Netherlands: Mayor issues area bans for anarchists [ENG]

neatherlands At 3-8-2016 several anarchists in the city of The Hague, The Netherlands, but also in other cities, received police visits. The police delivered letters containing the intentions of mayor Jozias van Aartsen to prohibit anarchists from setting foot in the Schilderswijk neighbourhood in The Hague for the coming two months.

The letters stated that the anarchists were to blame for “structural nuisance”. This nuisance would consist of unannounced demonstrations, disturbing of the peace and the disturbing of demonstrations. The letters contain a list of allegations to which people are being associated to or for which they have been arrested. These allegations differ per person. They range from squatting, participation in spontaneous demonstrations, pasting posters and destroying a prison fence. What the anarchists have in common is that they are all active against institutionalized racism, ethnic profiling and the racist The Hague police force. All of them were also preemptively arrested on the 27th of June, after a demonstration commemorating Mitch Henriquez who was murdered by police last year.

The letter also states that “there was a presence of people associated with Anti-Fascist Action (AFA)” during the four nights of rioting last year after the police murder on Mitch Henriquez, and that they “had an inciting and catalyzing role in escalating the demonstration to the point of a riot”. It is also claimed that people linked to AFA “have breached the peace multiple times in the Schilderswijk”.

That the contents of these letters is mainly based on presumptions and vague accusations does not surprise us. Neither does the fact that a lot of these accusations have themselves been dropped by the public prosecutor because they were simply not concrete enough for a prosecution. The accumulation of loose and distant events, the speculation and framing of anarchists is nothing new. We can see this happening in a wider international context against anarchists in Brussels, Spain and Italy, where they are being accused for being members of “subversive” or “terrorist” organisations.

In The Hague repression is nothing new. Besides all the preemptive arrests, the stalking of anarchists on the streets and the attempts of infiltration, an eight week jail sentence was demanded for a comrade who was suspected of pasting an Anarchist Wallpaper.

How many people have had their movement restricted is still uncertain. This is because the police is still searching for people to whom they have to deliver the letter. The juridical grounds on which this area ban is based is the so called “Football Law” (art. 172a) which came into effect in 2010. It was meant to be used during football matches to restrict the movement of “hooligans”. This is the first time it has been used against activists and anarchists.

The public prosecutor announced that there will be a decision whether the police officers who murdered Mitch Henriquez will be prosecuted by the end of the summer. Again it comes as no surprise that the restriction of movement continues until the end of summer.

We will continue our struggle for freedom and anarchy. No restrictions, police or scum like mayor Jozias van Aartsen will stop us in this.

Long live Anarchy!


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Week of International Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners August 23-30 [ENG]


Received on 07.08.16:

Week of International Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners August 23-30

This international week of solidarity has been called to express solidarity with anarchists imprisoned by the state in many places of the world.

Let’s set alight the quiet nights and express our solidarity with our siblings and comrades by shaping our praxis of attacking, sabotage, destroying and setting fire to everything that controls us, that indoctrinates us and herds us and makes us places, or tricks us into passivity.

When faced with imprisonment, there is no place for resignation, only for the unbreakable desire to see the world burn!



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Poland, Warsaw: Reclaim the Fields and news from the ROD GARDENS (in connection with new anti-terrorism law) [ENG] [DEU] [FR] [PL]


Thank you to all who wrote in the last months in support of the gardens, sorry we were not able to respond quicker with an update! The work is continuing in the gardens at ROD, as we also spend time supporting imprisoned friends and co-gardeners. We are very concerned for their wellbeing. On May 23rd 2016 three anarchists from Warsaw were arrested and accused of terrorist activitiies. They face 6 months to 8 years of jail. The prosecution held them in custody for 3 months which may be automatically prolonged. All three are detained in isolation and denied the right to communicate with relatives. During the first week of detention none of them had access to a lawyer and there were signs of physical abuse on their bodies. more info on the arrest and details of support in various languages:

These arrests happened just as the government was taking steps too impliment a NEW ANTI TERRORIST ACT. Significantly on 10th, 23rd and 30th May in various Polish cities a series of false bomb alarms took place, leading to evacuation of sites such as editorial offices of media and television, shopping centers, and banks. The law was signed into force on the 22nd June 2016. The Polish government claimed that the new Anti-terrorism Law was necessary in order to increase coordination of the intelligence agencies and prepare for potential security threats related to the the upcoming NATO summit (July 2016) and World Youth Day (June 2016). more info on the Anti Terrorism Act:

Repression against the anarchist movement in Poland is rising. Also on May 23rd the police visited ROD four times. Since then, the collective is harassed by uniformed police (weekly visits). In Krakow, police searched the apartment and questioned a person who set up a social media site ridiculing inflated police accusations. In Warsaw information is circulating about police bothering people associated with the movement, and increased surveillance of anarchist spaces. At ROD we are continuing as best we can with the project. We are working in the gardens, although on a smaller scale than imagined at the start of the season. We have not had the energy to do all the projects we had thought about – especialy in relation to the local area and neighbourhood. We are happy for anyone who is passing by and has some time to help us with the gardens and building work. We still talk about the idea of organising a free food market in the local area! We have completed building a windturbine which provides now some energy and we are planning on installing some solar panels as well. We have also started to save a good ammount of seed to share and for next year. Other news from Poland includes… ABORTION BAN: a call from Polish Catholic bishops May 2016 for a full ban on abortion. The right wing, national-conservative Law and Justice (PiS) party, which came to power in October 2015, plans to tighten regulations to bring them into line with the Catholic Church’s teachings. There have been Pro Choice demonstrations in reaction to this. PiS leader Jaroslaw Kaczynski told reporters that as a Catholic, he had to follow the bishops’ call. PiS also plans to reinstate a prescription requirement for ‘morning after’ emergency contraceptive pills. The party has a majority in parliament, and Kaczynski’s influence means that the party’s lawmakers tend to follow his cue. Prime Minister Beata Szydlo also expressed support for a ban. POLISH SMALL FARMERS: farmers along with NGOs such as ICPPC


are protesting the sale of land in Poland to international buyers. They are also running anti GMO campaigns and a campaign called ‘Direct From the Farmer’. They have released a Charter for Real Food surrported by Via Campesina. Up until now the sale of on-farm processed foods was illegal unless farmers established their operations as a separate business and in a separate hygienically sanitised building; this is unaffordable to most small farmers whose farms are between 3 and 10 hectares. Actions so far have included tractor blockades mostly in north west of the country,petitions and illegal farmers markets. Some farmers were arrested during these actions but have since been released:

These campaigns have had some success. Unfortunatly the ICPPC are very happy to work with the Law and Justice (PiS) party and leader Kaczynski…which are openly homophobic.


ROD, Radicall Allotment Gardens, Warsaw: Wind Turibine in troubles !

turbina rod

On the morning of 4th Aug 2016, representatives of building development company Dom Development came to ROD gardens. They cut the lock on the door and entered without informing the gardeners of their arrival. Gardeners asked them why they were there. They said PINB (Powiatowy Inspektor Nadzoru Budowlanego – District Construction Supervision Inspector) had sent them written notice that they need to destroy an unauthorised building. They identified this building as the wind turbine and tower. The said it would be demolished in 1 week!

The wind turbine is an important part of the ROD gardens. ROD gardens
are working to grow good food in Warsaw city centre. The wind turbine
provides clean energy to the project. It was carefully and safely built using high quality recycled materials. The wind turbine itself is made from a recycled washing machine. This construction was the subject of the Szkoła Ogrodników Miejskich (Urban Garden School) 2016. People came to learn how the wind turbine works and had been built. The workshop shared knowledge of renewable energy and basic building skills.

Now Dom Development claim that they must destroy the construction.

If you have experience with PINB and planing permission in Warsaw please
contact us.

Keep your ears open for more updates.

Save the Wind Turbine!

turbina rod 2


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Espana: IX Encuentro del Libro Anarquista de Salamanca- Sabado 13 de Agosoto 2016- Plaza de barcelona-Salamanca [ES]

Saludos Continúa el *Encuentro del libro Anarquista de Salamanca* , con esta *novena edición* pretendemos continuar construyendo un espacio de acción y teoría que poco a poco se a consolidado dentro de la red anual de ferias de libros que se organizan en la península ibérica e islas y que tu tomes parte en los actos. *Os invitamos a participar en esta novena edición de la feria y que os paséis un día por Salamanca, en un fenomenal ambiente: cultural, solidario y libertario.* Continuamos con interés de seguir apoyando a las *distribuidoras, librerías y editoriales alternativas* que ayudan a poner en contacto a grupos y personas dispersas que necesitamos de la comunicación con lxs otrxs para poner en común nuestras reflexiones, acciones, creaciones, intercambio de material… Seguimos siendo una asamblea abierta horizontal, compuesta por personas pertenecientes a organizaciones y colectivos anarquistas de Salamanca y ciudades de alrededor. Entendemos la distribución anticomercial como una herramienta necesaria para difundir un ideal, para crear conciencia, debate, transformación social, de manera autogestionada, sin los condicionantes estéticos e ideológicos que impone el mercado comercial, creando nosotrxs mismxs un espacio propio, libre de la lógica del mercado. No nos mueve el beneficio, ni el éxito, ni la competencia, y con nuestro trabajo apoyamos las luchas sociales que ponen en cuestión el orden dominante. Promovemos una difusión cultural de hacer las cosas con tus propios medios y dejando los costes de los materiales lo más asequible posible. Para este año repetimos espacio, Plaza de Barcelona (junto a la estación de tren) donde se desarrollaran todas las actividades del encuentro y la feria de distribuidoras, librerias, editoriales, colectivos,… *Tienes una distribuidora, librería o editorial, ¿Cómo puedes participar?:* Este Encuentro se desarrollará en la calle en el mes de Agosto, las presentaciones de libros, recitales y comidas. Los puestos de las distribuidoras estarán a pié de calle, con sombra y amplio sitio, aunque queremos avisaros para que no existan problemas, que agradeceríamos que tengáis encuenta que el material que traigáis posea alguno de los siguientes criterios:, material autoeditado, material descatalogado o antiguo, de editoriales extintas o difícil de encontrar, publicaciones de editoriales que no asistan a la feria o en representación de ellas; y preferiblemente sea: libros, folletos, revistas y material impreso (tema de discos de música y camisetas no abusar) y aunque seas una distribuidora que ha comenzado con material a deposito tambien te animamos a participar.Damos este detalle para entender que los compas de las editoriales si asisten darles asi la facilidad que probablemente disponga de más copias para mover. Desde la organización se va a intentar conseguir el mayor número de mesas posibles para montar los puestos, pero si alguno traéis alguna propia será bien recibida. Continue reading

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Turkey: About the attempted military coup in Turkey KKE [ENG]


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Belarus: Anarchist report about prison hierarchy and conditions by comrade Mikalay Dziadok [ENG]

Belarusian prison – Untouchables in the prison hierarchy

The topic of prison caste system is often raised in the media in recent times, it is often discussed in connection with the political prisoners. However, almost all who write on the subject, know about it at best from the stories of former inmates or use common social stereotypes. As a result, there are often a lot of blunders and false representation.

The aim of this article is to illuminate some aspects of this complex and multifaceted phenomenon the informal hierarchy in Belarus prisons.

27 years old, an activist of the anarchist movement. He was born in the town of Bragin, Gomel region. He graduated from the Belarusian State University College of Law, worked as a judicial custodian in the court of Tsentralny district of Minsk and legal adviser in a private company. In 2009 he entered the European Humanities University (Vilnius) specializing in Political Science and European Studies. On September 201, he was detained in Minsk on suspicion of the attack on the embassy of Russia. He was convicted of participation in a protest actions near the General Staff, the House of Trade Unions and the casino “Shangri-La” in the “case of anarchists“, he received 4.5 years prison sentence. Three months before his release he was sentenced to another year of imprisonment under Art. 411 of the Criminal Code (willful disobedience to prison administration). Released on August 22, 2015 by presidential decree “On presidential pardon” (he did not write a petition for clemency, although it was repeatedly offered). Now he is a first year student at the European Humanities University, specializing in world politics and economics.

There are scientific works on this subject. And, of course, I do not aspire to consider the phenomenon in all its diversity in one article. The question will be mainly about one prison caste, the existence of which characterizes the system as a whole, and the knowledge of which is critically important for any falling prisoner in Belarus, especially for a political prisoner. The so-called “petukhi” (“roosters”) ( also “downcast”, “bugger”, “cockscomb”, etc.).

So, from this text, you will learn:

– How did the “downcast” appear in prison;

– How do people become one;

– What are conditions of these people in jail and prison;

– What functions are performed by these people in prison;

– Why is the existence of this caste vital for the administration of penitentiary facilities.

Part 1. Blatnoy, muzhik, kozel and petukhi
How did the cast of “petukhi” appear»

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Turkey: 11 riot police killed in Trabzon [ENG]

The Joint Command of Peoples’ United Revolutionary Movement (HBDH) has released a statement claiming responsibility for the action that targeted riot police in Maçka district of Trabzon at 08:30 on 19 July.

HBDH militants hit a group of 15 riot police effectively, which left 11 among them dead and others wounded. During the same hours, the building of Police Directorate was also hit with automatic weapons.

HBDH Joint Command said the action was carried out in memory of July 14 Resistance Martyrs and to mark the anniversary of the Suruç massacre. The statement added that fascist mobs attacked the Kurdish locals in the wake of the action.


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Call for an International Action Day against Feminicide of Yazidi Women [ENG]

3 August 2016 marks the 2nd anniversary of the Feminicide and Genocide by Islamic State (IS) against Yazidi people in Sinjar/Shengal. On 3 August 2014 IS attacked and captured Sinjar, which is the historical homeland of Yazidis, a Kurdish religious minority whose ancient religion is linked to Zoroastrianism. IS destroyed Yazidi shrines, executed resisters and demanded the residents to swear allegiance or be killed. During the IS-massacre in Sinjar up to 5.000 Yazidis were executed. Almost 200.000 people managed to flee. 50.000 Yazidis fled into the Sinjar Montains, where they were trapped without food, water or medical care, facing starvation and dehydration.

At the same time approximately 5.000 Yazidi women and children were captured. They were appropriated as spoils of war and sold as sex slaves to Muslim men or given to IS commanders. Those who refuse to convert were tortured, raped and eventually murdered. Babies born in the prison where the women are held were taken from their mothers to an unknown fate. Women allegedly raped by IS fighters have committed suicide by jumping to their death from Mount Sinjar. While a high number of women managed to flee or could be liberated, approximately some 3.000 women are still in IS captivity.

While the campaign of IS against Yazidi people often is described as a massacre, it shows all characteristics of genocide. But additionally IS is carrying out acts of feminicide. Kidnapping of Yazidi women as spoils of war, enslavement, systematically rape, forced conversion are not only parts of a systematically war against women, but feminicide.

Yazidi people, especially women in Sinjar answered the acts of genocide and feminicide by IS through self-organisation and self-defence. Today Mount Sinjar marks the centre of Yazidi self-organisation through self-defence units, people’s and women’s councils as expression of their collective will.

But the IS-threat on the Yazidi people in Sinjar is continuing. And still countless women remain in the hands of IS. For their liberation national and international action and solidarity is needed.
Also the UN Special Commission declared in its report released on 16 June 2016 that the incidents that happened in Sinjar amount to genocide and a crime against humanity. We will continue our struggle until the responsible are tried and pay for their crimes.

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Greece, Thessaloniki : Actions against borders at No Borders Camp [ENG]


Today, the 21st of July 200 comrades from the No Border Camp (NBC) Thessaloniki decided to mark the IOM-office. IOM, the “International Organization for Migration” is one of the dirty players, that among other things assists in the execution of so called “voluntary returns” or in other words deportations. Within minutes the determined group threw the info-material of the office outside and tagged the whole building with slogans showing everyone what kind of organization resides there. Also a statement was read and leaflets were distributed along the way back to the NBC.

This was one of the many actions that happened over the course of the last few days. Among them were direct actions, ad-busting and demonstrations in Thessaloniki as well as in the surrounding areas near the so called “relocation centers”, which in fact are prisons.


Shut down IOM – For the benefit of all !

The International Organisation of Migration (IOM) as the second largest intergovernmental agency worldwide is one of the big global players in migration management.

“Managing migration for the Benefit of All” is the IOM’s guiding theme.

But who does in fact take the profits ?

One of the major tasks of the IOM is to assist the global migration regime in socalled “voluntary returns”.

In February 2016 for example IOM organized the deportations of 135 Aghans to Kabul. For receiving 700 Euro each, these migrants were forced to sign their “voluntary return” to Afghanistan – the offered “alternatives” are deportations by force or imprisonment. Also the payment of social benefits often depends on the migrant’s participation in IOM Consulting services about options of return.

IOM exclusively serves the interest of its member state governments and their anti-immigrants-policies. The claim, migration needs to be managed and controlled, is the base for dividing migrants in exploitable and valueless – in legitimes ones and those with false claim.

Migration management has many faces; Fighting irregular migration and developing border control are just some, IOM and Frontex are their servants. As migration controls and borders perpetuate the capitalist system and its massive and racist inequalities.

Abolish all borders ! For a global freedom of movement !

Shut down IOM – for the Benefit of All !


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Malaysia: Fire at anarchist space Rumah Api, solidarity needed for repairs [ENG]


Rumah Api caught on fire on the morning of 19 July at 7:00am. We did not know what actually happened and why even though there is witness saw one guy, who always sleeping downstairs, sitting at the couch before the fire started.

We at Rumah Api saw this as more as an accident then an act of sabotage. We won’t speculate any wild rumours so internet people need to calm the shit down.

The fire has destroyed the entire building electrical system and partially damaged one motorcycle belong to one of us. According to the source, the cost of wiring and reinstall the electrical system is RM5k.

With the eviction news is around the corner, Rumah Api need to get back to it’s feet as soon as possible. We need to get organised against the highway and this fire disaster should not kill our spirit.

We would love to thanks friends solidarity from all over the world, who still believe a better world is still possible. Any friend who want to donate for recovery process, here the details:

For donation
Paypal to: (Please write a note “Donation to RUMAH API)
Maybank (Msia): 162049046957 (Yazman Bin Yahya)
Or you can contact us directly at:

Never give up, never surrender!

-Rumah Api-


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Greece: Kurds in Lavrion refugee camp celebrate the 4th anniversary of the Rojava Revolution [ENG]

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Germany: Invitation to the Rebellious Encounter from 27th July to 3rd August in Gasthof Meuchefitz (Free Republic of Wendland) [ENG] [DE] [ES] [IT] [KU] [TR]

ya basta

20 years ago, in 1996, the Zapatistas issued an invitation to the “First Intergalactic Encounter for Humanity and against Neoliberalism” in the liberated, rebellious areas of Chiapas, Mexico. And for the first time ever, the invitation did not include organizations and parties of whichever ideological orientation, but the resistant, rebellious people themselves – from across the world! More than 3000 people came together in the Lacandon Jungle. They debated, listened, and celebrated. Many people from Germany also made that journey. They returned full of strength, courage and inspiration, and some decided to link up here – in a network for Solidarity and Rebellion, the Ya-Basta Netz. This summer the Ya-Basta Netz is 20 years old.

We’ve given a lot of thought to what might be the best way of coming together and celebrating this occasion. In the end, we came to the conclusion that not only do we want to celebrate, but we also want to keep on walking and take a step forward. The best way to do this seemed to be by an invitation to another Rebellious Encounter.

Also in Mexico people are celebrating. The Zapatistas are inviting to the festival “CompArte por la humanidad” (starting 17/7) and also the Congreso Nacional Indigena is celebrating its 20th anniversary. Our activities here “in the heart of the beast” are in solidarity with struggles there. We understand them as part of a global resistance against this life destructive system.

We would like to invite you to conversations about the ways in which different issues relate to one another:

How is the dispossession of indigenous peoples related to tax havens? What does the denigration of Trans*-people have to do with the mass deportation of refugees and dispossessed people? What is the connection between struggles for free urban spaces, and the building of alternatives in rural communes? What does the banking crisis have to do with land grabbing? Where and how can we think about militancy and activism together? These are the questions we want to pose ourselves and which we propose to you, in order to shed light on the diversity of our struggles.

[ENG] [DE] [ES] [IT] [KU] [TR]

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Italy, Torino: Mezcal Squat: 10 anni di occupazione- 5 giorni di passione! [ITA]

Mezcal Squat: 10 anni di occupazione- 5 giorni di passione!

mezcalIl tempo vola quando ci si diverte! Ed è così che ci troviamo quest’anno a festeggiare i primi 10 anni di occupazione del Mezcal Occupato. Invitiamo a brindare con noi tutti gli amici, tutti coloro che hanno reso e rendono tuttora possibile questo pazzo esperimento, chi non ci conosce e chi ci conosce già. Mercoledì 3 Agosto, apre i festeggiamenti la cena bellavita: un appuntamento fisso dal 2006 che si sposta nei viali del parco per dare la giusta cornice ad una sontuosa cena di condivisione, dove invitiamo tutti a cimentarsi nella preparazione del loro miglior piatto per condividerlo insieme. In una atmosfera di fuoco, accompagneranno la cena la musiche gitane di tutta Europa dei /Balakaval/ e dei loro ospiti i /Paz quintana/, dal Chile. Giovedì 4 Agosto sarà dedicato all’approfondiemento pratico e teorico dell’autogestione. Nel pomeriggio si terranno diversi laboratori liberi e gratuiti per l’autoproduzione di: carta di riso, ice isolation, cucito, falegnameria e serigrafia. Alle 19 apericena bellavita e a seguire dibattito sull’autogestione: a partire dagli spunti che ci fornisce l’esperienza del Mezcal Occupato nell’autogestione desideriamo confrontarci con altre realtà che portano avanti la stessa pratica con percorsi diversi. Venerdì 5 Agosto il giardino del Mezcal e la sua piscina ospiteranno i migliori bar autogestiti ed autocostruiti per un contest di cocktail a aperitivi fino all’ultimo sorso… e fino all’ultimo morso! Prepara la tua postazione servi il miglior cocktail accompagnato dallo stuzzichino più azzeccato con il sottofondo musicale più di classe che ci sia: dj set “only vinyl” con /Black dynamite trio/ e /Da Sbrothertz/. Dalla mezzanotte concerto Blues e rock’n’roll dei più rudi e scatenati con /Fratelli tabasco/ e /Mama boys and the connection/.

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Turkey : State of emergency [ENG]

President Erdogan has declared a three month state of emergency which allows the government to bypass parliament and rule by decree. Tom Stevenson writes from Istanbul that this has triggered support but also concern.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan declared the three month state of emergency on Wednesday after a gruelling four and a half hour meeting of the National Security Council.

Since the coup attempt on July 15, authorities have engaged in a post-coup crackdown that has seen more than 8000 detentions across the country and mass suspensions in public institutions.

Curfews, restrictions on free assembly, the power to restrict the publication of books and magazines, these are just some of powers the Turkish government has granted itself in recent days.

Turkey’s civilian government may have narrowly avoided a coup, but now it has reinstituted a state of emergency written into law in 1983 by Turkey’s old military rulers.

Following the defeated the coup attempt, the government has been enjoying widespread public support – but the declaration of a state of emergency also leaves many uncomfortable.

“Of course after this coup the government had to do something,” said Gurkan Aydemir, the owner of a cafe in Istanbul’s Beyoglu district. “But I am very worried that after all this they will just go too far and go crazy, I’m very worried about that.” Continue reading

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Armenia,Yerevan : Protest Turns Violent: 25 Police, 20 Others Wounded [ENG]

Hundreds of Armenian protesters sympathetic to an armed opposition group holding hostages at a district police headquarters in Yerevan clashed with police on July 20 after their demand to provide food to the gunmen went unheeded by authorities.

Demonstrators pelted a heavy cordon of riot police with rocks, after which police used stun grenades to disperse the crowd. A group of officers reportedly detached from the rest and chased some demonstrators.

Armenia’s Health Ministry said 45 people were hospitalized with wounds, including 25 police officers.

At least 13 people were taken to Yerevan’s Grigor Lusavorich hospital. Doctors there said 11 of them were police officers and that two policemen suffered particularly serious injuries.

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Switzerland: New letter from imprisoned eco-anarchist Marco Camenisch [ENG]

We receive a letter from ecologist anarchist prisoner Marco Camenisch concerning his intra-extra prison treatment:

End of June 2016: ‘descent’ update

After the transfer in November 2015 from Bostadel to the ‘closed transit’ unit of Saxerriet (Salez) there was a ‘transfer meeting’ on 10th December 2015 with the prison governor, the Zurich DAP representative and my lawyer, where the following ‘steps’, were ordered and have since been implemented :

– January 2016, internal transfer from ‘transit’ to an ‘open section’

– February 2016, 2 leave permits of 5 hours accompanied by personnel of the institute

– March 2016, 2 leave permits of 5 hours each with a ‘designated person of one’s choice who assumes responsibility’

– April 2016, 2 leave permits, the one of 5 hours and the other one of 12 hours with a ‘designated person of one’s choice who assumes responsibility’

– May 2016, 2 leave permits, one of 5 hours the other of 12 accompanied by a ‘representative person of one’s choice would assume responsibility’

– 18th May, another ‘executive coordination meeting’


At this meeting it was decided (with an order dated mid-June) that a leave permit of 12 hours be granted for June and July, plus a weekend permit of 24 hours in June and one of 36 hours in July, as well as a leave permit of 24 and another of 36 hours in August; afterwards, following another ‘executive coordination meeting’ to be held at the beginning of August, it could be decided that in September 2016 (about three months earlier than ‘foreseen’) I could start ‘external work’ for six months (work outside, evenings/nights inside, weekends outside). The requested work contract (min. 50%) and a place in a small prison in the Zurich area should already be certain, as far as I know.

Then a few months’ external work and residency (in private accommodation) could follow and, at the beginning of 2018 at the latest, release on bail.

The possibility of continue my political /personal relations (especially my writing) has been strongly reduced in recent years due to the repeated transfers and consequent reorganization of this work, sometimes starting again from scratch. And now, in this long passage ‘between inside and outside’ such possibilities have been reduced even more (often to a flicker…) or otherwise taken up, ex-novo, in an intriguing as it is impervious reorganization of the remains of solidarity beyond the walls in this prison society. These are efforts that all those directly involved in solidarity including myself, having to cope with in ‘spaces’ at times even more limited and certainly more uncertain than the ‘prison-prison’.

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España/Alemania: Nueva infomacion sobre la compañra detenida por expropiar un banco [ES]

Con una breve nota de prensa difundida por el Cos de Mossos d’Esquadra se anunciaba el pasado 13 de abril la operación policial en la que se detuvo en Barcelona la compañera actualmente encarcelada en Köln (Alemania), acusada de haber expropiado una entidad bancaria en la ciudad de Aachen.

Según esta nota, la operación respondía al cumplimiento de una Comisión Rogatòria Internacional cursada a petición de la Fiscalía de Aachen, que dos días antes de la operación había firmado una orden de detención a nombre de la militante anarquista de Barcelona. Lo que no explicaba la nota y hasta ahora no había trascendido al conocimiento público es que la detención y los registros efectuados por el CME en los barrios barceloneses de Gràcia y el Carmel no fueron la simple ejecución de una petición internacional, sino la culminación de un larga y estrecha colaboración entre los aparatos policiales y judiciales de los Estados alemán y español, con la participación activa de la policía autonómica catalana. La implicación de los Mossos d’Esquadra en el caso se inicia mucho antes del pasado abril y, tal como ha quedado evidenciado, va bastante más allá de un papel pasivo y meramente ejecutorio.

Una mañana cualquiera a Aachen

La mañana del 14 de noviembre del 2014 un grupo de personas armadas entra a la oficina del Pax Bank de la localidad westfaliana de Aachen, al oeste del país. Después de vaciar la caja fuerte y atar a los empleados del banco, abandonan la oficina sin que se hayan producido heridos ni daños personales. Durante los días siguientes, la brigada policial encargada de la investigación, la Landeskriminalamt de Nordrhein-Westfalen (LKA NRW), vinculará esta expropiación con otros dos asaltos ocurridos los últimos años a la ciudad [1] y pondrá en marcha una auténtica -e infructuosa- campaña mediática de delación, difundiendo públicamente los detalles de los atracos y ofreciendo recompensas de miles de euros a cualquier que pueda aportar información sobre personas sospechosas. Tan lejos irá la LKA en esta estrategia, que decidirá utilizar para su campaña un famoso y deplorable programa televisivo, emitido en una de las principales cadenas del país: Aktenzeichen XY… Ungelöst (“Expediente XY… No Resuelto”). Se trata de un reality show de carácter abiertamente para-policial donde se exponen de forma morbosa casos que la policía ha sido incapaz de cerrar por sí misma, mostrando imágenes de cámaras de seguridad, ropa encontrada en los lugares de los «crímenes», retratos robot y reconstrucciones dramatizadas de los hechos para impresionar e incitar a la masa espectadora a ayudar a los cuerpos del Estado y delatar a otras personas.

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Turkey: ‘Prisons During Struggle for Power’ by ABC Istanbul [ENG]

As the conditions behind walls get better, existence of walls become blurred.


Democracy’s power that cause to forget, is the hush-money that it recognises.

There is no difference between democracy and coup, military and police, barracks and parliament, king and president. State can be dictator, king and sultan without losing the quality of being democracy.

In the day of 15th July, a group of soldiers started a struggle for power in some strategic points that is seen by some as coup, and by others as theatre. As always, people who face this struggle for power in its most bare state are the prisoners. In this struggle for power, all communication of prisoners with outside has been cut. It is informed that releases will not be made until a second order.

Whether there is a coup, who did this coup, who opposes this coup are not the questions that needed to be asked in our opinion. Coup is always implicit to state. Every state practice in daily life, especially a non-ending coup setting on political subjects that state see as opponents, is a state of emergency. Because what makes sovereignty is its ability to decide the state of exception.

If some factions are excluded, passed decisions on, whether these decisions are taken by so-called consensus or covered up by using another name does not change anything.

The sovereign is the one who decides when the public order is disrupted, on security, on death and life. The sovereign decides what is crime and not, who is criminal and how one pays for the crime. It makes people internalise its system to an extent that, lots of people who believe in the necessity of the prison can’t imagine abolishing the place that they don’t what to be in while criticising it. While they see a threat to themselves, they approve prison, but when they are attacked by power they start to see prisons as power’s institutions to protect itself. Yet, while political power changes state institutions remain, changing power means changing criminals. Yesterday’s heroes can be today’s traitors, owners of a right to kill can change in an instant.

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Syria, Kurdistan: Urgent call about the situation of civilians in the area of Minbij [ENG]

An urgent call for the United Nations, the government of the United States and the public opinion.

A call for attention and support of the people’s council of Minbiç to the United Nations (27 June 2016).

The objective of this report of the people’s council of Minbiç is to describe the situation of the people in the area of Minbiç, located in the north of Syria which finds itself since 32 days in a heavy war situation and to describe which support is needed to eliminate the sufferings of the people. At the same time this report is a call for support to the United Nations.

The people who live in the areas controlled by ISIS since four years, experience a high intensity of violence. The difficulties the people face, because of the usurpation of the economic resources and the spaces of vital needs, continue. The applied embargo in Rojava affects the whole population in Rojava.

The people in the war region of Minbiç who have been forced to leave their houses and livelihoods are in the first instance in an urgent need of support of food and health-care and of all humanitarian aid. Until now this support has been provided by the people’s council of Minbiç, which has restricted means and the support doesn’t suffice. There are still thousands of people who haven’t been reached and whose needs are not known. There is a shortage of clean water in the region. Dirty water, rotten food, insufficient nutrition and bad housing conditions are the cause of illnesses and the fast expansion of illnesses.

We made this urgent call to the whole world, because we believe that this human tragedy shouldn’t be ignored. According to our opinion, it is the duty of everybody who believes in universal human values to get rid of the marks of the traumatic experiences of this society which were created by the devastations of the enemy of humanity ISIS. It is not our aim of the offensive to free the people at the costs of lots of losses, because of restricted possibilities.

The present situation

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Germany, Berlin: Report-back from the Defend Rigaer 94 demo [ENG]


Germany: Report-back from the ‘Burst The Dreams Of Investors – Defend Rigaer 94’ demonstration that took place in Berlin on 09.07.16…

Burst the dreams of investors – Defend Rigaer 94

Before the demonstration the media and lots of politicians were nervous and expected a violent event on top of almost three weeks of actions in solidarity with Rigaer 94. For that they ordered 1800 cops from different parts of Germany.

The demonstration started almost on time at 21:15 at Wismarplatz in Friedrichshain with about 6000 people, after a manifestation of 45 minutes took place, where the speaker read some writings about the situation in the neighborhood these days. The first two lines were built by civil cops in yellow vests and after some cop cars before the real demonstration was visible. In the front they were holding lot’s of banners and signs. In the end it looked still organized and seemed to be a big beautiful black block.

When the demonstration reached Frankfurter Allee, the first big street, two cop cars were attacked with stones. People were showing their solidarity with fireworks and banner from the rooftop. On the way lots of people opened stones for the public and offered more chances to attack cops, who are a major enemy in the conflict about Rigaer Straße. After the first attack people took every chance to hit them again until they built a line on both sides of the demonstration in Liebigstraße. This time they started to beat up people, split the demonstration and use liters of pepper spray. But even so the attacks continued and especially the not shielded brigade of civil cops (PMS) had to run. The demo stopped just before Rigaer Straße and it was unclear if it could be continued. After a few minutes they decided to go on and passed Rigaer 94, barricaded by cops so that nobody could even think about re-squatting the Kadterschmiede. Only a few attacks on Bambiland (luxury buildings) and some cops followed, before the demonstration reaches larger streets and ended up at Warschauer Strasse, where the cops arrested most of the 86 persons.

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