Francia: Il fantasma di Deleuze in place de la République [ITA]


«La differenza fra le persone comuni ed i professori universitari consiste nel fatto che questi ultimi sono arrivati all’ignoranza dopo lunghi e difficili studi.» (Oscar Wilde – Aforismi).

C’è qualcosa di profondamente corrotto nel regno del pensiero radicale alla francese. Non utilizzo il termine “corrotto” in senso morale, ma nel senso delle merci “andate a male” dal momento della loro produzione. Ovviamente, il fenomeno non attiene all’oggi e lo spettacolo politico-culturale che offre la place de la République ne è solo la manifestazione più recente. Nel supermercato delle ideologie che in quella piazza ha montato i suoi stand, il postmodernismo occupa il posto principale. In particolare il “deleuzismo”, il quale, in maniera del tutto evidente, costituisce uno dei denominatori comuni al cittadinismo mille volte riciclato e aggiornato che regna ai piedi della statua della dea tutelare dello Stato esagonale, e che punteggia i discorsi dei politici alla moda, a cominciare da Lordon. Vista la mitologia favorevole che ha permesso di nobilitare il deleuzismo, di attribuirgli il titolo di pensiero sovversivo, e visto il ruolo che gioca attualmente, vale la pena di tornare brevemente sul percorso di Deleuze e dei suoi accoliti, senza pretendere esaustività ma mostrando quali sono state le sue prese di posizione durante i periodi chiave della storia con cui si sono confrontati. Deleuze fa parte di quei personaggi che, all’indomani del maggio 68, avevano la pretesa di essere dei filosofi impegnati in attività originali e di aprire dei percorsi di riflessione e di azione che andavano oltre i confini tracciati e bloccati dal militantismo tradizionale. Benché le sue prese di posizione non esauriscano la questione dell’analisi critica della sua “cassetta degli attrezzi” concettuale, le prime dipendono dalla seconda e in molti casi ne rivelano il senso. Cosa che i riciclatori di oggi preferiscono occultare.

Il ghetto universitario di Vincennes, prototipo di quello che attualmente si trova a Saint-Denis [Università Parigi VIII], venne istituito dal potere gollista per neutralizzare i tentativi di rivolta che scuotevano il mondo civilizzato delle facoltà e per offrire dei trapuntini a degli ideologhi in qualche modo atipici, quanto meno rispetto ai canoni che regolavano allora le attività dei cenacoli universitari. A Vincennes servivano quindi coloro che sarebbero diventati i messaggeri del postmodernismo: i Foucault, i Deleuze ed i Guattari, solo per nominare i più conosciuti, ed i più riconosciuti nell’ambiente della militanza polimorfica apparsa in seguito al maggio 68. Deleuze, fino ad allora un semplice storico della filosofia, partecipa quindi, dentro la guaina di contestatore in blue jeans che rifiuta i corsi magistrali, all’operazione di recupero.

Può dispiegare senza freni la sua concezione della “filosofia impegnata”, riassunta in “Che cos’è la filosofia”, opuscolo scritto insieme a Guattari: “I concetti, non sono affatto qualcosa di dato. O meglio, i concetti non sono la stessa cosa che il pensiero: si può benissimo pensare senza concetto e anche tutti quelli che non fanno filosofia, io credo che pensino, che pensino pienamente, ma che non pensino per concetti – se accettate l’idea che i concetti siano il termine di attività o delle creazioni originali. Direi piuttosto che i concetti siano dei sistemi di singolarità prelevati dalla cima del flusso di pensieri. Il filosofo, è qualcuno che fabbrica dei concetti. Questo è intellettuale? Credo di no.”

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Liberado Gabriel Pombo da Silva !

Después de 31 años tras las rejas el compañero anarquista Gabriel Pombo da Silva está por fin con nosotrxs en la calle! Aqui sus primeras palabras tras su liberación:

“El anarquismo concierne al individuo, no sólo frente a la colectividad, sino frente a sí mismo. El anarquismo no se dirige al “ciudadano”, sino al hombre” -Albert Libertad-Querid@s compañer@s;

Finalmente, después de muchos luegos y diretes por parte de las instituciones carcelarias y de interior, se vieron obligados a cumplir sus propias leyes, que por otra parte, siempre incumplen, y heme aquí finalmente libre, redactando éstas primeras palabras de gratitud y amor a todos y a todas l@s que durante éstos últimos 30 años me habéis acompañado y reafirmado en mis propias creencias anárquicas, llevando a cabo valores y principios tan básicos del anarquismo como son el apoyo mutuo y la solidaridad y que finalmente han logrado arrancarme de las garras de la bestia carcelaria, la cual continuaré combatiendo desde la calle sin olvidarme, obviamente, del propio combate que se está librando fuera, pues para mi, básicamente no hay apenas diferencia entre un sistema y el otro.
Tengo muy claro que, aún dentro de todo ésto, me siento bastante privilegiado por haber contado con apoyo de l@s compañer@s pues son much@s l@s que no gozan de ésta posibilidad. En los próximos días sacaremos más comunicados entrando ya en materias más específicas de cuanto concierne a nuestro movimiento y las posibles estrategias que debemos desarrollar para sanear de todo institucionalismo y buen-rollismo el anarquismo revolucionario de nuestr@s mayores. Quiero que conste que jamás me olvidaré de nuestr@s compañer@s libertarios encarcelad@s en el estado español y en el mundo, particularmente a Mónica, Francisco, Claudio y la última compañera detenida que próximamente será extraditada al estado alemán, dejando a much@s sin nombrar.
Queda mucho por hacer, me consta, pero desde luego no quedará por ganas, ilusión y empeño. En éstos instantes no voy a referirme a las mezquindades puestas en práctica por la administración carcelaria para tratar de impedir mi salida. Ésto lo documentaremos con papeles oficiales, en los que se denota, claramente, lo burda y chapucera que es la administración de justicia de éste país. Soy libre y, según parece, en 45 días pretenderán querer encarcelarme de nuevo, me soltarán de nuevo sus galgos. Obviamente no entraré voluntariamente ni participaré en ningún modo en algún tipo de salida pactada o negociada con la “chusma”, por lo tanto, supongo que no me queda más remedio que continuar como siempre luchando desde la sombra, apoyando aquellos procesos y proyectos antiautoritarios que considero necesarios impulsar, apoyar, con todos los medios a mi alcance desde la clandestinidad que me imponen.
Mencionar a todas las personas y organizaciones que durante todos éstos años me han ido apoyando sería imposible, porque son demasiadas. Sólo que sepáis que podéis contar conmigo ayer, hoy y siempre por el anarquismo y la revolución social. Desde un lugar hoy, fuera de los muros, saludos inmensos a tod@s mis herman@s en latinoamérica y en el sur europeo, con la confianza de que nos encontremos en éste trayecto y proyecto de emancipación que son nuestras vidas en lucha.
Gabriel Pombo da Silva


Pequeño poema, la versión mejorada la tiene Mónica en su celda 😉
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Estado Español: Carta de la compañera detenida el 13 Abril en relación a un robo de banco en Alemania [CAS-CAT-DEU-ITA]


Hace muy pocos días, cuando ya dábamos por hecha la extradición de la compañera detenida el pasado 13 de Abril acusada de una expropiación a una entidad bancaria en Alemania, nos llegó la noticia de la decisión de la Audiencia Nacional española de prorrogar un mes más su entrega al Estado alemán, respondiendo a una solicitud emitida por nuestra defensa en base al proceso de matrimonio que la compañera estaba llevando a cabo con anterioridad a su detención.

Justo en el momento de conocerse la decisión judicial, la compañera había sido trasladada a la prisión de mujeres de Brieva (ávila), desde donde creemos que querían prepararla para su vuelo a Alemania. Estando allí nos hizo llegar esta carta dirigida al exterior, y que reproducimos seguidamente. Actualmente la compañera se encuentra de nuevo en la prisión madrileña de Soto del Real, en aislamiento y compartiendo patio con otras presas, hasta mínimo el dia 30 de junio, fecha en que termina el período de prórroga que ha de posibilitar la celebración de su boda. Mientras tanto, hacemos un llamamiento a seguir solidarizándonos con ella en la calle, a mostrar nuestro apoyo por todas las luchadoras encarceladas, y nuestro más profundo desprecio por el sistema que las mantiene secuestradas para defender su orden miserable.

Carta de la compañera:

“Compañeras y compañeros, escribo desde la cárcel de Brieva, Ávila, dónde me acaban de trasladar después de un mes y medio en la cárcel de Soto del Real, Madrid, siempre en FIES y en régimen de aislamiento. Quería haber escrito hace días, pero toda la comunicación e información es muy lenta y limitada, y por eso no lo he hecho hasta ahora.

Agradezco muy profundamente todas las muestras y gestos de solidaridad y apoyo. Las he sentido tan fuerte que han traspasado los muros, los barrotes y todo el sistema de control y seguridad. Por más que lo intenten, jamás podrán romper o frenar nuestra voluntad y nuestra decisión de rebelarnos contra este mundo de miseria total en el que nos obligan a vivir.

Son precisamente las condiciones más difíciles las que nos dan más fuerza y determinación para continuar y afilar los muchos frentes de combate que tenemos, tanto aquí dentro como fuera. Las luchas por la liberación de todo tipo de opresión y autoridad son múltiples, como lo son los métodos y las prácticas justas y legítimas. Desde la simple negación de la autoridad hasta el ataque o la expropiación a un banco, ejemplos entre muchos… Lo más importante de las acciones siempre es que puedan explicarse y entenderse por sí mismas; por sus objetivos, finalidad y su valor.

Cuando las diferentes luchas se conectan entre ellas en un contexto más amplio, se complementan y se fortalecen, y sobre todo rompen con la división de lo cotidiano y lo personal con lo político, porque todas las decisiones que hacemos en nuestras vidas personales acaban siendo políticas, así como las decisiones políticas que tomamos afectan directamente a nuestras vidas personales. Aunque es evidente que tenemos que cuidar muy bien cada paso que damos para no caer en las garras del Estado y sus siervos, sabemos que luchar no sale gratis, ya que el Estado y los medios de comunicación cada vez responden con más represión y caza mediática hacia todas aquellas que nos enfrentamos a ellos.

Yo sigo aqui, pero probablemente me extraditarán pronto a Alemania. Me siento fuerte y animada para afrontar esta situación y todo lo que pueda venir. Ante todo orgullosa de nuestras ideas, nuestros valores y nuestras prácticas anarquistas y de la vida que elegimos en su día y que volvemos a elegir cada día de nuevo…

Fuerza y solidaridad a todos y a todas las luchadoras, perseguidas y presas!

La lucha sigue, jamás podrán pararnos.!”


Centre Penitenciari Brieva (Avila, Estat Espanyol)


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[Fanzine] What is security culture – A guide to stay safe [ENG]

This is a reprint of a guide called “What is Security Culture?” published by the
CrimethInc collective. As far as we know, it first appeared in their book Recipes
for Disaster: An Anarchist Cookbook and then appeared in a slightly updated form
in 2009 on their website,
We’re reprinting this because the information contained within cannot be shared
enough within our communities. Over the past several years, we’ve seen various
instances of anarchists getting serious federal charges. Eric McDavid was
entrapped by a federal informant — Anna — with whom he hatched a plot to blow
up a dam and was later sentenced to several years in prison. At the 2008 protests
against the Republican National Convention (RNC), several folks were entrapped
by federal informants — Bradley Crowder, David McKay, and Matthew Depalma.
While one certainly can’t say that more easily accessible information on security
culture would have prevented these situations, it seems that the more widely
available the information is the safer we will all be.
We chose to reprint this guide specifically because it focuses on general principles
— rather than specific tactics — necessary to building secure communities of
resistance. Please read this guide, share it, enact these principles in your life, and
explain them to people who aren’t familiar with them. Most importantly, please,
please take security culture seriously.
Finally, folks would also do well to do some additional research on the subject of
social networking and computer security. As computers dominate more and more
of our lives, it is important that folks think about the risks that their use can pose
for those in conflict with the state.
Love and Rage,
Sprout Anarchist Collective //

What is security culture ? – A guide to stay safe

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Finland: Updates about the prisoners in Pyhäjoki & their treatment by the police [ENG]

stop feno

3.05.16: Reclaim the Cape -action week took place in Pyhäjoki 22.4.-1.5.2016 and dozens of people where detained by the police. 11 activists were arrested. Five of them were released in few days after the detention. After this, still six activists were kept in remand prison. One activist still remain in prison.

We have sent money, clean clothes, toothbrushes and toothpaste, cigarettes, books etc. to the prisoners as much as we’ve been able. However, the prisoners haven’t received all packages from their parents or other senders. They also haven’t been able to send or receive letters or postcards.

During the imprisonment of the activists the police hasn’t offered legal facilities for the prisoners. Police says that there hasn’t been resources for example for cleaning cells and in the first few days of imprisonment the prisoners didn’t have possibility to wash up and they didn’t have toilet paper or proper food. Also the prisoners didn’t get outside as much as the legal rights would allow.

On Friday 6.5. there was detention trial of two of the activists. Lawyer described this to be a total lynching and the trial was kept without the prosecutor, only the police was present there.

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New anarchist translation project: Theory Without Borders [ENG]

theory without borders

Theory Without Borders is a project focused on promoting anarchist texts, theory, and analysis through translating texts into English in order to give their original authors a platform to access a larger audience. The anti-authoritarian left is an important voice that is often ignored or misrepresented within mainstream media, even if it is a major influence behind many contemporary global movements such as Occupy or Rojava.

We want to tear down the walls that stand in the way of global solidarity, allowing anarchists from around the world to be heard outside of the ever-present language barriers. This will both allow for greater dialogue within the global anarchist movement as well as helping give local groups an outsiders perspective on their unique situation. We also want to help spread news of movements that are often overlooked because they lack the language skills to spread awareness of the issues they face and so are unheard of outside of their locality.

Anybody that wants to help translate is welcome to contact us and be a part of the project.


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Espana: Palabras de la compañera Mónica Caballero a 7 años de la muerte de Mauricio Morales [ES,ENG]

En reiteradas ocasiones, cuando estoy a próximos días de la fecha en la que se cumple un nuevo aniversario de la muerte del Mauri, me he preguntado el porqué tengo la necesidad de conmemorar su fallecimiento cada 22 de Mayo.
Aunque hacia él me unían lazos afectivos, el porqué traer a este día su memoria, su vida y su muerte, me es imprescindible porque fue un gran compañero que propagó y llevó a la práctica muchas de las ideas por las que yo también lucho.

Muchos han sido lxs compañerxs valiosxs que hemos perdido en esta larga guerra contra la dominación y quizás su vida (o actos de ella) nos puede ser tan inspiradora como lo es para mi la del Mauri.

La muerte de una anarquista no puede pasar desapercibida, ya que su partida es una perdida irrecuperable en la lucha. Entiendo que a una anarquista se la considera como tal, por sus actos, los que son coherentes con sus ideas, los que día a día se tensionan en el enfrentamiento constante contra las diversas formas de autoridad, donde la creatividad para adquirir nuevos métodos, dinámicas y formas es una constante, y que sus cimientos y objetivos son el desarrollo integral y heterogéneo del individux libremente asociadx.


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Belgium: Belgian Trade Unions Prepare for General Strike against “Labour Reforms” [ENG]

Demonstrators gather for a national protest on May 24, 2016, in Brussels. Belgian trade unions called for mass protests against the centre-right government's proposed work reforms as they plan rallies and strikes over the next few months. / AFP PHOTO / Belga / ERIC LALMAND / Belgium OUT

Demonstrators gather for a national protest on May 24, 2016, in Brussels.
Belgian trade unions called for mass protests against the centre-right government’s proposed work reforms as they plan rallies and strikes over the next few months.

The unrest in Belgium continues after the Michel government proposed a new “labour reform”, which robs workers’ rights by legitimizing longer working hours and higher retirement age. The planned changes in labour law include flexibility in regulations of work hour calculations. These changes give local employers the power to impose up to a 45-hour work week instead of the current 38-hour work week, budget cuts in public services, as well as suppression of recuperation days, which results in lower payment for overtime working hours. Most importantly, the reforms rob workers’ power to negotiate with employers by giving the initiative to the companies to impose changes without a sectoral agreement.

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[Fanzine] : baloon banner manual [ENG]

¨This manual describes in detail how to coordinate a balloon banner, using two weather balloons, and a screen & fabric banner between approx 150sq ft and 350 sq ft. For smaller or larger banners, the same principles apply, but obviously the timeline, action team size, number of balloons, and amount of gear/equipment will need to be adjusted. A note of caution: Balloon banners should not be attempted in high wind or severe weather conditions. You should never walk with a deployed balloon banner, or plan to move the banner over a large distance- it’s too hard to walk with the balloons safely. Finally, for safety reasons, it’s not a good idea to deploy a balloon banner in a high-tension situation- where there are threats of police action or the crowd is unpredictable.¨

click : ballon banner manual

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[Fanzine] : global resistance to fracking [ENG]

Global resistance to fracking, communities rise up to fight climate crisis and democratic deficit.

¨This book aims, first and foremost, to be a source of inspiration for anti-fracking activism, a means to make the strength and determination of our struggle more visible and, in addition, a gesture of solidarity with those places in this world where activists have it hardest. It is also an attempt to bring together the actions and visions of people and movements who don’t know each other, but who all refuse to accept the inertia of the dominant dialectic, which sells us the idea that our society needs to continue to extract hydrocarbons to avoid economic collapse. Society is awakening and growing aware of the fact that it is precisely continuing along this path that will lead to its collapse…¨


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[Fanzine] Radical Mycology [ENG]

radical-mycologyAll life is interconnected. How we choose to spend the few years we’re allotted on Earth—from the interactions we have with each other to the ways we choose to heal or steal from the planet—is a serious decision with measurable consequences. Our actions as individuals determine not
just how our day will unfold but how future generations will be able to live. We are born with the privilege to determine  what quality of air our children will breathe, what temperatures their planet will maintain, what fauna and flora they will gaze at in wonder.
And yet, as self-evident as this fact may be, it sadly seems inacted upon by the vast majority of the world. For if all individuals truely took the time to reflect upon the impact of their actions and chose to actually do something about it, we would live in a world filled with more human
contributors to the community of life, not just conquerors of it. With the incredible power the human species has stolen from the earth, comes the incredible responsibility to facilitate other species’ reclamation
of our planet. Indeed, choices as simple as how one chooses to interact with nature, to feed themself, or to survive and provide for themself, are ones that, from a critical standpoint, should not be taken lightly.

When we choose to affect the world around us directly, we begin to live our lives as if they actually mattered. We begin to realize the potential every person has for making this world a better place to live and thrive in. We begin to grow.

In many ways, one’s conscious relationship with mushrooms can directly foster this desire for change. The complex life cycle of mushrooms provides profound and novel examples (to civilized humans) of networking between different species and environments not exhibited by most other life forms. These actions show a concern for not just the mushroom involved but for the surrounding environment as well. We believe that as one learns more about these habits, and the ways in which they can influence our own human behavior, one quickly begins to perceive the interconnectedness of life surrounding them all the more clearly.

Mushrooms spend the majority of their lives as a vast underground web like structure referred to as mycelium. This mycelial network has been called the earth’s central nervous system—its natural internet some say—due to the way in which information and resources (such as water and minerals) are exchanged and communicated through it in a methodic, rapid, and seemingly sentient manner. Adaptive, creative, and aware, the mycelial network interacts with its host environment as though keeping the health of the greater system in mind.

Radical Mycology

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[Fanzine]: security culture,a handbook for activists [ENG]

This handbook is the third edition of what we has been an evolving and growing document dealing with security issues and canadian activism. We would like to say a big thanks to the Collective Opposing Police Brutality in Montreal for editing some of the text of the original pamphlet and adding so many great examples to the Informants and Infiltrators section. We have replicated many of their changes in this edition.Thanks also goes out to Eric Drooker whose artwork we used throughout this pamphlet.

For more information or to make contributions to this document – please

click : securebooklet

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[Fanzine] : what is security culture ? [ENG]

This is a reprint of a guide called “What is Security Culture?” published by the CrimethInc collective. As far as we know, it first appeared in their book Recipes for Disaster: An Anarchist Cookbook and then appeared in a slightly updated form in 2009 on their website,
We’re reprinting this because the information contained within cannot be shared enough within our communities. Over the past several years, we’ve seen various instances of anarchists getting serious federal charges. Eric McDavid was entrapped by a federal informant — Anna — with whom he hatched a plot to blow up a dam and was later sentenced to several years in prison. At the 2008 protests against the Republican National Convention (RNC), several folks were entrapped by federal informants — Bradley Crowder, David McKay, and Matthew Depalma. While one certainly can’t say that more easily accessible information on security culture would have prevented these situations, it seems that the more widely available the information is the safer we will all be.

click for more: zine-what_is_security_culture

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[Fanzine]: digital security for activists [ENG]

The Riseup Collective presents:

Why security matters?

Every email takes a perilous journey. It might travel across twenty networks and be stored on five computers from the time it is composed to the time it is read. At every step of the way, the contents of the email might be monitored, archived, cataloged, and indexed.
However, it is not the contents of our online communications that our adversaries find most interesting: a spying organization is most concerned with whom we communicate. There are many ways in which this kind of mapping of our associations is far worse than old-fashioned eavesdropping. By cataloging our associations, a spying organization has an intimate picture
of how our social movements are organized— perhaps a more detailed picture than we have of ourselves.

This is bad. Really bad. The US government (like most governments) has a long track record of doing whatever it can to subvert, imprison, kill, or squash social movements that it sees as a threat (forest defense, black power, native rights, anti-war, civil rights, organized labor, anti-slavery and so on), and now they have 2all the tools they need to do this with blinding precision. We believe that private communication, without eavesdropping, and without mapping of our associations, is necessary for a democratic society. We must defend the right to free speech, but it is just as necessary to defend the right to private speech. Unfortunately, private communication is impossible if only a few people practice it: they will stand out and this will expose them to increased scrutiny. Therefore, we believe it is important for all of us to incorporate as many security measures into our online lives as possible.

want more? click:

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[Fanzine] : edible forest gardening [ENG]

a sustainable and productive way to grow healthy food,

click: edibleforestgardening

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Poland: Komentarz kilkorga anarchistów do ostatnich wydarzeń w Warszawie [PL]


mommy told me

Policja bezkarnie zabija odkąd istnieje. Państwowy monopol na przemoc nie jest dla nas niczym ani nowym ani szokującym. W nieskończoność możemy przywoływać statystyki i cytować kolejne nazwiska ofiar oprawców w mundurach, każdy/a z nas ma swoje własne z nimi doświadczenia przy blokadach eksmisji, demonstracjach czy przypadkowych spotkaniach. Biedni nie mają wątpliwości, że policja nie jest po to, aby ich chronić. Choć (ich) media próbują przedstawiać bohaterski wizerunek policji, kupić go mogą tylko te osoby, które z policją jeszcze nie miały do czynienia. Ulica wie, a klasa średnia dowiaduje się o tym jaka jest prawda w momencie, gdy powinie im się noga. Gdy nie starczy na czynsz i zapuka komornik.

23 maja policja aresztowała trzech anarchistów. Są oskarżeni o posiadanie materiałów wybuchowych oraz usiłowanie ich użycia – podpalenie radiowozu. Są to oskarżenia dość poważne – grozi im od 6 miesięcy do 8 lat więzienia. Media masowe na usługach państwa powielają propagandę władz. Rozpoczęła się nagonka, tworzenie masowej histerii, kreuje się obraz zagrożenia kraju terroryzmem. Władze i ich krzykaczki próbują tym samym uzasadniać wprowadzenie w życie ustawy antyterrorystycznej. Państwo umacnia swoją pozycję, skupiając uwagę wszędzie tam, gdzie może coś ugrać w tańcu z opinią publiczną. Odznacza się policjantów udaremniających rzekome zniszczenia. Prasa dorzuca do worka wiadomości o całej serii tajemniczych alarmów bombowych, w wyniku których ewakuuje się ludzi z budynków telewizji czy banków.

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Croatia,Zagreb: ¨Croatia can do better¨ [ENG]

On Wednesday, 1 June, around 40 000 people gathered in the main square in Zagreb and demonstrated against the interventions of the new national conservative government in a proposed educational reform. The protests, called together under the name of ‘Croatia can do better’ (Hrvatska može bolje) were also held in twelve other Croatian cities. An expert group, which had been appointed by the previous liberal government, withdrew from the reform plans, criticizing the influence of the ultra-conservative members of the new government on the reform and claiming that they do not have the support of the Minister of Education. More than 400 teachers and experts were involved in plans for the educational reform. The main objective was to modernize the Croatian educational system.


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Poland starts logging ancient Bialowieza forest despite protests [ENG]

Poland has begun felling sick trees in the ancient, first-growth Białowieża forest in the country’s northeast. Much of this pristine wilderness is a national park and UNESCO heritage site – a rarity in Europe.

The environment ministry has said loggers will chop down more than 180,000 cubic meters (6.4 million cubic feet) of wood. The ministry said that the logging is meant to eliminate dying trees which are affected by the bark beetle, in order to ensure safety for more than 120,000 tourists a year visiting the Polish side alone of the wilderness area which straddles the border to Belarus.

However, activists claim the move is unnecessary at best and destructive at worst. “The major scientific bodies in Poland that deal with forest biology and ecology oppose the logging plans, and are pushing to make the entire forest a protected national park,” Katarzyna Jagiełło from Greenpeace Poland.

About the Forest

The Białowieża Forest extending over 1600 km2 between Poland and Belarus is the last large remaining fragment of the primeval deciduous forest of the northern temperate zone in Europe. Exceptionally bio-diverse, the forest is home to more than 5,500 plant species, and 11,564 animal species, including the largest population of free-ranging European Bison. Continue reading

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Barcelona: Analisis del comentaris a Indymedia BCN [CAT]

per: agre ARROBA

Darrerament hi ha una degradació als comentaris a IMC de Barcelona, no tan en les notícies de la columna de la dreta, que son com son, sinó en els comentaris a cada notícia.

Certament als posts de la columna hi ha paraules gruixudes, insults i sovint dogmatismes i ortodòxies diverses, però això és la conseqüència de ser una eina de publicació lliure, qualsevol pot publicar i això és un espai de llibertat que queda obert a tothom, encara que darrerament es trobin a faltar determinades opinions que s’han cansat de l’acritud o han trobat altres espais per comunicar.
Potser seria desitjable un millor nivell, un apertura més gran, però IMC és una imatge del que hi ha i be, tots hem contribuït a crear-la i tots hem de procurar millorar-lo.
No hi ha, en tot l’estat, espais com IMCB. Ni alasbarricadas, ni la haine, ni kaosenlared (ni en moltes de les extintes indymedias d’altres llocs de la península) permeten la lliure publicació de tots, tenen filtrada la participació i trien, cosa que evidentment tenen tot el dret a fer… ja que aboquen en els seus projectes recursos de temps i econòmics que han de detreure d’altres llocs.
El resultat és molt més coherent que el de IMCB, però no és comunicació lliure en l’estricte sentit de la paraula, a IMCB podràs trobar coses que no trobaràs enlloc, dolentes i bones, enriquidores i empobridores, però és el marc d’expressió de grups i individualitats que, d’altra manera quedarien muts.
Però centrem-nos en els comentaris. Els comentaris haurien de ser el lloc on debatre una noticia o post i acaben convertint-se en un espai per mostrar tota la acritud i tota la supèrbia d’alguns participants (molts) a base d’insults i de totes les desqualificacions de les que és capaç la misèria dels medis anarquistes i “alternatius” de Barcelona, sense argumentar, sense debatre.
Els comentaris acaben transformant-se en un “toma y daca”, cada cop més curts i cada cop més allunyats de la noticia inicial, simples respostes al que ha dit algú una mica més amunt.
Poso alguns exemples de les que per mi son més desagradables:

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Manresa: Folk the System Festival, 11-12junio 2016, @ XUP

811129845_16756folk the system festival!

en el xup, manresa 11-12 junio

– tres cruces (bcn)
– ari nomada (vilanova y otros lados)
– naufragio (de por ahi)
– mörkret (suecia)
– barrios (manresa)
– hombre aburrido (bcn)
– verduleras (bcn)
-dj kilombo

-construcción de instrumentos de materiales reciclados
-charla sobre los ultimos casos represivos del estado espanyol
-taller sobre personas trans en la carcel
– mas para confirmar…..

ademas: camping, pizzas, birras artesanas, distris, licores

para mas info:

email: folkthesystem @ pimienta . org


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