’s prosecution was “arson, etc.”, as we came to know. In a more detailed explanation of the search warrant it became evident that it was about an alleged incendiary attack on a telecommunication antenna in Waidberg, 8037 Zürich that happened in the night between Saturday and the same Sunday.

While in Zürich the house searches were performed by cops in plain clothing and in uniform, the special forces of St. Gallen used this moment to turn it into a training session: battering ram, balaclavas and machine guns, dozens of wannabe Hollywood-cops, forcing the residents of the raided house to lay on the floor, while rifling every room from top to bottom. Beside their unsatisfying result – in all 3 cases they had to leave with unused handcuffs – they show for another time with this action what the police effectively stand for: the repressive arm of the State, equipped with all means, in order to defend it and to neutralize potential enemies. And in this category fall all those who do not accept an unfailing authority above oneself; those who do not accept to be cut off from society’s wealth, those who do not accept to be alienated, isolated and put under surveillance by technology, while day by day the illusion of unity, happiness and unlimited possibilities are being flaunted.

Should the justification of the search warrant prove itself as factual event, it is essential to defend this attack, which directed against those structures contributing to the transformation of our autonomy into radio signal irradiated slavery. Because every spreading fire needs a spark…

Article translated from the anarchist newspaper of Zürich
„Dissonanz“, n°32, July 20th 2016.

Additional note: In the context of the house searches the police were looking for a specific person, without success. Until July 29th, there was no further news of this person being arrested. We wish to the comrade a lot of strength for his path outside of the clutches of the State.

[DEU] [IT]

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Athens, Greece: Police brutality against Romani children [ENG]

fuck-the-police-revok At 31st of July two Roma children approximately ten years old were hospitalized after having sustained serious head and body injuries. The children are well-known in the wider area between Acropolis, Thiseio and Koukaki, since they play an acordeon and a flute to beg for money in the tourist part of Athens.

The children, Tsipri and Joseph, were previously arrested and booked by cops of the Neos Kosmos police department, along with a young girl. During their detention at the police department the children were punched and kicked by sadist pigs. As a result, one of the children sustained serious injuries and profuse bleeding above the eyes, while the other suffers from pain on the sides and has bruised eyes. People who work locally went to the police station immediately to find out what happened.

Cops said the children were fine at the time of their release, but later returned to the police department bleeding and ”unfairly” blaming the cops. The hospital has initiated ex officio proceedings to investigate the circumstances and the reasons behind the assault. Until Sunday afternoon the officer on duty pretented to be unaware of what had happened at the police department and refused to provide the names of the cops who arrested the children. At the same time, the officer was repeating cynical excuses for the delinquency of the ten year-olds and attempted to blame the whole thing on retribution.

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