Poland, Warszawa: Policja nie odpuszcza ROD [PL,ENG,DEU]

Dzisiaj, 2. czerwca po raz kolejny spotkaliśmy na terenie ROD umundurowanego policjanta. Twierdził, że jest dzielnicowym. Miał przy sobię listę z nazwiskami osób spisanych poprzednim razem. Jak widać miał na celu dodanie do niej kolejnych. Zadawał te same pytania co wszyscy: ile osób znajduje się na terenie? Co robimy? Czy są wśród nas osoby pochodzące z innych krajów? Na pytanie o przyczynę najścia i podstawę prawną odpowiedział tylko, że będzie przychodził co tydzień, żeby sprawdzić czy wszystko w porządku..

Nie damy się zastraszyć! Solidarność naszą bronią!


Today, at 2. of June a policeman came to ROD area again. He had a list with a names of the people, who was controlled on the first raid. His goal was obiviously to controll a people and add new names to the list. In the end he got only one. He asked the same questions, police asked before: how mane people are u? What are u doing? How many non-polish residents do u have? He also mentioned, that he will come every week to “check, if everything is ok”..

We will not succumb to the pressures of the authorities! Solidarity is our strength!


Heute, am  2. Juni ein Polizist kam aufs ROD Gelaende. er hatte eine Liste  mitn Namen von Menschen dabei, die waehrend erster Razzia kontrolliert wurden. Sein Ziel war offensichtlich die Menschen zu kontrollieren und neue Namen sammeln. Er konnte nur einen Namen kriegen. Er hat gleiche Fragen gestellt, wie die Polizei frueher: wie viele sind wir? was machen wir? wie viele menschen nicht aus Polen haben wir? Er meinte auch jede Woche jetz wieder vorbei zu kommen, um “zu checken, ob alles ok sei”..

Sie schuechtern uns nicht ein! Solidaritaet ist unsere Staerke!

source: https://reclaimthefieldspl.noblogs.org/

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Free the Röszke 11 | Solidarity Campaign [ENG,AR,SRB-HRV,HUN,ITA]

soklidarity campain serbia

There are 11 people on trial , accused by the Hungarian government for participation in “mass-riot”. They were brutally beaten up and arrested in a riot police attack last year on 16th of September, at the serbian-hungarian border Röszke/Horgoš 2 (after the fence was completed and the border was closed down), when about 5000 people were protesting and demanding their right to free movement.


These 11 people are kept in prison since that day without any support. One of the accused Ahmed H. has been constructed as the “leader”  of the protest (just because he was talking to a megaphone) and accused for a “terrorist attack”. He is on  a separate trial. At least 3 of the accused are obviously specially vulnerable, between them a 64 years old woman and a disabled man in wheelchairs, both of them injured in the war in Syria. Through their examples the international media covered the trial, and it was shown how ridiculous it is to pose these people as a “danger“ for the hungarian state.

see the report here:


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Czech Republik, Pragua: El anarquista encarcelado Martin Ignacak se ha puesto en huelga de hambre [ES,ENG,CZE,SWE,PL]


El viernes 27 de mayo de 2016, en Pankrác (barrio de Praga, República checa), el anarquista Martin Ignačak, en cárcel preventiva acusado de terrorismo, se declaró en huelga de hambre. Lo hizo porque el 29 de abril de 2016 el Tribunal de la ciudad de Praga falló a favor de su liberación de la prisión preventiva y el abogado del Estado apeló esta decisión ante el Tribunal Supremo de Praga. El viernes 27 de mayo de 2016 el Tribunal Superior de Praga amplió la prisión preventiva. Por lo tanto, el anarquista ha decidido protestar poniéndose en huelga de hambre y ha dejado de tomar alimentos sólidos y líquidos. Este tipo de huelga de hambre amenaza la vida de un huelguista después de una semana.

Durante la investigación, que ya dura un año, de la preparación de un supuesto ataque terrorista el anarquista preso ha agotado todas las opciones legales para lograr un procedimiento objetivo de los respectivos órganos activos en el proceso penal. Ninguna de ellas se ha tenido en cuenta. Esto es por lo que ahora ha elegido esta forma radical de expresión: para llamar la atención sobre este caso policial manipulado. “Considero que el enfoque de lxs investigadorxs y la policía es muy problemático; es una amenaza para la libertad de cada ser humano, una amenaza a la libertad de expresión, una amenaza para el activismo que trata de conducir a un mundo mejor. Y esto no se limita a lxs anarquistas”.


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Join international days of solidarity with Russian anarchist and antifascist prisoners 1st to 10th July, 2016 [ENG,ES,DEU]

russian prsnrs

When mass civil protests in Russia were defeated in 2011-12 the Putinist police regime started open political repressions against militants of social and political movements, including anarchists and antifascists. Many activists have been sentenced to prison terms in the course of the last 5 years in Russia.

We call on comrades from the whole world to show solidarity with Russian anarchists and antifascists – prisoners of the Putinist police state, and distribute information about the international solidarity decade as widely as possible, maybe organize an event in your own town.

It could be an info-party where letters could be written, a film show, a fund-raising event, a benefit gig, a protest action at the Russian embassy in your own country, a solidarity action – only your fantasy is the limit.

Please see brief description of repressions to which Russian anarchists and antifascists were subjected.

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Agrocrust 2016: Mas Bestia Squat, Canet de Mar, 14-17 Julio [CAS-ENG]

flyer Agro-Crust VII text flyer cast Aupa compañerxs y amigxs!

Por fin está confirmado el espacio para el AGRO-CRUST VII, entre los dias 14 y 17 de Julio 2016, vamos a celebrarlo en  MAS BESTIA en CANET DE MAR (50km de Barcelona).
Hemos creado un flyer (archivo) para anunciar el evento a partir de ahora, el cartel vamos a sacar dentro de 2 semanas.
El prox. Miercoles 15 de Junio se organiza una KAFETA  pro AGRO-CRUST informativa en CSO Kan Kolmo en Girona   (19-23h) Apuntanse compañerxs que podrían echar una   mano.
Hay algún kurro pendiente en Más Bestia antes de realizar  el Agro-Crust. Si estais animadxs enviad un mail y quedamos  un dia para realizar éste kurro.
Recordamos a las bandas/colectivos/individualidades de con-  firmar sus tokatas/actividades/talleres/charlas hasta el  10 de Junio!!! (cierre del cartel)
Agradecemos la difusión del flyer y vuestrxs esfuerzos!
Hasta pronto!
Que viva el d.i.y.!
Salud & Anarquia
Hi comrades and friends!text flyer engl

Finally the space for Agro-Crust VII between July 14th and 17th  2016 is confirmed: MAS BESTIA squat in CANET DE MAR  (50 km from Barcelona).
We create a flyer to spread the event now, the poster will be  ready in 2 weeks (flyer added in archive)
Next Wednesday June 15th will be organized an informative Soli-KAFETA pro AGRO-CRUST at CSO Kan Kolmo in Girona  (19-23h).
People needed to help out for that!
There’s to do some work before AGRO-CRUST at Más Bestia; if you’re willing to help send an mail and we’ll meet to realize it one day.
We recommend all bands/collectives/individuals to confirm their shows/activities/workshops/speachs until June 10th !!! (deadline for the poster)
Thanx for spreading the flyer and all your support!
See ya soon!
Health & Anarchy

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Poland, Kraków: House search of a member of anarchist federation and trade union (ENG,PL)

The 28th May, at around 9.30 am, 4 policemen have searched the house of a member of the anarchist Federation and of the trade union ¨Inicjatywa Pracownicza¨ in Kraków (Poland).

Police says that he was calling people to acts of terrorism truth creating an event of facebook. The event was called ¨Bewere, we have two plastic bottles and carton¨. The title is connected to accused of 3 warsaw anarchist. In this event members were publishing photos of constructions that are impossible to detonate, similar to that one that was supposedly found by police in Warsaw.

Cops didn´t had a permission from procurator to prove their acts, nevertheless they did a search in the house of our college. They were looking for explosive materials, but the only one thing that they have found is a can with acrylic paint inside. They took his computer and mobile-phone.

On Monday (30 of May) at 8.00 am in police station on Mogilska street 109 will have a place the questioning.

The operations of police took place just to justify the need of a new anti terrorism law.

The government´s project about anti terrorism law:

1. Internet blocking on demand of Internal Security Agency.
Limited freedom of communication
Limited freedom of assembly

4. Unlimited access to public databases for the Internal Security Agency.
5. All foreigners under suspicion

source: https://fakrakow.wordpress.com/

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Poland, Warszawa: Open letter in connection with the arrest of three anarchists [ENG-CAS-PL-DEU-ITA-FRA]

On the night of May 23rd, the police in Warsaw arrested three anarchists on charges of an alleged arson attempt of a police vehicle. The three were transferred to a remand prison where they are to be held in custody for three months, awaiting trial. They face up to 8 years in prison. Media frenzy broke out over the arrest in the past few days, with high-ranking politicians and experts on terrorism discussing the matter on TV. Photos and video reruns of the arrested walking with chains around their feet and hands are broadcast on public transportation. The text below is a translation of the statement that was sent out by various groups from the anarchist and wider social justice community in Poland, in response to these arrests.

Open letter in connection with the arrest of three anarchists in Warsaw

manipulacjaThe mass media in Poland are releasing increasingly more absurd, one-sided reports about the arrest of three anarchists on Monday, May 23rd. We interpret this as an attempt to intimidate and criminalize social justice movements in Poland.

As we write, Polish authorities are pushing for the so-called “Counter-Terrorism Act” to enter into force by June 1st of this year. It is no coincidence that as we approach this date, the media and politicians are desperately searching to construct a reality in which this new law will seem absolutely necessary. Yet the step-by-step analyses of the police operation that neutralized the alleged arson attempt of a police car on the night of May 23rd stand in stark contrast to the media’s silence around other recent events, which challenge the image of “police heroes”. Just a few days before, the police in Wroclaw murdered Igor S., an unarmed man. Igor was beaten to death while in custody at the police station. In this case, righteous indignation on the part of politicians, media, police or terrorism experts is hard to find. Journalists prefer to safely turn their critical gaze in another direction when it comes to police brutality. But police killings are only the tip of the iceberg: extortion, beatings and the unlawful protection of the interests of the powerful are daily bread in Poland. Every year, among 16,000 complaints filed against the police only 5 percent is taken into consideration, while the rest is simply ignored. Due to media bias and omissions, the police have little fear of repercussions. It is safe to say that people are officially discouraged from filing complaints since they bring no effect. The truth is that only loud protests and upheavals have the power to prevent police violence from being quietly swept under the carpet. We must bear this in mind, as the media will not miss the opportunity to pave the way towards the greater expansion of police authority and to further reduce public control over the activities of these bodies of repression.

Today, the panic over an alleged, failed attempt to burn down a police car fabricates the consent necessary in order to pass a severe law that will allow for uncontrolled surveillance, a database of potential terrorism suspects, shoot-to-kill policies, martial law, the delimited right to public protest, and the profiling of migrants, Muslims in particular. This is legislation that will allow for unlimited police violence against all people. Today, irresponsible journalists use sensationalism associated with “terror” in an attempt to persuade those not yet convinced: even official political trends in Poland express doubts about the new “anti-terrorist” law.

The anarchist movement in Poland is active within groups of workers and tenants, in the environmental and anti-racism struggles, as well as in the fight against land-grabbing. It works without compromise towards social justice and against the oppression of business and political elites. The lack of public control over the police force has led to a tacit approval of uncontrolled brutality, on the part of police, against people opposed to systemic violence in various fields. More broadly, the atmosphere of a witch-hunt of the entire anarchist movement serves to build consent for the repression and surveillance of communities that challenge the most influential interest groups in this country.

Today, amidst the media reconstructions of the alleged arson attempt, the psychological profiles of the would-be arsonists and the press conferences, it is with great anger that we recall the lack of a similar reaction to the repressions of people fighting for our causes. When the tenant activist Jolanta Brzeska, who lived 50 meters from a police station, was repeatedly harassed and eventually assassinated in March 2011, we could not count on similar outrage from the political elite. There were no TV debates, expert opinions, or step-by-step accounts of how she was kidnapped and burned alive, like a witch. There were no psychological profiles made of the real-estate developer who harassed her; there were never even any murder suspects. Indeed, whenever attacks are made on social justice fighters, public opinion does not pay them any attention.

In contrast, a media storm explodes around an arson, which in fact, did not take place. The arrested anarchists are being referred to as “terrorists”. This serves to enforce social acceptance of using physical and psychological violence against them now, while they are in custody. Their current state of health and physical appearance already testify to the fact that they are being tortured, with impunity.

To our friends and comrades: resist the panic spread by police and the media. The good authority, concerned with our safety, is merely an illusion. Ask: who benefits from this sort of writing of history? Does such a manipulative narration leave any reason to believe in a fair trial?

We will not be intimidated, nor will we cease our struggles for social justice; in spite of what is increasingly becoming a full-fledged police state.

To the media: until you have the courage to condemn many years of police violence, sustained by an excess of privileges and the entire state apparatus, your judgment of the imprisoned anarchists and your campaign against the whole anarchist movement will only ever serve to reveal your well-funded bias. There is no- and there never will be any- authority, business or church behind this movement. Our history is made of a thousand social struggles, about which many of you are too afraid to speak. Our history will survive any repression.

We stand in solidarity with the arrested and we call on all people to do the same.

Enough of a state founded on fear and police violence!

Kolektyw Syrena (The Syrena Collective)
Warszawskie Stowarzyszenie Lokatorów (The Warsaw Tenants’ Association)
Kolektyw Przychodnia (The Przychodnia Collective)
Ruch Sprawiedliwości Społecznej (The Social Justice Group)
Kancelaria Sprawiedliwości Społecznej (The Social Justice Office)
Warszawska Federacja Anarchistyczna (The Warsaw Anarchist Federation)                              Radykalne Ogrody Działkowe (Radical Allotment Gardens)
Jedzenie Zamiast Bomb – sekcja Warszawa (Food Not Bombs- Warsaw)
Antyfaszystowska Warszawa (Antifascists Warsaw)
Codziennik Feministyczny (Feminist Magazine)
161 Crew
Antyfaszystowski Konin (Antifascist Konin)
No Borders Warszawa
Stowarzyszenie Wolne Konopie (Free Cannabis)

more info : http://en.squat.net/2016/05/30/warsaw-attempted-eviction-of-radykalne-ogrody-dzialkowe/

[CAS] [PL] [DEU] [ITA] [FRA]

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Prague (CZ): The Autonomous Social Center Klinika – You can’t evict ideas ! [ENG]

The Autonomous Social Centre Klinika, which occupies the building of a former clinic in Prague, has attracted a large number of supporters and was even awarded a prestigious prize. Yet its future remains uncertain.

What was previously a ruin full of excrement and syringes became a lively space, which began to offer a daily programme – from poetry readings to lectures and concerts and film screenings.

At the end of November 2014, a group of activists managed to occupy the building of a former lung clinic in Žižkov. The former working-class area thus became host to an autonomous social centre linked to the Czech anarchist movement. A number of similar centres had already existed in Prague, and the arrival of the squatters in Žižkov also symbolically built on the activities of Žižkov’s anarchists at the beginning of the twentieth century. At that time, the Black Hand Collective occupied empty flats and handed them over to workers’ families. In the post-1989 era, the most famous Czech squat was probably Ladronka, which existed in Břevnov park in Prague for seven years. The squatters’ eviction on 9 November 1999 basically ended the “golden 1990s” era of the Prague subcultural scene. The Autonomous Social Centre Klinika (meaning “clinic” in Czech) brought a change to the Czech squatting movement. The times of the open-minded cultural centres of the 1990s, whose existence was often justified only by the ethos of rave culture and a fight for the “right to party”, are long gone. As a result, the scene has become much more politicized.

The relationship of the Czech political scene to squatting has been marked mainly by harsh repressive measures and unscrupulous police behaviour in the past decade. The conviction that the inviolability of private property is the main pillar (or practically the synonym) of a free society has certainly also played a role. Even the longest-standing squat Milada near to the university dormitories in Trója could last for more than eleven years only because of an administrative glitch, according to which the building did not actually legally exist. Activists managed to occupy several other buildings, though the occupation of only one of them – the Cibulka “chateau” – survived more than several days thanks to thorough negotiations with the owner. But even Cibulka has now been empty for a year.

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Poznan (Poland): Demonstration in solidarity with Lukasz Bukowski ends with arrests [ENG]

13187649_10154233064016683_447201694_nOn 7 May, a picket in solidarity with poet Łukasz Bukowski was held in Poznań. Bukowski was imprisoned because he tried to stop the eviction of Katarzyna Jencz, an older lady in a wheelchair, from her flat. The activist was accused of assulting a public officer and sentenced to community service. After he refused to carry out this service, claiming he was actually the victim of a brutal police attack, he was sentenced to three months in prison.

13227867_10154233064421683_2109244726_n-1Left-wing activists demonstrated in solidarity with Bukowski in front of the prison building in Poznań. Among them were the non-profit organization Kancelaria Sprawiedliwości Społecznej (Office for Social Justice), and the left-wing party Ruch Sprawiedliwości Społecznej (Movement for Social Justice), activists from the whole of Poland, poets, artists, and anarchists. The demostration was peaceful and accompanied by performances: samba was playing, people were dancing and shouting the slogan “Solidarność naszą bronią” (Solidarity is our weapon), poems were read.

But at the end of this legal demonstration, the protesters were attacked by the police. One of the activists attempted to write “Uwolnić Łukasza Bukowskiego” (“Free Łukasz Bukowski”) on the prison wall, but after completing the first word, a tussle broke out. Piotr Ikonowicz, left-wing politician and member of the Ruch Sprawiedliwości Społecznej party, together with his wife Agata Nosal-Ikonowicz, tried to intervene and stop this scuffle. Immediately two police cars appeared, and a couple of protesters, among them Ikonowicz and his wife, were kept by the police.

13180965_10154231435316683_1539489317_nAfter that, part of the protesters went on to demonstrate in front of the police station and again a scuffle broke out, during which on older woman was hit with policeman’s shield. When this spontaneous demonstration finished, the protesters wanted to return to the buses that had brought them to Poznań, but these had been occupied by anti-terrorist police. In the end, the activists were finally allowed to return to their homes, but some of them came back with police charges. Piotr Ikonowicz and one other man were accused of assaulting a police officer. The man who wrote the slogan on the prison wall is under threat of a five-year sentence.

As Małgorzata Borkowska wrote in her report published on Dziennik Opinii, the police in Poznań are well known for their brutal (mis)use of force, so the incident only presented a continuity of their modus operandi.Photo by Ewa Zielińska.

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Poznan (Poland): Three months in jail for eviction blockade [ENG]


On the 27th of April Lukasz Bukowski, a participant of Anarchist Federation Poznan, Poland, went to prison for three months. He had been charged and sentenced with the breach of bodily integrity of a police officer which had happened during the eviction blockade of a disabled woman and her husband, Katrzyna and Ryszard Jencz, from a tenement house in Poznan, Poland. Lukasz refused to pay the fine, which then was changed to community work and then to a prison term. He appeared at a prison in Poznan where he will spend the next three months.

Lukasz wants to bring attention to displacements and brutal evictions that still take place not only in Poznan but all across Poland. He refused to pay the fine because he believes that his act of defending the tenants was right. He also wants to bring attention to unequal and unfair treatment of tenants and to the repression that all people defending tenants’ rights face.

The eviction of Ryszard and Katarzyna (who is seriously ill and has been in a wheelchair for many years) took place on 25th of October 2011. Despite Katarzyna’s visible serious condition, the court, which issued the eviction notice, did not give them social housing (which is required by the law but courts often refuse to do it due to lack of social housing). So, in fact, the couple was evicted on to the streets.

Large police forces were mobilized and showed up at the tenement building a few hours before the eviction, cutting off the access to the building and the apartment. Around 70 activists tried to block the eviction. Some people living in the neighborhood also joined them but in the end Katarzyna Jencz, because of her worsening health condition had to be transported out of the building in an ambulance. The debt collector then seized the apartment.

During the blockade, three people, including Lukasz, were detained. He claims that the charges he faced were not valid and his conviction was a form of revenge for his social resistance. The police also charged two more people with leading an illegal gathering but they were both acquitted.

Every year Polish courts issue from 30,000 to 40,000 eviction notices. Debt collectors perform about 8,000 evictions, they are often accompanied by the police. Other people with eviction notices simply leave their apartments before the evictions. The main reason of evictions is the debt growing because of high rents, utility bills, low income and precarious forms of employment as well as no welfare support. Very often the evicted tenants do not get the right to social housing. The authorities do not acknowledge the constitutional duty to provide social housing for people with the lowest economic status, people who are ill and unemployed. The case of Katarzyna and Ryszard Jencz is one of the most appalling ones, as it has showed the ruthlessness of evictions and displacements by the city authorities who often represent the interests of landlords and developers.

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Ljubljana: Call for support for Autonomous Factory ROG under eviction [ENG]

rog_ljubljanaThe autonomous factory Rog is under threat of being evicted and destroyed by the municipal authorities which are pursuing their project of renovating the area into a centre for creative industries. Municipality plans to demolish 4 buildings at the end of may or beginning of june and then – depending on their financial capabilities – continue with the removal of all additions to the main factory building. For now, only one atelier is under threat of being demolished, but once the construction yard is established, the authorities can easily remove the skate park, a gallery, concert hall, circus space, social centre and other places. The municipality does not possess the financial means for the overall renovation and is pushing with demolition works only because the building permit issued for demolitions will expire on the 14th of june, 2016. We call for support for the autonomous factory Rog as much as you are able. You can help us in various ways:

– Sharing this call through your channels, networks and personal contacts.
– Writing a statement or letter of support
– Sending your statement or letter to municipal authorities
– Signing the petition
– Organising events in Rog or using our spaces for your usual activities between 26.5 and 14.6.
– Physical presence in the complex when the bulldozers come
– Your proposal

For question, suggestions and infos, you can contact us at: skupscina [dot] tovarne [dot] rog [at] gmail [dot] com
You can track our activities on http://tovarna.org/

Important dates:

18.5. From 12:00 onwards: Working action – construction of all-Rog-toilets and spring cleaning
20.5. From 12:00 – Block party – groove&BBQ
21.5. At 17:00 – Meeting with support network
25.5. At 17:00 – Youth parade for unlimited use of Rog factory
14.6. – Expiration date of the building permit issued for destruction of additions
15.5. – 14.6. – Critical period when construction works will start

Since many of the people/collectives, who support us, know little of our history and because some brothers and sister organisations asked us for a model text that they can use for their support letter, we wrote a basic informational text below:


Rog factory is an industrial complex on the east edge of Ljubljana centre, which produced the famous Rog bicycles and was shut down in 1991. Since then it has laid abandoned, empty, and in deterioration for 15 years. In 2006 the area was occupied by engaged students, artists and activists, as a critical response to the post-socialist transition process (privatisation and de-industrialization), and erosion of public and social spaces (individualisation and atomisation of society). The occupation pulled legitimacy from the need for places for non-formal artistic, cultural and political activity (autonomy, alternative culture, horizontal political organising).
Users secured and cleaned the spaces and established ateliers, workshops, galleries, skate-park, concert hall, recreational facilities and social centre among others. Despite the municipal efforts to block or disable the grassroot activities (refusal to sign the legal contract for temporary use, and not allowing the community to tap into public electricity network), the users used their self-initiative, collaboration and resourcefulness and in 10 years created one of the main locales of urban culture, critical thought and political activism on the level of city, state and beyond.
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Poland: New anti-terrorism law – Every foreigner is a potential threat [ENG]

The draft of the Polish Anti-terrorism Law was published by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration on April 21st, 2016.  The proposed law contains certain measures that are inconsistent with the Polish Constitution and with the European Convention on Human Rights. In fact, discriminatory treatment of foreigners (including other EU nationals) is at the very essence of the proposal. Regardless of the criticism coming from inside and outside of the country, the government wants the new law to enter into force on June 1, 2016.

Polish government claims that the new Anti-terrorism Law is necessary in order to increase coordination of the intelligence agencies and prepare for potential security threats related to the upcoming NATO summit (July 2016) and World Youth Day (June 2016). While the need to enhance management of information flows among the existing agencies and introduce better coordination mechanisms seems evident, the proposed law is going much further than necessary in terms of limiting fundamental rights, especially when it comes to foreigners living in or visiting the country. The government failed to justify how such measures – targeting not terrorism suspects but all foreigners or all users of certain technologies – are supposed to increase public security.

The most controversial propositions include:

1. Limited freedom of assembly

Due to unclear definition of terrorist act or threat that will trigger special security procedures in the country, the government may gain a powerful tool to ban public protests. Civil society organizations are therefore afraid that new provisions may be used to silence angry public. For example, in 2012 some government websites were hacked in the protest against ACTA, which could be seen as illegal act against public security. Had the new Anti-terrorism Law been in force at that time, this form of civic protest could have been treated as an act of terror and as such, could have been used to impose a ban on street protests.

2. Limited freedom of communication

The draft law provides for an obligation to register all pre-paid phone cards (with national ID). This measure will be of little use in fighting serious crime, as it can be easily circumvented by a determined individual (especially coming from abroad). However, it does limit the rights of journalists who want to protect their sources, and citizens, who have legitimate reasons to protect their privacy.

3. Unlimited access to public databases for the Internal Security Agency

According to the draft law, Internal Security Agency will gain unlimited access to all public databases (e.g. social security database, municipal registers or fingerprints stored by the police), with no oversight mechanism.

4. All foreigners under suspicion

The current standard of protection provided for foreigners that are subject to Polish jurisdiction will be drastically lowered: their phone calls might be wire-tapped without a court order and police might verify their fingerprints at any time. In a relatively ethnically homogeneous country like Poland, this creates a huge risk of discrimination on the grounds of skin color, nationality or ethnicity. Although these provisions seem to be directed at foreigners, everyone will be affected as all communication with the person under surveillance will be subject to this lower standard of protection.

5. Internet blocking on demand of Internal Security Agency

Proposed regulation provides for immediate blocking of the access to any Internet content on demand of the Chief of Internal Security Agency. Only after 5 days, a court will be supposed to verify whether the blocking demand was justified. People searching for instructions how to create an explosive material (usually well hidden from the broad public) will find it anyway, but once a filter checking all page requests is implemented, it might – and probably will be – used to block access to other types of content.

In addition to its controversial and unjustified provisions, this piece of legislation is to be adopted without any public consultations and will be pushed through the Parliament in less than a month,which by no means allows for a reasonable public debate.

Panoptykon Foundation is collecting signatures under a petition against those measures proposed in the draft Anti-terrorism Law that are unlikely to increase public security but very likely to undermine fundamental rights and contradict the funding principles of the European Union. The Foundation demands that the government withdraw from these measures and open the draft law to public consultations.

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Barcelona: Desallotjament Banc Expropiat – Un pas cap endavant en l’estratègia de la tensió [CAT-CAS]



D’uns anys ençà la Generalitat porta endavant una política de guerra contra el medi llibertari i  particularment contra els centres socials okupats tendent a manipular l’opinió i justificar totes les mesures repressives, encara que de vegades hagi de pactar amb els jutges i fiscals aquelles conseqüències sagnants que no s’han pogut amagar. No parlem només de l’ull de l’Ester Quintana o de la mort d’en Juan Andrés Benítez. Hem sabut d’intents d’infiltració i suborn de militants, de muntatges de falses conspiracions, de detencions de suposats terroristes autors d’atemptats imaginaris i d’altres maniobres de desinformació. Ahir, dilluns, 23 de maig, hem assistit a un desallotjament provocador d’un centre social per part del Mossos, el Banc Expropiat de Gràcia, al qual han seguit càrregues violentes deixant per terra una dotzena de ferits de porra i projectils viscoelàstics. Això és el que s’anomena estratègia de la tensió, una tàctica emprada per les classes dirigents amb la fi de desorganitzar el moviment social refractari a les institucions allà on millor funciona per tal d’establir un control total sobre els barris i la gent de la capital de Catalunya. La Catalunya oficial de l’oligarquia industrial i financera vol ser l’única Catalunya real.

Signe dels temps de descomposició accelerada de la política dominant, els nous aliats amb qui compta el capitalisme català no venen de les files dels partits de sempre, cremats per afers de corrupció i desacreditats per una actitud constantment afavoridora dels interessos dels poders fàctics. Són antics membres dels moviments socials passats a la política mitjançant partits i candidatures ciutadanistes. Això s’ha fet palès quasi bé des del primer dia que van trepitjar la moqueta de l’ajuntament de Barcelona i del Parlament. L’acord recent amb el PSC dins l’ajuntament il·lustra el pacte efectiu entre Barcelona En Comú i un dels partits més representatius de les forces que realment manen a Catalunya, autor de les ordenances municipals feixistes que encara regeixen la estància als carrers. Els ciutadanistes aviat s’han vist arrossegats a prendre posicions d’ordre que mai ningú no hagués cregut. Així hem pogut comprovar la “comprensió” de l’alcaldessa envers la guàrdia urbana amb “l’enèrgica condemna” de Colau de l’atac d’un manter indocumentat a un agent municipal que l’assetjava, anunciant a més a més la intenció de presentar-se com acusació en la causa contra el “perillós” venedor ambulant. El canvi de noranta graus de Barcelona En Comú s’ha tornat a produir en el tracte amb els centres okupats que no volien negociar llur desallotjament ni admetre la mediació de regidors. Si ahir va ser el centre social de Transformadors, avui és el Banc Expropiat de Gràcia. Sembla que Colau, defensora del bé comú, no necessiti comprar la pau social com ho va fer Trias, ni tampoc tornar a cantar el “Run run”, ja que disposa d’un munt d’actes mediàtics on lluir el seu fals proïsme i bastir una imatge mentidera de persona compromesa.

Els okupes no volen anar-se’n a cap altre lloc; en qualsevol cas, qui tindria que anar-se’n fóra es Antartic Vintage SL, l’empresa propietària dels locals del Banc Expropiat. Bé doncs, el departament d’ordre públic de la Generalitat no ha deixat que l’ocasió de fotre un cop a l’okupació s’escapolís i envià els Mossos a garantir l’ordre dels negocis. Colau, per qui l’assumpte era un “afer privat”, aprofità també l’avinentesa per a qualificar els aldarulls amb que la gent solidària va respondre a l’agressió policial com a quelcom “totalment rebutjable”. Sens dubte les porres dels Mossos i les bales de foam li van semblar més acceptables i també més adients pels “veïns de Gràcia”. Una magnífica gestió de “l’expectativa” dels seus votants.

És comprensible que l’altre pal de paller ciutadanista, la CUP, es trobés incòmode enfront “la brutal repressió” televisada d’allò que ella considera la seva pedrera electoral, i de la manera més oportunista donés suport als manifestants. La CUP no sols ha legitimat un Parlament continuista, emanació del pacte amb el franquisme, sinó que l’ha proclamat veu del poble català. Veu que cal dir parla majoritàriament el llenguatge de Convergència, el principal partit de l’oligarquia al principat. La col·laboració de la CUP amb la comèdia de l’independentisme convergent va fer possible el Govern de la dreta catalana, el que acaba d’enviar els Mossos a Gràcia. I ara la CUP es queixa d’una violència que ha estat possible gràcies als vots dels seus diputats. En treballar la CUP per Convergència, en realitat treballa per interessos representats en altres llocs pel PP. Quan la política és pura hipocresia, l’espectacle és pura fantasmada. L’autoritarisme cada cop més dur és el que amaga. Després del buidat dels moviments abusivament dits socials per part del ciutadanisme i del retorn a la política d’ordre públic de la Dictadura, els okupes són els únics que desentonen.

Els okupes són ja el malson dels buròcrates que es creuen en dret a decidir la vida dels altres i no volen res fora de control; el seu exemple resistent pot tornar la gent que vota en gent que lluita, en Barcelona i arreu. Que ho sàpiguen tots els dirigents: Els desallotjaments son disturbis.


Argelaga, 24 de maig de 2016

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A Coruña: Nais Contra a Impunidade en el banquillo 6 de junio 2016

Cartel a color El caso de Diego Viña se explica a continuación junto al motivo de la gira de denuncia que enmarca esta charla del colectivo Nais Contra a Impunidade: el procesamiento de 15 personas por buscar la verdad sobre la muerte de Diego en un cuartel de la Guardia Civil.

Lxs 15 de Arteixo

El 22 de Septiembre del 2004, a las 2:45 horas, el ex Guardia Civil Carlos Viña, denuncia a su hijo Diego Viña por un presunto delito de malos tratos en el ámbito familiar y este último es detenido y conducido al cuartel de la Guardia Civil de Arteixo. A las 16:56 horas Diego Viña fallece en dicho cuartel a la edad de 22 años.Tras el fallecimiento, la madre del chaval alega que la denuncia del padre, Carlos Viña, fue formulada de forma irregular, y denuncia al comandante del puesto de la Guardia civil de Arteixo (G00402P) y los agentes W97788Z, 34896949, Q47830E y T68012Z como autores de un delito de homicidio intencionado en comisión por omisión y de detención ilegal. Durante el procedimiento los Guardias Civiles implicados declararon que estaban al tanto de qué hacía el arrestado a través de un
audio de las video-cámaras y que fue en silencio, después de varias horas de berridos y golpes, lo que les llevo a sospechar de que algo podía estar sucediendo. Según su versión, al bajar al calabozo se lo encontraron colgado del barrote superior de la puerta de su celda con un trozo de su propio pantalón.

Cartel en blanco y negroEl principal indicio del suicidio, el pantalón con el que se ahorcó, desapareció “misteriosamente” por ser “arrojado a la basura”, tal y como reconoció en su declaración el comandante de dicho cuartel. A pesar de esto, la denuncia de la madre fue desestimada el 5 de enero del año 2008 por el juzgado de instrucción de A Coruña, quien tampoco admitió el posterior recurso de amparo.

El 12 de octubre del año 2010 volvemos a concentrarnos en el mismo lugar, en la salida de la delegación de la Guardia Civil y de la subdelegación del gobierno en Coruña inicia dos procedimientos sancionadores.

El primero es un procedimiento administrativo contra dos personas, supuestamente organizadoras del acto. El segundo es un procedimiento legal por injurias a la Guardia Civil contra estas dos personas y otras 13 más acusadas de gritar: “La Guardia Civil tortura y asesina”. Entre los imputados se encuentran familiares y amigos de Diego Viña, varios miembros de CNT, miembros de la asociación “Nais Contra a Impunidade”, un profesor de la facultad de Filosofía de Santiago de Compostela y un miembro del colectivo de defensa de los derechos fundamentales ESCULCA. La fiscalía solicita “multa de quince meses, con una cuota diaria de 8 euros y un día de privación de libertad por cada dos cuotas impagadas además de abono de las costas”, un total de unos 3.600 euros por persona.

Octavilla cara A

Octavilla cara B


Compañeras y compañeros, el mundo al revés, el juzgado lleva al banquillo a las madres contra la impunidad. Las quieren condenar por pedir justicia y esclarecimiento por la muerte de un chico de veintidós años en el cuartel de la guardia civil de Arteixo.

El juicio tendrá lugar el 6 de junio en los juzgados de A Coruña a las 10 de la mañana.

Contamos con el apoyo de todos y todas vosotras. No se puede castigar a las madres porque estamos en todo nuestro derecho de pedir justicia.

A lo largo de estos años venimos denunciando las torturas y muertes de muchas presas y presos, esto no les interesa y por eso hacen esta persecución a las madres, para meternos miedo y que no volvamos a hacerlo. Así que hoy, aquí, pido vuestra solidaridad y apoyo para ese día. Gracias. Nos quieren sacar de circulación, pero antes daremos caña.

Madres contra la impunidad




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Germany: LAUtonomia Forest Occupation Being Evicted (ENG,ES,DEU,FR)


(ES,DEU,FR below)

18th May, at 8am cops entered the forest and began an eviction of Lautonomia, a forest occupation and treesit on theedgeof forest being destroyed by the encroaching Prosim Wezlow open cast lignite mine and the site of the massive blockades of equipment, mine, railroad, and electrical power plant just the previous week by Ende Galende German Climate Camp.  The eviction follows weeks of harassment by the police such as confiscation of climbing harnesses and the arrests of those refusing to identify themselves as well as a local disinformation campaign accusing Lautonomia activists of violence as the number of local neonatzi attacks on the activists has increased.  The  proceeding repression and the eviction has been an attempt to detract from the success of recent action as well as to continue the practice of not just of ecological desctruction and paving the road to ensuing climate chaos but of local authorities functioning as a destructive and repressive arm of the corporate lignite extraction aparatus. With the repression and the ensuing charges as usual being consumed by their own Kafkaesque logic.

Regardless Lautopia has been and continues to be a  project which doesn’t only fight against brown coal mining and burning,  but against all other forms of domination – besides the open cast mines and the power plants, these being a military training area of the german army.

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Poland, Warsaw: Report from the gardeners of ROD about the events on 23rd May 2016 (ENG,PL)


(polska wersja niżej)

Police arrived between 4:00 and 4:20 AM. They entered the ROD area about 4:30 AM. They cut the chain locking the gate using bolt-cutters (they later claimed that they had no such tool with them). Six plain clothes officers entered people’s houses. Our friend was awoken by a group of policemen throwing questions at him about his identity. They later went on to search the whole area. They showed no search warrant in spite of being asked to show one and gave contradictory reasons for the intrusion. At one time they claimed to have received a call about a kidnapped woman who was being held here against her will. Police did not see anything inappropriate about the early hour of their intrusion. They asked about how we live here. They claimed they were carrying out a reconnaissance, and they spent about an hour in the ROD area. Finally, they left ROD.

Later, at about 8 am two police officers in uniform turned up at gate B and demanded the gate be opened. They said our presence here was illegal, but they gave no reason for showing up. They retreated after being asked for a court warrant.

At around 9:20 AM about 15 police officers arrived at ROD. This time they had been let in through gate C by one of the gardeners. They took ID’s from all persons present and once more asked questions about how many of us lived here, what the rhythm of life is, etc. This time they said the reason they had come was to count the number of homeless people.

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Barcelona: Contra el desalojo del Banc Expropiat [desde el libro “Cuando se señala la luna”][CAS]

¿Qué tiene que ver el Banc Expropiat con el «insurrecionalismo»? A ojos de muchos anarquistas, por desgracia, nada. Bajo la mirada policial, por suerte, tampoco. «Insurreccionalismo» es la nueva palabra fetiche. Para la tríada prensa-policía-judicatura es el chivo expiatorio detrás de todos los males y desmadres. En nuestros ambientes dependiendo de quién lo utilice, por «insurrecionalista» se referirá a lo más radical, no-reformista y combativo o, en su contra, lo meramente infantil, descerebrado o estético.
No es nuestra intención con este texto valorar quién tiene más o menos razón o si, tal vez, están todas estas posturas equivocadas por igual. De hecho creemos que la discusión real está en otro lado y con este pequeño texto queremos contribuir a ella.
En estas líneas solo queremos explicar la relación del Banc Expropiat con el método insurreccional. Sí, hablamos de método porque a lo que nos referimos es a una manera de hacer y, en concreto, a la utilizada durante la campaña contra el desalojo del centro social. No vamos a entrar a explicar qué es el Banc Expropiat o qué sucede tras sus puertas1, esta información puede encontrarse en otros lugares y especialmente yendo allí, viendo su realidad.
La columna vertebral de la campaña contra el desalojo del Banc Expropiat ha sido lo que se conoce como «ataque difuso», siendo éste una de las herramientas del método insurrecional. Para nosotros es importante reseñar esta información precisamente para mostrar cuán necesaria ha sido para la defensa del centro social el haber utilizado el arsenal insurrecional.
Queremos dejar claro que este escrito está realizado por un par de personas de este espacio y que, por tanto, no tiene por qué reflejar la opinión del colectivo. Es más, que hablemos de la relación del Banc Expropiat con el método insurrecional se debe más a una valoración posterior que a un diseño consciente de la campaña en estos términos.

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Barcelona: La CNT-AIT investigada per grup criminal [CAT-CAS]

cartel caça de bruixes.jpgLa passada setmana rebíem la informació de la reobertura d’un procés penal contra militants anarcosindicalistas arran d’un conflicte sindical dut a terme pel nostre sindicat contra el restaurant Zaatar Vegetarià. Aquest procés, iniciat en el seu moment per l’empresari, ha derivat en una investigació per part dels Mossos d’Esquadra, emparats en la Fiscalia de Delictes d’Odi i Discriminació. La justificació de tal investigació està en la “possible existència d’un grup criminal” suposadament relacionat tant amb el cas de Zaatar com amb altres conflictes sindicals.

Aquest fet amaga unes perverses intencions. Es pretén investigar les pràctiques anarcosindicalistas i equiparar-les a “grup criminal”. Davant d’això no ens podem quedar callats. Per tant, convoquem una concentració el proper divendres 20 de maig, a les 9:00h a la Ciutat de la Justícia, coincidint amb les declaracions d’alguns dels imputats.
A continuació us deixem el comunicat emès pel sindicat en relació amb aquests fets

Barcelona, 17 de maig de 2016

Amb aquest comunicat, el SOV de la CNT de Barcelona volem donar a conèixer l’assetjament i persecució ideològica que el nostre sindicat està rebent per part de la Brigada d’Informació dels Mossos d’Esquadra, de la mà del Fiscal de Delictes d’Odi i Discriminació el Sr. Miguel Ángel Aguilar. Després de diverses operacions repressives a militants anarquistes durant aquests anys no ens sorprèn en absolut aquesta vella deriva totalitària intrínseca a qualsevol poder que busca perpetuar-se a qualsevol preu, incomplint de forma categòrica les seves pròpies normes positives i fent servir el Dret Penal com a eina de control de la dissidència interna.

La Brigada d’Informació dels Mossos d’Esquadra ha agafat les denúncies d’un empresari pertorbat per muntar una investigació contra militants del nostre sindicat que transcendeix el simple conflicte puntual, atacant les mateixes bases de l’anarcosindicalisme, qualificant, novament, de conductes delictives aquelles que se surten del control protocolari de l’Estat. I és que alguns s’estan obstinant en acabar amb tota alternativa de lluita política i sindical basada en l’autoorganització i en la defensa directa dels propis interessos sense mediació. Per una banda premiem a aquells sindicats que s’han convertit en en meres gestories jurídiques mentre que per l’altra ataquen tota acció sindical que es surti d’aquesta manera d’entendre les relacions laborals.

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Estado Español: Llamamiento a una campaña anti-electoral

La fiesta de la democracia está aqui una vez más, nos sobreviene un nuevo circo electoral esta vez con la particularidad de ser una repetición de las anteriores elecciones “fallidas” ya que no se llegó a ningun acuerdo para formar gobierno.

Una vez más, los medios de masas nos bombardearán con basura 24/7 sobre los valores de la santa democracia, nos insistirán para que hagamos nuestra contribución al espectáculo y hablarán sobre la importancia que tiene nuestro voto. De nuevo es la hora de largos e insulsos debates televisivos , de los resumenes, de las estadísticas y de los shows mediáticos.

Una vez más, lideres, dirigentes, charlatanes y monigotes políticos varios se llenarán la boca en discursos preparados sobre los valores de la democracia, nos hablarán de libertad, de la recuperación de la economia, nos prometerán trabajo, techo, comodidades y consumo a cambio de nuestra contribución al circo y llevarlos a la cúspide del poder.

Sin embargo, la realidad es que el “desgobierno” que ha dado como resultado las últimas elecciones y la falta de espectativas ante el futuro próximo plantean un escenario donde una proyectualidad anarquista multiforme y combativa puede desarrollarse ampliamente.

Es por eso que vemos una oportunidad perfecta de llevar un paso más nuestro rechazo hacia el regimen de la inquisición democrática, de sabotear sus engranajes, de romper su normalidad y hacerlo tambalear.

Es por todo esto, que hacemos un llamamiento a una campaña anti-electoral, llamamos a sabotear el proceso electoral y a quebrar la democracia y sus valores.

Hacemos un llamado una campaña de acción multiforme donde todas las formas de lucha tienen cabida con un mismo fin, el de perturbar e interrumpir el funcionamiento de todo el proceso electoral y de la propia normalidad democrática en si misma. Desde pintadas y ataques con pintura, pancartas, manifestaciones, ataques con explosivos, pegada de carteles, ataques a sedes de partidos políticos y lxs politicxs en persona, limpieza de propaganda electoral, interrupción en actividades y mítines de partidos políticos, ataques incendiarios, publicacion de textos, periodicos o fanzines,… y lo que a la imaginación de cada cual se le ocurra.

Cada forma de lucha es legitima y necesaria, no tiene importancia si las acciones son reivindicadas o quedan anónimas ¡lo importante es pasar a la acción!

Hagámosles entender que no olvidamos a nuestrxs compañerxs encerradxs en las jaulas de su democracia asesina, como tampoco olvidamos a los tantos compañerxs torturadxs, golpeadxs y asesinadxs por su democrática policia en su magnifico estado de derecho.

Vamos a hacerles entender que lxs Anarquistas jamás nos reconciliaremos con quien nos roba la libertad.

¡sin pactos ni treguas!
¡contra la democracia y contra toda forma de dominación!




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Canet de Mar: Concert Divendres 20-05-2016 @ Mas Bestia Squat

Divendres 20-05-2016 @ Mas Bestia Squat

Rotonda del dia (nII) cap amunt per el camí de sorra (darrera el maxi dia)


Concert amb:

  • 4 rooms family
  • La voz rota
  • Albert huracán
  • Vgb
  • Xafla guasón
  • Periferia warriors
  • Latin terror
  • Luis oklavono & marilyn show
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