Polonia : Libertad para los tres anarquistas de Varsovia [ES, ENG]

Tres anarquistas fueron detenidos por la policía en Varsovia, Polonia, el 23 de mayo del 2016. Las acusaciones son: tenencia de explosivos con la intención de utilizarlos en un coche policial para su incendio. Se les llama terroristas por la policía y los medios de comunicación, a pesar que el incendio provocado no se llevara acabo estas acusaciones son bastantes serias, se enfrentan desde 6 meses hasta 8 años de prisión. Las primeras audiencias de los compañeros tuvieron lugar el 24 de mayo, en la Oficina Fiscal de Distrito, donde se podían observar marcas de torturas en sus cuerpos. El 25 de mayo, durante la sesión de acusación en el tribunal de distrito, se decidió mantenerlos en prisión preventiva durante tres meses (que podría prolongarse de forma automática). Desde entonces, cada uno se encuentran en régimen de aislamiento, se les niega el derecho a comunicarse con sus familiares y durante la primera semana de su detención ninguno de ellos tenía acceso a un abogado.

Los medios de comunicación al servicio del Estado solo reproducen la propaganda de las autoridades. La caza de brujas comenzó, creando la histeria de las masas y la imagen del país amenazado por el terrorismo. De esta manera, las autoridades y sus colaboradores están tratando de justificar la aplicación de la nueva Ley Antiterrorista.
Significativamente, justo antes de la entrada en vigor de la ley, el 10 de mayo, 23 de mayo y 30 de mayo en varias ciudades polacas existieron una serie de falsas alarmas de bomba, lo que conlleva a la evacuación de sitios tales como la redacción de la prensa y la televisión, centros comerciales y bancos.

La ola de represión contra lxs anarquistas va en aumento. El 23 de mayo la policía ha realizado seguimientos a lxs compañerxs de un colectivo de Varsovia implicados en la lucha contra la promoción de la alimentación autoritaria. Desde entonces, el colectivo está constantemente acosado por estos “visitantes” uniformados. En Cracovia, registraron el departamento de una persona, ya que supuestamente administraba un sitio en las redes sociales donde ridiculizaban el accionar de la policía. De acuerdo a la información, en Varsovia se ha multiplicado el hostigamiento a las personas relacionadas con el movimiento anarquista e intentar vigilar los distintos espacios antiautoritarios.

Casi al mismo tiempo, la policía asesina a un hombre llamado Igor Stachowiak en Breslavia. Vano buscar aquí una reacción inmediata de indignación por parte de la multitud de políticos, periodistas, policías y expertos del terrorismo. Pocos periosdistas dan alguna señal, cuando la policía matan a un hombre. Sin embargo, los homicidios policiales son sólo la punta del iceberg. Extorsión, golpizas, la protección ilegal de los intereses de las personas influyentes – todos los años existen 16.000 quejas contra la policía, las autoridades reconocen sólo el 5 por ciento. Como resultado de años de selectividad y omisiones de los medios de comunicación, la policía se siente impune.

La atmósfera de la caza de brujas como campaña contra el movimiento anarquista es una amplia construcción de represión y vigilancia hacia los entornos de esta orientación, que están luchando contra los grupos de interés más influyentes en este país. El movimiento anarquista ha sido activa, entre otros, en lxs grupos de trabajadorxs, inquilinxs, ecologistas, antirracistas y la lucha contra el acaparamiento de tierras. Funciona sin concesiones a favor de la justicia social, contra la opresión de las élites empresariales y políticas. La falta de control social sobre la policía, durante años les permitió utilizar la violencia incontrolada contra las personas que luchan en diversos campos contra el sistema violento.

Lo que necesitamos en este momento es la firme solidaridad ante los próximos ataques contra los detenidos de parte del Estado! El 2 de julio, en Varsovia, se llevará a cabo piquetes en solidaridad con los detenidos. Contamos con acciones solidarias en otras ciudades. También pueden ayudar en la recaudación de fondos para pagar los abogados y apoyar financieramente a los detenidos.

Nosotrxs no seremos intimidadxs!

Libertad para los tres Varsovia y todos los rehenes del Estado!


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Greece: Prisoners mobilize for prison reform in Korydallos Prison [ENG]


The current Minister of Justice Mr. Nicos Paraskevopoulos has not made any brave steps towards materializing his pre-electoral commitments. On the contrary to his progressive speeches and democratic declarations, he is responsible for the most violent intrusion of anti-terrorism units in Korydallos prison in the last decade, during which, tens of prisoners were tortured and endured unjustifiably violent and degrading treatment. He, along with the Council of Ministers, is responsible for this action which bears a particularly symbolic nature, chosen by the far-right inquisitress Xenia Demetriou, Prosecutor of the Supreme Court.

The prisoners in Korydallos prison, are not and do not intend to become those against which the government will continue to sell its leftist facade, while simultaneously the justice and rehabilitation policies are exhausted in celebrations for the media self-exposure of the secretary general of the Ministry.

The prisoners are stripped of their rights and come to face the arrogance of judicial impunity during all the stages of our detention. The only way to protect ourselves is to intervene on the legislative level. We are not asking the Minister for a political intervention into the judicial authority, nor new measures, whose implementation will be restricted by troika. We are asking for a minimum legislative intervention. Specifically we ask for the materialization of Mr. Paraskevopoulos’ pre-electoral agenda.


1. The extension of law 4322 for another year from the moment its proposition comes into force.

2. Suspension of prison sentences for remanded and convicted mothers of newborns, babies, toddlers and children of pre-school age. Implementation of restrictive conditions (alternatives to incarceration) without exclusions based on length of sentence and without making exceptions. No mothers and children in prisons!

3. Legislative provision for a 30-month upper limit for trials in appellate court (if the accused is a prisoner) since the day of remand. Give an end to the torture of unspecified sentences.

4. Abolish the law for cumulative prison sentences for any form of violence within prison or during furloughs since the law is very vague and the range of listed offenses is so wide that prisoners are forced to be given disproportionate sentences in relation to the offense they are actually being accused of.

5. Immediate integration of the prison hospital in Korydallos with the National Healthcare System in Greece

6. The right to conjugal visits for prisoners on the standards of European countries

From today 4th of July 2016 we plan to remain in the yard during the scheduled midday lockdown until our demands are fulfilled.

(via Athens Indymedia, translated by BlackCat)

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Greece: The struggle of homeless refugee families in Athens + updates [ENG]

posted on 9th July


For the past 6 days Syrian families are protesting homelessness by staging a sit-in outside the headquarters of the N.G.O Praxis on Stournari street, Athens. The refugees who mainly came from the concentration camps in Drama, Mytilene and Idomeni have been given asylum in Greece and following a meeting with the U.N. they were encouraged to seek help from Praxis.

Yesterday, on the 8th of July, they decided to occupy the street in front of the HQ of the NGO and block traffic. Solidarity activists got to the area around 16:00 and mobilized accordingly.

When Praxis employees were about to close the office at 19:00 the approximately 30 Syrian refugees along with activists blocked the entrance for about half an hour and during the departure of the stuff comments in irony were made about the humanitarian work of the N.G.O.. Two hours later the refugees stopped the roadblock for safety reasons. We informed them that it is possible to get them to a safe place at least for the weekend but they chose to continue their struggle and stay at Praxis so they would remain visible, as they said.

More and more activists joined in as the time went by and by early morning hours around 30 people had gathered. Most of them slept on the street with the refugees. We provided them with food and water from the moment we got there. During our conversations with the refugees they seemed well aware of the role of Praxis and the generous funding it receives for its work.

We call on individuals and collectives to join the refugees’ struggle.

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Kurdistan, Syria : YPG International – Official information portal for the Rojava Revolution [ENG]

July 8th, 2016

Hello friends, comrades, supporters, revolutionaries,

we are glad to present you our new homepage


YPG International is an official information portal for the Rojava Revolution and People’s Defense Units (YPG) made by YPG. We provide first hand information for everyone who is interested in our struggle, in people’s revolution of Rojava, in Kurdistan and in a democratic Syria. YPG International is the international path to the Rojava Revolution, the official path to support YPG in Rojava.

YPG strives for a democratic, ecologic, and anti-patriarchal system of self-organisation; it takes its power from the people and fight for the people. We struggle to defend the dignity of being a human when there is no one around to defend it and to create an ethico-political society in order to realize ideals of equality, justice, freedom, and self-determination. We wage a war against all forms of fascism and capitalist hegemony that try to enslave the peoples and destroy the nature. We get our inspiration from the philosophy of Abdullah Ocalan whose ideas have become a torch in the jungle of oppression for the poor and the downtrodden; not only in Kurdistan but also in all around the world.

YPG is more than a military force. It is a revolutionary organization that protects the transformation towards the ethico-political society against its external and internal enemies in accordance with the principles of democratic confederalism. So its fundamental mission is to defend the people and the Rojava Revolution.

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Finland, Helsinki: international days of action for Russian political prisoners [ENG]

July 8th, 2016


After Tel Aviv, Helsinki joined the solidarity campaign. A picket in the center of the city was organised. 1st of July, in the opposite side of the railway station, around 10 anarchists stood with a banner “Freedom to Crimean prisoners” (Vapaus Krimin vangeille) with pictures of Oleg Sentsov and Alexandr Kolchenko, and “Freedom for all political prisoners” (in English). Few hundred leaflets were spread. Goal of the action was to spread information about constant repressions in Russia against those in disagreement with Putin’s politics, and against ongoing bloodshed in Ukraine. Leaflets had the following demands:

– Russia must withdraw its troops from Ukraine, and both sides of the conflict must fulfill the obligations of the Minsk II peace treaty
– Russia should release all Crimean tatars, anarchists, antifascists and other imprisoned anti-war activists. All illegally detained people in Donetsk and Lugansk areas should be released.

source: http://avtonom.org/node/32708


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Germany: Call for a Black July, plus a chronology of actions in solidarity with Rigaer 94 [ENG]

This entry was posted on Friday, July 8th, 2016.

We appreciate the call for a Black July from Rigaer 94. Many comrades in a lot of countries followed the call for a Black December of Nikos Romanos (Greek Prisoner) . It’s not just about the Rigaer 94 that people now connect and think about strategies, attack different enemies of our freedom and struggle against the cops and the system.

Especially in Germany the fight against the system was weak the last years. People were not able to combine their fights and actions without dissociating from others. The question of violence was not discussed anymore and the alliances got wider and more in accordance to the system. Now there is a house that struggles without compromises, maybe their attitude impressed some of us, some still think that they should have brought their house themselves and could be “free” now. But the sign they send, saying that they keep their status and fight, now shows it’s effect on a lot of us. It’s a window that opens up for a short time that we should use to stand together. A moment when we are fucking angry and use our strength to go on the streets and take them back!

Thanks to all of you who used the concept of Tag X to show your solidarity with the Rigaer 94 and their ideas!

For a Black July

Let us feel the heat coming from our hearts to the streets every night




Kreuzberg: Day X Demonstration. Stones for a civil cop car and a union (verdi).


Kreuzberg: Attack on a Cop car at Mariannenplatz.


Prenzlauer Berg. Burned cars.


Prenzlauer Berg: Construction side equipment for a luxury building burned.


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Turchia: Documentario Il massacro di Cizre (Cizre’de Katliam Var) [ITA]

Cizre, estremo sud-est della Turchia. Il 4 Settembre 2015 un provvedimento del governatore di Sirnak dichiara lo stato di emergenza: alla popolazione viene imposto il coprifuoco 24 ore su 24. Nessuno può uscire di casa, l’ospedale viene chiuso così come tutte le attività commerciali. Non c’è acqua né corrente elettrica, i cellulari non funzionano. La città è isolata dal mondo. Comincia l’assedio. Pochi giorni prima, gli abitanti di Cizre avevano proclamato l’autogoverno, dichiarandosi autonomi dallo stato centrale. Come in altre città del Kurdistan turco guardavano al modello del confederalismo democratico, già praticato nel Rojava.

“Il massacro di Cizre” racconta ciò che è accaduto nei 9 giorni di coprifuoco attraverso le voci delle persone che lo hanno subito e le immagini dei quartieri attaccati dall’esercito turco. Una brutale offensiva militare contro la popolazione civile che ha provocato 28 morti e oltre 100 feriti. A partire dai fatti di Cizre, vogliamo ripercorrere il terrore e le bombe che hanno sostenuto la campagna elettorale di Erdogan e discutere delle strategie di resistenza proposte e praticate dal popolo curdo in Turchia e in Siria.
Riteniamo fondamentale mettere a fuoco la posta in gioco dello scontro tra la volontà del piccolo sultano di imporre uno stato sempre più autoritario, con il tacito assenso dei governi europei, e la determinazione dei curdi e delle altre opposizioni interne a resistere ad ogni costo. Una posta in gioco che va molto al di là della sola questione curda e riguarda tutti quelli che si battono per trasformare questo presente.

LUIGI D’ALIFE / autore del documentario “Cizre’de Katliam Var – Il massacro di Cizre” (17′ – Anno 2015). Trailer:

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Poland, Warszawa: Update on Free The Warsaw Anarchist Three! [ENG]


( we are all terrorists, free the 3 from wawa!)

04.07.16: Today we received information that the three detainees were transferred to the detention center in Radom. We suspect that it may have something to do with Saturday’s picket. (Note from Insurrection News – refers to a solidarity demonstration that took place for the comrades outside the prison on Rakowiecka street in Mokotów district Warsaw. The photos above this article are from the demonstration) We are quite certain that this is yet another repression meted out to the prisoners who after the initial shock of imprisonment were just beginning to adjust to their surrounding, so the authorities feel that now it ‘the best time’ to unexpectedly move them to a new location. It also means difficulties for visits. None of the three imprisoned anarchists will be able to have visits with their loved ones that were planned for this week because they are new to the prison and must submit visit permit applications once again.

We call for solidarity with the prisoners! Stop treating them like terrorists! We have the right to demonstrate our solidarity, and we will continue to do so!


Free the Warsaw Anarchist Three!

Three anarchists were arrested by police in Warsaw, Poland, 23rd may 2016. The accusations are: possession of explosives and intending to use them by setting police car on fire. They are called terrorists by police and media, despite the fact, that the arson didn’t actually take place This accusations are quite serious- they face from 6 months to 8 years of jail. First hearings of the accused took place at District Prosecutor’s Office on 24th may. Marks of tortures were visible on their bodies. On 25th may, during prosecution session at district court, prosecution decided to hold them in custody for three months (that might be automatically prolonged). Since then, each of the three is detained in isolation, denied the right to communicate with relatives, during the first week of detention none of them had access to a lawyer.

Mass media in the service of the state reproduce authorities propaganda. Witch-hunt begun, creating mass hysteria and the image of the country threaten by terrorism. By doing this, the authorities and their collaborators are trying to justify the implementation of the new Anti-Terror Law. Significantly, just before the entry into force of the Act on 10th May, 23rd May and 30th May in several Polish cities a series of false bomb alarms took place, leading to evacuation of sites such as the editorial office of the press and television, shopping centers, and banks.

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AgroCrust: La distri Resiste! será presente al AgroCrust 2016 [CAS-ENG]



Este año también, la distri de Resiste! será presente al AgroCrust 2016, con su selección de Fanzines, CDs, Pegatinas, Parches y Camisetas serigrafadas, todo DIY y todo a precio libre, todo benefit para anarquistas detenidos.

También tendremos Ratafia casera y Kombucha fresquito para sanear la resaca : ) !



This year once again, the distri of Resiste! will be present at AgroCrust 2016, with it’s selection of Fanzines, CDs, Stickers, screen-printed Patches and T-Shirts, everything DIY and Free-Price and all Benefit for imprisoned anarchists.

We’ll also have home made Ratafia and fresh Kombucha to get rid of your hangover : ) !

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France: new forest occupation ! [ENG, DEU]

bure-stop_sThe forest walk against the atomic deforestation in Mandres-en-Barrois near Bure (Lorraine, department Meuse) on June 19, 2016 ended with the reoccupation of the forest. Although until now the repository project does not have a building permit, the ANDRA, National Agency for the disposal of radioactive nuclear waste, started on May 6, 2016 the clear-cutting on behalf of the atomic repository project named CIGÉO and erected barbed wire fences and a platform for the coordination of forestry work. CIGÉO has to become the French industrial deep repository for high-level radioactive waste. However, it is rumoured that behind the scenes, nuclear industry and their spoils system of politicians, are dreaming of an international repository for highly radioactive nuclear waste – ideally located near the border, to impede resistance.

fr-barricades-2With some walks, residents and nuclear opponents procured an overview of the extent of the damage and called for a large forest walk with picnic on June 19. Then 250 people met in the forest. The fences were torn down, the platform of ANDRA destroyed and a resistance hut was built. This was followed by the statement that the forest is now occupied. The occupiers are grateful for any support, e.g. by on-site visits, decentralized actions or statements of solidarity. Under the keywords #ETEDURGENCE and #OCCUPYLAMEUSE, they announce a summer of resistance in Bure



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Madrid: Rueda de prensa ante peligro desalojo del ESOA La Dragona

Asamblea ESOA La Dragona comunica:

Ante el peligro de desaojo del ESOA La Dragona y las difamaciones
vertidas por distintos medios de comunicación convocamos a los medios
que quieran asistir a un comunicado público en el que explicaremos la
situación del espacio y el posicionamiento de la asamblea. Será el
martes 28 de junio a las 14:30 en la puerta del ESOA.

ESOA La Dragona

Avenida Daroca 90. Metro La Elipa. Madrid

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Infestazione Hardcore 9: Torino, 24-25 giugno 2016

per la nona edizione:

Il festival di musica e attitudine hardcore che anche quest’anno vuole unire persone e realtà legate alla musica e all’autogestione nel sostenere RADIO BLACKOUT.

SOTTO AGLI ALBERI del Parco della Certosa Irreale di Collegno: bar, panini, distro e mostre.

SUL PALCO a partire dalle 15.00: dj set con UP THE PUNX – grandi classici e rarità in vinile dei peggiori punx

DALLE 22.00 si esibiranno SENZA SOSTA e SENZA FIATO:


X Cenere X – Roma
Zona d’ombra – Como
Nofu – Roma
Joliette – Mexico
Adverse 96 – Belgique
Vento d’Ottobre – Perugia
Avort – Catalunya
Trova – Catalunya


Les Libeth – Torino
Mekong! – Torino
Eco – Saronno
Ieri – Torino
Cani sciorrì – Cuneo
Manicomio Armato – Trieste

SE CE LA FATE, dopo i concerti, dj-set finchè ce n’è!

Per sapere dove si trova il Parco di Collegno BUTTA IL NAVIGATORE INSIEME ALLO SMARTPHONE e vai alla pagina DOVE SIAMO – CONTATTI. Non conosci Infestazione Hardcore? NON LA TROVI SU FACEBOOK, VIENI A VEDERLA CON I TUOI OCCHI! Se vuoi un assaggio sbircia alla pagina EDIZIONI PRECEDENTI oppure trovi chi ha partecipato alle vecchie edizioni alla pagina GRUPPI. Per avere SUBITO e LIBERAMENTE tutti i volantini, le grafiche e altro materiale video e audio alla pagina SCARICA & DIFFONDI.

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AgroCrust VII: 14-17 Julio – Más Bestia, Canet de Mar – Cartel y programación [CAS-ENG]

Agro-Crust VII pq[CAS]

Agro-Crust VII
14,15,16,17 Julio 2016
Más Bestia – Canet de Mar

Aupa compas & amigxs! Ya está el cartel y la programación. Esperamos que nos echáis una mano con la difusión del evento. Necesitamos también vuestra implicación activa en las preparaciones del Agro-Crust. Si estais dispuestxs a trabajar con nosotrxs os podeis poner en contacto via email. Serian los primeros dos semanas de Julio cuando estaremos a diario okupadxs de la preparación del espacio!contacto: liberacionomuerte @ yahoo . com



Jueves/Dijous/Thursday 14

11.00 Taller/Workshop: Bioconstrucción (horno de llenya)

18.00 Xerrada/Charla-Debate/Speach:   CIE’S y FRONTERAS (Ventimiglia/Italia)

21.00 Koncert:
PROTESTERA (mitica banda HC, Göteborg,Suecia)
B.E.T.O.E. (d-beat Anarko-Punk/HC, Venezuela/Bcn)
MANTRAA (d-beat-crust, Arenys de Mar)
DISVÖMIT (d-beat HC, Valencia)

Viernes/Divendres/Friday 15

11.00 Taller/Workshop: Hügel-kultura (huerto)

18.00 Xerrada/Charla-Debate/Speach:    ANTI-TECNOLOGIA (negreverd)

22.00 Koncert:
ERSATZ (brutal crust, Bretagne FR)
RAZA ODIADA (sudakataque crust, Bcn)
BOOM (fastcore crust, Toulouse FR)
NO HUMAN EXISTENCE (crust explosivo, Bordeoux FR)
METASTASIS (grind-crust, Bcn)
TUMBA (thrash-core, Peru)

Sabado/Dissabte/Saturday 16

11.00 Taller/Workshop: Metodos anticonceptivos naturales para mujeres
Taller/Workshop: Muay Thai

17.00 Xerrada/Charla-Debate/Speach:   ANTI-CARCELARIA (varixs) + Lucha Anti-psiquiatría (Torino/Ita) + presentación del fanzine “El Canero” de Fernando Barcenas (preso anarquista en Mexico)

22.00 Koncert:
  KNÜR (neo-crust, Molins sense Rei)
HECKLER (fastcore, Basel SUI)
THE OUTSIDERS (HC-punk, L’Hospitalet)
DEMOFOBIA (HC-punk-crust, Tarragona)
RISKE ZERO (rock, noise, punk, Islas de la Reunión)

Domingo/Diumenge/Sunday 17

11.00 Taller/Workshop: Genero y rol social

18.00 Xerrada/Charla-Debate/Speach:   Liberación Animal (Assemblea x l’Alliberament Animal) Proyección Documental “Cowspiracy

20.00 Documentales (Videos) info sobre la ZAD

22.00 Jam-Session & Cantautores


Como llegar

a Más Bestia (Canet de Mar):en coche: desde Barcelona coger la N II dirección Girona o la C-31 (C-32) dirección Mataró (hasta la salida Canet de Mar), cuando llegas a Canet pasas el pueblo hasta llegar a una rotonda con un DIA maxi al lado, giras a la isquierda y detrás del super encuentras un camino de tierra que te lleva directamente a Más Bestia.

desde Girona/Francia seguir la N II dirección Barcelona o la A2 a partir de Fornells de la Selva seguido por la C-32 desde Tordera/Blanes. Si llegas desde Calella/St.Pol de Mar (N II) justo a la entrada de Canet en la rotonda del DIA maxi girar a la derecha y encuentras el camino a Más Bestia                    detrás del super.

en tren: desde Barcelona coger tren linea R1 o RG1 (L’H, Sants, Clot,Besos,Badalona) hasta la parada Canet de Mar (50 min.) a salir de la estación hacia derecha hasta llegar a la rotonda del DIA maxi, detrás del super está el camino a Más Bestia (a pie en total  unos 15 min.) desde Portbou/Figueres/Girona coger tren linea R1 o RG1 dirección L’Hospitalet o Mataró hasta la parada Canet de Mar, seguir como arriva indicado


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Italia, Torino: Acciones contra las deportaciones y en solidaridad con lxs compañerxs golpeadxs por la represión [ES]

En la noche entre el 28 y el 29 de Mayo ha sido dejada fuera de uso la cerradura de la BIESSE SISTEMI SRL, empresa que se ocupa de la manutención interna del C.I.E de Turín. En la entrada ha sido colgada una pancarta con el siguiente escrito: “BIESSE COMPLICE DE LA EXISTENCIA DE LOS C.I.E, CONTRA CUALQUIER JAULA”.

En la noche entre el 30 y el 31 Mayo en Turín ha sido dejada fuera de uso la cerradura de LAVANDERIAS ALBERTI y sobre las persianas se dejó el escrito: “COMPLICES DE LOS CIE”

En la misma tarde ha sido dejado fuera de uso un cajero de CORREOS ITALIA y sobre los cristales se dejó el escrito: “CÓMPLICES DE LAS DEPORTACIONES, NO A LAS FRONTERAS”.

Recordamos que Correos Italia junto con la empresa de aviación MISTRAL AIR deporta a lxs emigrantes secuestradxs en las calles para llevarlos al interior de los C.I.E o en los nuevos HOTSPOT o C.A.R.A.

Nuestra solidaridad y pensamiento esta con todxs lxs reclusxs, y emigrantes que en estos días vienen deportadxs desde Ventimiglia y con lxs doce compañerxs de Turín golpeadxs por la represión, ejemplo de que la lucha no se detendrá.

fuente: Informa Azione

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Greece, Athens: A brief announcement from Cat’s spirit squat in Exarchia [ENG,GR]


Since April 21st 2016, we have occupied an abandoned private house on 119, Zoodochou Pigis Street. It’s Cat’s spirit, where we want to have a base for anarchist people, especially new people arriving in Exarchia. The plan is to create an open space for both anarchists and refugee activists, but also for people in emergency housing need.

Squatting is always a political action. We are fighting against private property in a capitalist system that created it. We are trying to live in a different way: collective, dignified and self-organised.

After having abandoned the building for years, on June 6th 2016 a woman presenting herself as one of its owners threatened to call the police if we didn’t pay a rent in the next days. The reality is that we’ve expropriated one empty and destroyed house, and we are trying to live in it. So, we refuse any kind of negotiation with the owners.

We believe in solidarity with all self-organised places in Exarchia, in order to show to the system that we will continue to resist and fight for autonomy and freedom.

Let’s all be ready to support self-organised spaces everywhere!


Cat’s spirit


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Syria, Rojava : Revolution tore down all the taboos identified with women [ENG]

June 14, 2016

Before the beginning of the civil war, life in Syria was relatively different in comparison to other Arab countries.

People of Manbij would freely spend time outside, visit parks and cafes, enjoy dinners in restaurants till the late night hours during the summer months. Women and men would go to places of entertainment together, and they would even join demos against the Assad regime together.

Yet, the situation in Manbij changed gradually in the wake of the civil war that began in 2011 and the occupation of gang groups affiliated with the Syrian National Coalition from 2011 to 2014. The city degraded into a place dominated by sharia laws. The situation in the city got worse with the occupation of the ISIS gangs in the year of 2014.

After seizing the control of the entire city, ISIS gangs formed a system with local people and former staff of the government. They introduced sharia laws and formed their own sharia courts within the scope of this system.

It was impossible to resist or protest the practices of the ISIS gangs that occupied Manbij. The residents of the city did therefore have to obey the laws of ISIS gangs in order to gain access to security, food and service.

Yet, energy and water supplies in the city were destroyed and life became more difficult for civilians in the face of the intensified aerial bombardments of the US-led international coalition in the recent period.

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International Call for Women’s Solidarity on World Refugee Day [ENG]

International Call for Women’s Solidarity on World Refugee Day, from the Platform for Struggle for Women Held Captive by Force (Middle East)

Call for the Advancing and Increasing of the Visibility of Women’s Solidarity on 20th of June for World Refugee Day, from the Platform for Struggle for Women Held Captive by Force

Dear Women from all around the World !

We regard the sexist occupation practices of Daesh [ISIS], that is to say practices of systematic sexual torture, rape, enslavement, rendering odalisques, that codifies the women’s bodies as a patriarchal war and ownership zone, as a patriarchal imperialist attack against all women from all around the world.

In addition to this, we come across systematic rape and other forms of sexual violence as founding components of the genocide politics of Daesh against Yazidi people. Around 5000 women and girls, many of whom are Yazidis, who are kidnapped by Daesh as spoils of war are repeatedly sold at slave and odalisques markets and are held captive in a large geographical area that includes Iraq, Syria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Turkey.

Some women, that put up an extraordinary struggle and manage to escape, have been joining the self-defense units to defend and free their geographical areas. Women that question the persecution they have faced, participate in political processes, exercising their right to self-defense, are struggling for embracing the women that lost their lives during the attacks and to ensure freedom of women that are held captive; they are, above all from gender roles that the patriarchal world order has cast them as victims, refugee women striving to live in camps, and they are rebuilding life.

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Czech Republik: Communiqué from Martin Ignačák [ENG]

Czech Republik, Pragua: El anarquista encarcelado Martin Ignacak se ha puesto en huelga de hambre [ES,ENG,CZE,SWE,PL]

continuation :


The hunger strike is my free reaction to the circumstances that concern the approach of the police in the Fénix case.

The situation is unbearable for me due to the slander through which R. Šlachta has demagogically been ling to the Higher court. I consider it unlawful that my family is being monitored, their private lives are being interfered with, their opinion and feelings of the Fénix case are being judged. This indirectly shows that any criticism is an impulse for the monitoring of the dissenting persons and the recording of details of their private lives.

I also consider it unlawful that the privacy of my friends and their families is being violated by the police who call their employers and landlords and try to intimidate them through this tactic.

Furthermore the remand prison Praha – Pankrác is knowingly violating moral and human rights as far as nutrition is concerned, as so far they have provided me with food that is completely non-nutritive, I am not provided with vegan food. I am fully provided with food by people on the outside but is very difficult for my family and friends.

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Iraqi Kurdistan,Erbil: KRG Security forces raid and close the offices of the Kurdish Women’s Relation Office [ENG]

June 14th, 2016

Received from the Committee for Diplomatic Relations of Kongra Star:

To the press and public,
This morning at 9 a.m. the premises of the Kurdish Women’s Relation Office (REPAK) in Erbil – Iraqi Kurdistan was raided by General Asayish Security Forces. During the raid the ID’s and mobile phones of the staff including the chairwoman were seized so that they were not able to inform anybody. While the heavily armed Asayish [police] and Intelligence Forces did not state any reason or showed any documents, the premises of REPAK got closed and the staff expelled from the city.

Outside the borders of the city the three activists were released in the middle of the road, got back their mobiles and ID’s and were told that from now on they will not be able to enter the city anymore. This all happened in an arbitrary and lawless way.

REPAK was founded in March 2014 as legal NGO in Erbil. Main aim was to strengthen the ties and cooperation between different Kurdish women organisations. At the same time REPAK is cooperating with a high number of women’s, civil society and human rights organisations in Kurdistan and at international level to introduce the Kurdish women’s situation and struggle. Especially together with the attacks of IS in Southern/Iraqi Kurdistan REPAK became the main address for women’s delegations to visit Kurdistan and observe the situation and the struggle of Kurdish women. REPAK has participated dozens of international conferences and panels to share the situation of Yazidi Kurdish women captured by IS and the big resistance of Kurdish women that struggle for freedom. Moreover REPAK is part of a lot of international women’s organisations and structures as Middle Eastern coordinator, like the World Women’s Conference.

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Greece, Athens: Banner action in solidarity with the 3 comrades arrested in Warsaw, Poland [ENG,PL,GR]


On May 23rd 2016, three comrades were arrested in Poland, accused of attempted arson attack on a police car. They will be held for three months on remand, awaiting trial, and face up to 8 years imprisonment. The comrades denied involvement in the action; one of them was seriously beaten by cops.

The Polish State has spoken of terrorists – as expected from every authoritarian mechanism seeking to maintain its power – and subjected the comrades to public pillorying through the media, wanting to pass a new anti-terror law undisturbedly and “justifiably”, with the aim of increasing repression and surveillance.

In their attempt to impose the “Order and Security” doctrine, cops have raided the occupied Radykalne Ogrody Działkowe (ROD – Radical Allotment Gardens) twice already (on May 23rd and June 2nd), investigating the area, searching comrades’ homes, asking them questions, and doing ID checks.

We want to send the message that the comrades in Poland are not alone; that’s why we hung a solidarity banner at the Athens Polytechnic School (on Stournari Street in Exarchia), which reads: “Strength to the 3 arrested anarchists in Poland, who as of 23/5 are accused of attempted arson of a police car – Brothers, you’re not alone – When solidarity arms itself, it crushes borders, States, prisons”.





Initiative of individuals from Ochetos (‘Gutter’) anarchist art group

source: insurrectionnewsworldwide.com/


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